Patitpaban Panigrahi [PP]:
Thank you.welcome
I can discuss on some subjects and topics ,which l have read.But l can’t discuss on Wisdom.cos in reality there is no wisdom and nothing like Western and Eastern wisdom., as there is no objective reality in the World and so no reality of regional division of Orient and Occident.
There is no subjective reality in the World either.
So in a total unreal realm, all knowledge is unreal so
there can’t be any wisdom in the manifest world…And the un manifest world is ever absent.
Robin Starbuck [rjs]:
Thanks for your graciousness. 🌹
You mentioned that you studied advaita, right? Rupert Spira was talking about the non-existence of objective reality too. Then he alluded briefly to neo-advaita…. Do you know about it?
Actually l haven’t read much on Advaita, meager.
I have heard Rupert Spira very little.and not read much.About “Neo Advaita” l have no idea…
I don’t know Spirituality.
There is no spirit , so no spirituality.Spirituality is a hoax, a Human’s mental construct. In reality-
• There is no path,no destination and no quest•
As U R Changeless, stateless and Timeless,
Nondoer, nonvolitional, a kinetic, non learner.Fixed
Maas of Absent Pure Awareness , that cuts though the objectivity like a hot knife in melting butter.
It is a pathless path–
No Dvaita,no Advaita,BishisthaAdvaita,
No Shunyabad.
No duality, no non duality
No neo Advaita…
No nonbeingness/Nothingness
I don’t know myself, what to speak of Neo-Advaita of
Super Spira.!!! That is BIG knowledge, But l am bereft of knowledge..
Whatever is express as my
knowledge is that–which l don’t know. And whatever l know I can’t express.
Patitpaban Panigrahi
You realize you’re blowing my mind, don’t you? Lol
(Laugh Out Loud!!!)
What do you do in your life? (I can’t believe I asked such a stupid question! Lol)
Kari, help!!!
Why would I not want to cut through all the way to the end of the nonsense that is this world? I don’t know…..
Nothing would please me more! But I don’t want to be selfish. I feel I have something valuable to offer people in need of healing.
I try to get such people to realize that they don’t need another person to do for them what they can and should do for themselves: heal.
They need to change their focus 180° and realize they have NO BODY. They should lose themselves in what is really true and never look back.
On–//What do you do in life//
Actually I can’t answer any question nor clear any doubt !!
I am non doer l don’t do.
There is no world.
None is born in to it
Nobody does anything in it
Nobody gets birth in it
Nobody dies in it
Nobody is bound in it
Nobody free from it
No happiness no suffering
Nobody acquired knowledge or wisdom it it
On // not being Selfish
and helping others //
There is no entity in you
that can or can’t ‘be’ or ‘ ‘become’ anything including selfish or not selfish.
But I know people are suffering (I don’t allow them to discuss details on my site because the whole point is they don’t have symptoms in a non-existent body).
But “me” wants to help them….
//On helping others//
There are no others.
•You haven’t come to this world to help other and establish peace in this world., you have come here to awaken from the mortal dream of life.•
Ha ha ha.
The one who attempts to awaken is the ‘person’ is always false..
None to awaken coz. U never Slept, never came to this world, U have transcended the world from the outset.U never moved.U R Constant and Fixed and Changeless.in
the Timeless NOW in the realless realm of Nothingness.
Kari Churchill Laidman [KCL]:
I feel that way too
He just makes so much sense! I feel like I have too much mental clutter. I’ve got to be the best me and that’s no me!!!
Was trying to add that post above to another. I mean that I feel the same way about having to be here. I also feel the need to be here for others but when I realize the truth I know I really dont have to do anything
Yes I know the mental clutter lol
You did say once that you’re not 100%, right?
On// being 100% right//
I said —
Whatever I say is that– which l don’t know and whatever I know that I can’t say.
I am 100% wrong.
I am that which is appearing to you is an appearance , a person is always a false, so the me I am is a Fraud. The Real I am is nonexistent.
The fraud-you is interacting now The real
‘no-u’ doest not , can’t, and needn’t interact.BE That
U R That, in timelessness
Patitpaban Panigrahi you misread the one marked WoW. There’s a comma which means “right” = “do you agree” that you intimated that you’re not absent from this body-world 100% of the time, do you agree?
On// not being absent from the body-world 100%
of the time///
“I” Am independent of the Time.In reality there is no Time. So what does it matter if “some apparent me” is functioning in the
”falsified time”.”I” Am untouched by that.and I can’t and don’t show concern to anything false
including spirituality.
I wonder what both of you and anybody else would think of this writing by Robert Adams:
“Every negative condition you see in the world is a lie. Every positive condition you see in the world is a lie. Reality is beyond positive and negative. Why do you see these things? Why do you worry and fret about your life or about the life of someone else?
What can possibly happen to you? Where can you go? Who suffers? Only the body-ego-mind suffers. To the extent that you can realize that you are not the body-ego-mind, to that extent do you become totally, absolutely free.”
Robert Adams
20th century
American Advaita mystic
On//Writing of Robert Adam//
All positive and negative observation in life are are false. Because the world is false. Absent. Can’t be positive ,negative.
None came to live in this world including u. So no observation or Botheration of your life and others life.Ha ha ha,
Question — then to whom is he advising and why !!!!
The great master is not advising anybody.
HE is Unborn, Did not come, Did not talk, the apparent Master is an illusion,and appearing in spontaneity bereft of objective and purpose.
In reality there is no Advisor or Advised or the act of advising.No subject
No object no act.Still .Silence. Nothing is ever happening…..
What ever the apparent may think, mind, do, enjoy or suffer……
Patitpaban Panigrahi
I guess I need to ponder and meditate on all that you’ve said.
Patitpaban Panigrahi
I do think there are various paths but that 99% of them are very slow.
On//Various paths and 99% are slow//
U R already what U R -changeless, Fixed. Nowhere to move, go or achieve.The one who is thinking about the path is the person – false – fraud-
a dream character and the dream is always on in real time, But U R not and never in the this dream called reality but U R Free
No path no where to go.
Whatever effort.may the person do , can’t be enlightened.There is no necessity of it…
I’m having a physical reaction to this info. My tummy hurts 😢
I stop then . Relax.
Nothing ever happens .
Nothing has happened
I am a Fraud. Forget , Don’t believe me.
I do believe you. It’s what I learned in childhood except there was so much leeway that I floundered.
Where is the point of self blame. We were discussing happier things.
Where was the point of being repentant. Why pple
decidedly and dedicatedly want to be Human, when the know the truth that they are not. Why forcibly bring decadence , is strange.!!! The ego. the.Maya is such powerful!!! I understand …
There is no past, and there is no future.U R Changeless Fixed bereft of soorriw and happiness .
Relax. Enjoy
Patitpaban Panigrahi
Thank you for that. Thank you for all your efforts. If anyone told me you were a fraud I would punch him in the nose!
This is all amazing!! Have had to read it a few time. Some of the words, I admit I dont understand but that dosnt matter because I get the concept of it all. Its amazing!
Well, you’re doing better than I did last night! I got one of those wake up calls by way of a stab in the belly! It soon disappeared and so much cleared up. I realize that all of my hard efforts in the past had finally paid off. It’s not that I was so wrong, it’s that I needed to go the full length, like most people never do.
I gave our chat a new title: “NOT POSSIBLE”.
My ‘physical reaction’ has lifted and left me with a very positive conviction: all that you had so painstakingly spelled out for me yesterday was THE ANSWER to a lifetime of searching. I believe that everyone is searching for the same ULTIMATE REALIZATION but they just never go far enough, so they keep having to start all over again.
(Even our friend, Rupert! Lol)
It’s so damnably hard for mortals to quit with the ego: we’re so driven by it. But alas the onus is upon us to do just that.
My tummy ache yesterday was physically quite out of character for me. It was not a headache, indicating a mere overload there: it was in the gut, telling me that gut-wrenching conclusions lie ahead!
Good morning, l am writing , these are very primary school standard knowledge or no knowledge at all, You are aware of all these, I am just trying to build up the lessions from basic.I am a teacher by profession,besides other things, you know that, It takes time to go to higher class. Actually I don’t qualify to be a teacher of Advaita and l don’t have aim, desire ambition of being anything but a learner.I have no authority and no capacity, I am going in writing purposelessly and without any expectation and result.It is not spiritual and
is brereft of enlightenment
Kindly put questions and doubts, so that the discussion becomes bilateral and directional.
I am totally silent and Absent , these movements are in spontaneity, the
Jiva-me is ignorant ….
Namaste , welcome , thank you.I came late ,vwas busy else where.
Wisdoms is a function of mind- brain activity.Brain is body part and there is neither subjective nor objective reality of the Body-Mind.
— So all the knowledge and wisdom are devoid of subjective – objective reality.Hence are Unreal, absence of truth in it -false
By same count the matter, the energy, the world are False , so Absent.
No world, so no Orient and no Occident , classification is false and we said there is no wisdom , all so called wisdom are false not any wisdom.
So no question of an unification–
to unite the nonexistent.
// Everyone is searching for the same ULTIMATE REALUSATION but they just never go far enough…//
The one who strives for the realization , tries to walk a path to reach some imginary point is the ‘person’, the Jiva,is a dream character, is false.
And false can’t achieve the Truth.Forget it.
The world is false, non existent, Absent, .
Can anybody come to this world to live here.None.
Nobody ever lived , nobody ever did any, nobody born and nobody died, Nothing ever happens there.
You never came to this world, You are Unborn Birthless and so deathless.So endless .
You are nondoer, don’t do anything.
You are not in this world ,but you are in a nonexistent tealmless realm of notime n no space.Spaceless timeless.
without past and future.You are in timelessness , continues ever. So it is called Timeless – NOW..
On // It is so damnably hard for mortals to quit the ego…..//
The dream of a the Jiva, the Person is continuously on , is functioning in time and is very powerful is impelling the Jiva to believe the dream as real and the ego is busy in defending the myth that–people are born in to this world and living, loving,doing,during, and striving for liberation , for freedom , heavens and God. …….
Here is the appearance of the person, the Jiva or the
HUMAN and the doership of the person.
The Universe is an appearance, along with its
all contents and the Human life is a ” mental construct”…..All are unreal false..
Are Birth, Death,Sleep, Awake, Deep Sleep, Happiness- Sorrow, Pain-Pleasure,Intellect-Memory.Bondage-Liberation-Nirvana …..All are apparent real not the real real.Human believes that these are real by egoic compulsion and efforts to
get liberation –Nirvana..
••The born apparent is a falcified person that can’t have bondage, so can’t have LIBERATION•••
The YourSelf,The Self, U are in the Realmless-realm
of The Real, untouched by the components of the world of Time and are oblivious of the manifest apparent world of illusion-
Patitpaban Panigrahi, as you may have surmised, I have been taking all that you’ve said very seriously. I’m sure it will click in place in my consciousness very soon so that I can comment more fully.
One thing I’m sure of is that I would not have reached a point of receptivity or even curiosity about a dvaita if I hadn’t trodden the path that I did. That’s why I think my path was successful.
So nice of you.
Thank you
Patitpaban Panigrahi
And that purity was ever there as ‘I Am ‘ is ‘l Am ‘-Everything and Nothing; as I alone Am –including the Dream, Dreamer, Dreamt and Dream Character : And that Everything and Nothing outside of the Dream, all assertions, negations and nutral
There is none other than the “l”..
କରୁ କରାଉ ଥାଏ ମୁହି
करू कराउथाए मूहि
( l alone Am keeping on doing)
~The Odia Bhagvat of Sharala Das
That Absent Nothing is
The Brahman too, whether immanent or apparent.
• Something and Nothing
what is not the Brahman•?
-I am the Absolute-
.is the Brahman
- I am the Relative-
is the Brahman.
Robin Starbuck
Jacobi Padua - ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Brah·man (brä′mən)
- also Brah·ma (-mə) Hinduism
a. The divine and absolute power of being that is the source and sustainer of the universe.
b. The divine universal consciousness pervading the universe and sustaining the souls of individual persons; Atman.
c. A religious formula or prayer and the holy or sacred power in it and in the officiating priest. - Variant of Brahmin..
- ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
To: Robin Starbuck
Brahman– God ( Sanskrit)
Parabrahman- Also God, The Absolute.
Brahma– is a deity , the creator of the Creation.
( Vishnu- deity is maintainer , ruler of Creation , who takes Avatar like Ram, Krishna etc– total 9 Avatars , Buddha is the last Avatar .
Shiva- deity is the destroyer of the creation)
To add to the confusion there is another word–
Brahmin –is a caste specific of human.The highest caste in Hinduism,
is by birth to a Brahmin father and Brahmin mother, supposed to be n persuit of knowledge, practicing spirituality, guiding society, living in austerity, the priest performing rituals and worshing in temple..They are respected in the society by all people,revered by all even today.21 st century.whatever profession they may be in..For information -by birth – I am a Brahmin-
Advaitabadi, my clan is small practicing the path of Shankaracharya —
–Sarba khalva idam Brahman–.means
All the manifest is Brahman.
This embodies Shunyabad, means-Nothingness,
Void , Nonbeingness
Ha ha ha
It implies that I am a congenital
Advaitin , Shunyabadi. Ha ha
Story wise all began only
when l was 66.Then l knew Advaita, before that it was nil.
I got Nothing at 68.yrs.
At 70, before retirement from Professorship, l was
shakily with Nothingness–
Shunya, After 70 it solidified. Now l am 72+3months..with health issues, and worldly Botherations, Wife’s health issues.Children are married ,families, earning well, settled, 3 grand daughters always waiting to be spoiled,3 ur, 5 yes10 yrs, gargling monkey like.
No problem, My students are great surgeons settled every country of the globe and every city of India, bringing laurel, pride.like that.Ha ha. Grace.
RJS: I think if you incorporate your so-called “life story” in with your explanations of how to approach enlightenment, people will understand more easily. It would give them something they can relate to.
Professionally l am a teacher of medical science.So l know how to be a student first with perfection. Thats how . The dangerous cancer surgeries l undertook for 40 years, made me thoroughly subdued. Every moment l worked in crisis,
Cancer is a very frustrating subject, what to do, so many cases are missed.Learning is very meticulous, terrible patience, holding emotions, frustration, humiliation all are same.
RJS: Forgive me but I must tell you that I deeply admire you.
I have one question for you: how do you have the passion and desire to share your enlightenment knowledge now?
PATITPABAN PANIGRAHI: Robin Starbuck, Actually this sharing alone is my Sadhana, meditation, prayer, .. This alone is my exercise, l can’t do meditation or contemplation outside of the face book, This writing is my self enqiry , search and path. I have no experience, realization or knowledge. Mine is only at intellectual plane , l have no knowledge of higher planes.l read very small amount from Nisargadatta
and Robert Adams only.
I have no enlightenment, l share only analysis.Can’t claim anything nor l be dogmatic.I am ordinary only. It was you who showed continued interest to interact so l continued, lest many people discontinue at some point
Because of your acceptance l opened up,thats all. You have been very helpful and encouraging for me to be go deeper. I am thankful to you. Thats all