Category Archives: Awareness early



One was deemed real, but dies
as it approaches the Light.
The other never was real
so it leaves nothing to die
as it becomes overwhelmed.

The latter was imaginary
born of the ego or finite mind.
The latter is you and me
and our glorious love-laden
Christly imagination.

There is no death to a non-entity.
The ego gets seen through.
The person’s spiritual eyes open.
Seeing no one ever separated
From the Consciousness of God.

Courage to forget

Isn’t it spiritually logical that
we should have the promises of God
and the abilities of Jesus?
What is there to stop us? Nothing.
OUR IDENTITY is God’s very BE-ing.

It really, really, REALLY
behooves us then
to let the whole world slip away
as we bask in the glow of
perfection everywhere.

See your true identity
without beginning, without end
loving everything and everyone
out of our own effervescing bounty

Wrong foundation => lack of awareness

Our entire Western culture –
brilliant as it may be (sarcasm intended)
is founded upon the mistaken
assumption that our conscious
awareness starts and ends within
the confines of our bodies.

Everything we think and do
is but an extention of this
unfortunate false belief.
Praise God said the poet
Whose oneness knows no before
Nor after – unless ’tis He.

Give value to … above all else …
Worthy of our praise: Consciousness.
How long can we sit, looking down upon
The truest of wisdom of the ages?
Who is the ” I ” behind the observer,
the holy thinker, the infinite “Us”?

Point of view, they query,
Is One only – undefiled and true –
Knower and Known, Awareness
Not trapped inside the carnal.
But free within the parameters
Of the Eternal Now.

Keep affirming and affirming

I’m just a person – like you.
Listening to Spirit’s leading
Wanting all He’s given us
And willing to do my part.

I’ve prolly had ’bout erry kinda
Problem man is heir to
Then I began listening to my own
True self, free of fear ‘n doubt

Free of dualism too
No more Two Worlds for me.
Just gotta keep on affirming
The beautiful realm of God.

It’s all about identity

If you are trying very hard to believe, you’ve missed the whole point. You don’t have to try to believe that two times two is four (2 X 2 = 4) because you know it is. Any effort that you may make to force yourself to believe something that you just don’t see at all is worse than futile.

Now you’re ready for the exciting news! The fact is that the real you is invisible and is the Christ living through you, as you instead of the troubled and lonely person you thought you were! You can choose to identify with the real you once and for all. You don’t have to try to con yourself into believing something far-fetched: God and his kingdom are the real deal!

All problems from Separate Self <=> Invisible Self

Every problem you have ever had
is simply your unawareness
of your invisible self.
You are laboring under the illusion
of a self separated from God.

You keep wandering off, don’t you?
Wanting to solve all these problems
All these god-forsaken problems
The very best way you can
But you don’t know how to!

Even when you hear that you’re
only ever snipping off the tips
and never ferreting out the roots
you still really don’t know
quite what to do!

All of the “problems” and “mistakes”
can be instantly boiled down to one:
a false belief in a separate self –
lack of awakening to the fact
of your invisible being!

One way or the other
there’s a glorious bright side.
The extraordinary good news is
you still have a wonderful journey
of finding your identity in the Invisible.

Past experiences playing are okay

Does your mind obsessively wander
to your past experiences?
Well, guess what?
I’ve got some really good news for you:
it’s alright!! Here’s why:
Assuming you’re not delving into
the false belief of a separated self,
it’s nothing more than “experiences”
of the past – could be anybody’s –
just playing out for entertainment
with no more attachment than that!

But we must with all diligence
refrain from giving our or anyone else’s
movie-like memories power in the present.
We want peace, joy and celebration.
as does everyone else!
So we read our holy books and realize
our minds have not yet caught up
to the level of awareness that we know
we already have!
Ken Etter:
“So we read our holy books and realize
our minds have not yet caught up
to the level of awareness that we know
we already have!”

This is where the true “discovery” really exists on this journey, to find that what we have been seeking has always existed within. Unfortunately as we take this journey and often seek direction from “holy books” aka world view writings, I have found that we more often exchange one layer for another, when in fact all that we are seeking already exists within, laying in wait for us to remove all the layers, most often in our thoughts, and most often from the thoughts from the past, that so often almost dominate our heads. It is when we learn to quiet the thoughts, or maybe better said learn to stop responding to the continual flow of thoughts, of thinking within us that we then discover this amazing presence, awareness within, that has always been there and always will. American spiritual writer Adyashanti states this as merely being, to get to the level where all of the layers, especially that of continual thought, have been dispersed, removed and simply rest in that being, that awareness. In the Christian text this is phrased more simply in Psalm 46:10 – “Be still and know I am God”, understanding that the terms God, consciousness, awareness, being are all interchangeable.

Robin Starbuck:
That’s most illuminating, Ken, and exactly what I was alluding to [I’m going to copy it onto my website …]. One small point I’d like to add is that when we summarily dismiss the notion of ourselves as a Separate Self (separated from God), we no longer have to strive to quiet or stop our thoughts: they become like film flicks on a screen going hither and yon without our engagement whatsoever!

Separate self put to rest

when Separate Self has been put to rest.
What unspeakable freedom to explore
the highways and byways of God’s inexplicable Kingdom!

But that gosh-darned ego-maniacal self,
generated by the genius of mortal man
will not … no, cannot … loose its hold
coz it was never more than pure illusion.

We will never, ever see that
Glorious Day of awakening if we
first consult with our Rule Master, our
pre-programmed robotic Separate Self.

Get yourself indignant!
Stand for it no more! Say – and mean it –
“I Am (the image and likeness of) God
with the never separated mind of Christ!”

A presence of actual feelings

I feel angry, I feel jealous, I feel lonely,
I feel hurt, I feel afraid, I feel abandoned, …
Who is this “I” that feels all these things?

Human Psychology saith:
“It’s all you. Feel your emotions, dear.
Let them flo-o-ow through you.”

They fail to conclude however
that they’re telling you to let negativity
do its maximum damage on your psyche.

Would that these well-meaning gurus
had a little more Godlike wisdom.
Your separated self is pure unadulterated delusion.

The “I” that pops up
and obliges these multifarious attacks seemingly from one’s own soul . . .

… shows you one thing only: a presence.
Your separated self is delusional:
Your Christ-self is there instead.