It doesn’t really make sense – spiritually speaking – to haggle over terminology which can clearly be seen as “steps” Spiritward. See, right there is a discrepancy: God inheres within, therefore no “-ward”, right? Yes, right, if you’re not missing any ‘walking it out’ along the way! Here’s the kicker: what we perceive as more advanced may simply not be so at all, in the larger scheme of things.
Category Archives: Awakening
Someday we’ll look
At our feeble attempts
To describe the infinite
Almighty God
And smile.
Miracles demonstrate God’s Oneness
When miracles happen, the carnal mind is always ready to explain them away, make light of them or totally ignore them.
Miracles demonstrate the indescribably amazing and wonderful power of our God and can be perceived on a moment-by-moment basis when we ponder our Oneness with God.
Did you know even Kim Jung Un could be smitten with God’s love and all those people who have no focus would entirely miss it. They’d think it was nothing more than a ripple and go on with their terribly self-defeating lack of focus.
Would that all of us who have experienced a modicum of spiritual awakening and a handful of miracles would go completely into our own newly refreshed powerful conscious awareness where all is One!
Spiritual claims, spiritual questions
Are ye so foolish
As to think you can
Challenge spiritual claims
By firing material
Questions at them?
Don’t you know
Jesus healed spiritually?
That was the most
Normal, natural thing
For Him to do.
And so can you.
Pride, a cancer, with help
is a troublesome word, sometimes good, usually bad. When it’s bad, it’s like a cancer eating up its victim from the inside.
Everything they do is marred by extreme selfishness, gross insecurity and total absence of love. They’re never able to feel satisfied as they’ve signed on to a lifelong quest of proving their superiority and are shattered every time anyone emerges with more talent in any area.
These victims are profoundly lonely and often terrified. They can never find contentment, happiness or abiding companionship. The world calls them winners as they bask in their short-lived hollow victories.
Sometimes such people channel their passions and become world leaders – usually autocrats – while others live a quiet life, much akin to a silent scream. If you or anyone you know is beset with this tormenting malady, there is hope if you want it (most don’t).
Read everything in the literature about the Oneness of God, everything you can get your hands on about “I AM” and of course whatever you can find on the topic of healing. A breathtakingly gorgeous transformation is about to take place.
Disconnect to RECONNECT
Is there anyone –
Anyone at all –
You hold in unforgiveness?
That’s your disconnect.
I AM includes all that’s real.
God is all-in-all:
Faith vs. Knowing
When you trust God …
and you call it faith …
which it is …
I just want to say …
you could go a little deeper …
in which case faith …
and trust …
become absolutely knowing.
It’s not a knowing
Based on human probability
That approaches statistical significance.
But rather an all-knowing awareness
Based on hard, cold spiritual facts.
Stretching our capacity to conceptualize
What we must keep in mind is that our capacity to visualize things will be limited to the three space dimensions that our five senses can directly detect.
Don’t limit us, Dr. Hugh Ross, we may surprize you someday!!
To construct a four-dimensional realm, we need four dimension-defining lines, each line lying at right angles to the other dimension-defining lines. Let’s call these dimensions “length,”“width,”“height,”and “time.”Such a dimensional frame is the realm of our existence. But because we cannot place ourselves beyond the four dimensions—say, in a fifth dimension where we could gain some perspective—we cannot picture all four simultaneously. We are limited to picturing only three.
~ Beyond the Cosmos,
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
Beyond the Cosmos
Topic of healing includes everyone
IS ANYONE ELSE keenly interested in the exact opposite of the trend to clarify and distinguish (and label) people’s beliefs? I want to know how to include everyone – bar none – in an issue as benevolent as healing which knows no limit in its scope as it loves the whole world back into its native perfection.
Repetitious is okay!*
Forgive me for being repetitious but God uses every single thing we’ve ever endured – we can see it by asking Him – and brings us to our unique receptivity whereby we can share His love.