The Premise is Awakening
When you reach a major breakthrough and you say things like “So THIS is what that was all about! – It really IS true!” …. (you’d better prepare for this one:) It was actually WORTH IT after all!”, you’ll hear yourself saying that there is no price at all that you wouldn’t have paid to be where you are!
You’ll have no desire to correct anybody, but to just love them. You’ll see spiritual perfection everywhere and in the not-too-distant future you’ll just know that everything already is exactly as God is.
Category Archives: Awareness early
A healing epiphany: IT never was
Had an epiphany this morning
Saw clearer perhaps than
Have ever seen before.
Don’t really want to come
down from it …
Actually the truth is I want to be
where I can help the most.
You must:
Desire to see spiritually
Want it more than all else
And the floodgates will open!
No intermediary steps
Not a moment to spare
Just God-as-you perfection
Loving everywhere!
What about …? What about …?
What about …? What about …?
What about …? What about …?
What about …? What about …?
Yes, I copy-and-pasted!
That’s what the mortal dream
Is all about!
It never happened. It never was.
Can you honestly think of something
– anything – that is greater than All?
Greater than ONE? Greater than Unity?
Greater than Love? Greater than God?
On losing unlimited awareness
If we feel that we’re an aware being which is also limited by a body we cease to know ourselves as we truly are: unlimited awareness.
Spiritual universe of God, awareness
Paul concedes “I do not claim to have attained [all Truth]” We also can accept many things on faith, i.e., there’s neither a physical body nor a physical universe. Esoteric? Other-worldly? Incomprehensible? Not if you use a top-down approach and start with the answer. God is infinite and so is His entire creation, including you!
In spite of all that seems to be, we live in the spiritual universe of God with Christ as our consciousness.
The knowing with which we know
The knowing with which a baby knows its world is not limited by its world. Nor is your knowing of your present experience limited to your body. In short the only awareness that there is belongs to God.
Dream world => consciousness
The presence of the illusory world of a dream ushers us directly to consciousness where we find only the reality of consciousness.
Illusion => awareness => source => God
Even an illusion
Is a reality IF
And only IF
You look at awareness
And then trace it
To its source.
Do not ignore
The reality of
The illusory world.
Where there’s awareness
There’s Source.
There’s God.
Source => deathless
Mankind wrongly assumes that they were born and will die, but assuming doesn’t make it so. They extrapolate that awareness as well begins and ends with the accident of birth and death. Extrapolating doesn’t make it more so!
Can you experience unawareness? Then you can’t prove life began in the womb and dies in the grave: it doesn’t. To say it as briefly as mortal language affords: The Source of consciousness doesn’t need a body to exist. Your source exists whether your body does or not: you are deathless.
Prove consciousness is not finite
If you say awareness is finite
Try this experiment:
Take your finite awareness
Down deeper and deeper still
Until it arrives at its source
Of pure consciousness
It will reveal to you that
Awareness can never leave
Its infinite source – GOD
Wants to explore its seeming finiteness
Exploring and exploring
Until one day it realizes
“I was never finite at all.
I am as infinite as God!”
It must necessarily conclude
There is no finite consciousness.
If you believe consciousness
Can be temporary
Take your own belief
To its logical conclusion
Down a path of inquiry
Farther and farther down
Til there’s nothing left
Nothing whatsoever, but God.
With which you believe
You are a finite awareness.
Question every single belief you have.
Does anything prove that Awareness
Is limited to time and space?
Go deeper into it to its very beginning,
Its Source is infinitely aware God.
Standing in that place between two thoughts
On forgiveness –
We tend to harbor enmity, judgement, criticism towards a person that we’re struggling to forgive. But where does our blaming exist sandwiched between two blaming thoughts?It’s not there! That’s the place of forgiveness. (ACIM calls it the Holy instant.) It happens outside of time as time requires thought. Between thoughts there isn’t such a thing as time.
During that timeless moment I am simply pure self-aware being, not having perceptions, feelings, sensations or even thoughts to regard. And the person we’re trying to forgive is exactly the same self-aware, unlimited person as we are. In that space is love: that’s what we have in common.
In other words with love as our shared being we can rise above the sensations and thoughts that color our perceptions. We have the same being and can experience the fact that we are one.
True forgiveness is not imposing forgiveness onto my thoughts: that’s why it never worked before. That place within ourselves that stands between two thoughts but is always present behind our thoughts is our actual empty, transparent, self-aware being, free of thinking and feeling.
We don’t have to forgive. We simply need to stand in that place where there is nothing to forgive there is only our being in love with the other person. That place is in between two thoughts.