Category Archives: Awakening

One heartbeat away from entirely Sprit – Welton

Many have stated that the spirit realm is just as real as the physical realm; this is in fact a huge understatement. The truth is that the spirit realm is far more real than the physical realm. In fact, if you were to die this very second while reading this book, you would immediately be dwelling in the spirit realm. You are one heartbeat away from existing entirely in the spirit realm. Yet some live their entire lives denying the existence of the spirit realm.
The School of the Seers
Dr. Jonathan Welton

Clearing your mind

Think about the real you:
the “I” of you behind your eyes,
doing the thinking, feeling,
seeing, hearing, knowing.
That clear consciousness
The real you – Is God.
Now simply dwell on I Am
And feel yourself healing
From the deep inside – out!
See God seeing as you
Hearing, thinking, feeling
Knowing as you.
Now to maintain it:
No need to go to any strange
Other-worldly discipline.
Stay very comfortable
And explore the unutterable peace
That defines your God-self.
Cling to it and start to
Venture out a little bit …
Meet your very first
unwanted thought
With Correction based on
New-found ever-present being.
Tell IT what’s really true:
“I Am” is, was and will be
Forever here INSTEAD !
You’ll feel a new kind of love
Whose main quality is compassion
Flowing forth from tolerance,
Understanding and affection
Welling up in you, and healing
Everything there, then reaching out –
Not to grab – but to embrace, the world.

You have arrived!

You need to know now
That you have arrived.
Not a ticker-tape parade
But a knowing …
A deep, deep down knowing
That you’re here, you’re fully
Prepared, you’re ready
This IS your eternal life.

Nothing outside has changed
Not a thing. But you’re here.
You’ve always wanted to be
Right here – right where you are!
All the old stuff sits frozen
Unable to call the shots
Anymore. You’ve gotten to the
Place you’ve always dreamed of!

You could scream and shout
Hallelujah I’m here! Or, better yet
Just enjoy your brand new
Capacity to love.
This fulfilled dream of a lifetime
Cannot fluctuate, cannot fade
Cannot betray, cannot die.
Bask in it, sweet one, you’re here!

Spiritual measuring rod

I can’t tell you
strongly enough
how very very important
it is to have a spiritual
measuring rod
to guide you
through the maze
of new-old spiritual

The moment you find
the slightest trace
of personal sense
on your part or another’s,
beware: it shouldn’t be!
Don’t despair now
but do avail yourself
of that which pulls you
back to unconditional
all-inclusive Love.

Empty yourself completely
like you’ve never
ever thought possible
but when an unwanted
self-serving craving
comes a-knocking
remember your charge
includes only perfect man
– every-man – joined by
perfect infinite Love.

God is our very Life.

The entire revelation of Jesus is that God is our very Life. “When you see me, you see the Father” (Jesus). What then is missing, or why don’t we see this reality? We are not aware because our religious instruction is so shallow, and so poor; we are not shown how to let go of self and realize our true Nature as Jesus did. Believing is a good first step, but it is not the same as inner realization.
~Frank Johnson

God’s allness within

God’s purpose is not to make
this world hunky-dory for everyone.
His thoughts don’t begin at birth
and end at death.
And yet the kingdom of God
according to the Bible,
is in heaven and on Earth.

How this can be is only
discovered as we loosen our hold
on the fleeting and material,
dare to think without the box
and discover the realm of the real –
the realm of I AM, BE-ing, ONEness,
God’s allness within.

If you’re struggling with spiritual Truths
And basically think “so what?”
But realize you’re missing something,
Try this: God is Spirit
But this Spirit is right here
Closer to you than your breathing
More powerful than imaginable.
Because we’re talking “spiritual”
We can see that this realm
Is inside us: it’s God.
Start to dare to believe
And it’ll come clearer and clearer.
No one – especially not God –
Is trying to be confusing.
It’s just that the things of Spirit
Need a little leeway
Where human language is concerned.
Believe and dig more and
Then more clarification will come.
Jesus, Holy Spirit, God will take over now.