Category Archives: Awareness early

Feeling hurt needs separate self

due to another’s cruel attack
of rage, vitriol, sarcasm, mockery
who or what is it that feels the pain?

It’s the separated self!
But, is that you? The real you?
You’re still feeling hurt and angry,
but who is the ‘you’ that is feeling so?

The separate self is non-existent!!!
You do need to see this clearly though
because that was the only base
for your suffering.

With nothing for anger to attach itself to –
because the false belief of a self separate from God is no longer accepted
– this must be your firm recognition.

Self (God) – awareness

Knows itself by being itself:
Self-illuminating, Self-knowing,
This is our knowing of our experiences.
By, in, through, and as Self.
Awareness is irreducible,
Self-aware (God) isn’t known by
Another mind.
Being itself, it knows itself.
We, too, simply need to BE
In our awareness.
Much like attention and direction
Which Emanate FROM ourself
As light comes From the sun.
To KNOW our Self
We have to BE our Self.
Regard the “I” that I am
As being aware that I am.
And empty of anything other than itself.
So in order to know anything
About anything
You need to know the nature
Of the knower.
Therefore an investigation into
Our own true nature
Is hardly an egotistical one
But the highest and most divinely
Orchestrated Godlike one.
Everything we know is a reflection
Of the nature of that which knows it.
If we think we’re a temporal body-mind
Everything we know is
An extrapolation of that belief.
The ultimate Science then
Is the Science of Consciousness.

Even depression is illuminated by the Light of awareness

Rupert Spira
We have only the experience
Of being aware.
Thinking, feeling, sensing, perceiving = Being aware.
There’s no substance to my being aware But my experience of it.
“I am not identical to and
Limited by this experience.”
Physical pain is an intense version
Of the same stuff = the knowing of it.
Just because something is unpleasant Doesn’t mean it’s not made out of Consciousness.
Pain – or other demands – may seem
So intense that the knowing of it
May seem obscured.
A depression may be so deep that
We forget the fact that
The only substance to it is knowing.
A deep deep depression is rendered knowable by the Light of pure Consciousness.
“I am aware of being depressed.”
The “I” that is aware is what illuminates
Renders knowable
The experience of depression.
It is lifted up by something that is
Brilliant and luminous.
And transparent and empty
And innately peaceful.
Even our deepest depressions confirm
The presence of the brilliant
Light of pure consciousness.
Nothing can obscure that
Unless we consent to its obscuration.
If we believe a landscape on a screen
Has obscured it, it will be so
Only because we believe it.
BUT the landscape is just an image,
A modulation on the screen.
If we believe that our depression
Obscures consciousness
That’s how it will feel.
If we realize that our depression
Is lifted up or known
By the light of awareness
And our attention is drawn towards
The light of awareness
Rather than drawn towards
The darkness of depression,
Then that Light of awareness
Will be our experience.
The depression will gradually
Dissolve in that light.

Man’s limited construct of God
Has Him as reflection of man
When in fact it’s quite the opposite.
From ‘separate self’ view there’s
Mind, matter and God.
A gradual approach out of this
To the heart of Healing is
Pray to our God “out there”
Only because it’ll expand us somewhat
Out of our ‘separate selves’ mode –
At least the ego gets attenuated!
That view of “God” however depends on
Maintaining ‘separate selves’ paradigm
In lieu of I AM- Oneness- Allness
Spirit, Omnipotence, Omnipresence,
Omniscience, Substance, Life and Love.

The human mind sees God
As an object – The Largest Object
Imaginable – and puts a ceiling on Him.
Damning us to live our days in pride
And fear, while all the time God –
Who’s not above – is as
Quantum Physics Verifies – within us, as Love.
IMAGINE this human mind turning
In the opposite direction INSTEAD:
God, not a thing or being “Out There”
But way, way inside, so deep in fact that
The very Presence of God can be
Brought to our conscious awareness.
That which we find in there – in us –
Is ‘I Am’ = Awareness = I.
Free of limitations: I AM THAT I AM.
I Am the knowing with which I know.
Thought arises “out of” (not initiating) it.
Without ‘thought’, what is left?
Pure BE-ing. Rest in it. Rest AS it.

My consciousness is now
As it has always been –
Untouched by human experience.
I am intimately one with,
But never impacted by it.
My consciousness is now
As it has always been –
Seemingly taking shape
In the form of thought and perception.
Name and form.
Mind and matter.
Thought and perception.
Pure Consciousness is the only knowing.
There is no other substance
Beyond pure Consciousness.
I am the totality, but
My experience of being aware
Seems veiled by human perception.
Consciousness is existence, and yet
The only evidence Descartes could find
Is my knowing, my seeing,
My (immortal) mind.

Sometimes a hurt can be
So deep-seated and
Well nurtured over time.
We see its damage in our
Inability to forgive in general.
See what’s been blossoming
In you as a direct result.
Hint: we’ve switched just now
To the realm of Spirit
The realm of God
The realm of JESUS
Where nothing evil can enter.
No! No! No! Not pretty words
But living, palpitating reality
Which, in turn, translates to Healing.