Category Archives: Awakening

Awakening from an illusion


Ît is such a h-u-u-u-u-ge temptation to want to tell people the details of our distress.

It’s almost as if – even for a moment – the torment lifts.

Unfortunately for us and everyone else we have just confirmed and magnified the discord,

If we are so sure there’s a power greater than God, we need to be honest with ourself and quit pretending.

But if we know we’re under an hypnotic spell from which we want to awaken, the last thing we’d want is to have anyone join us in our illusion.

Awakening from illusion is what the hypnotized needs to do, no matter what fantastic details the dream may entail.

The choice doesn’t belong to anyone else but the one who is bound by fear and doubt.

Awakening doesn’t happen on a trial, or temporary, basis.

Spirit, God, really is All and it’s to YOUR credit, not mine, for you to choose to wake up.

Here’s a question for you to consider after you’ve completely awakened: aren’t you glad the illusion wasn’t any more tempting than it was?

Now that you’ve awakened can you attest to having wanted part(s) of the illusion removed while you clung to other parts?

Thank God you were finally ready to let go of the last vestiges of the whole cherished illusion!

Your cherished ‘level’

Just wait til you have the experience of discovering that the “level” you attained turns out to be one in which many people – even some annoying ones (!! Lol) have been through eons ago! Wow, talk about humble pie! It’s happened to me oodles of times in the last few hundred years! :p


You’re the one who called upon me, your very own Nemesis.
It was you who wanted the full monty: all you needed was a vehicle
So, here I am, ready at your behest, to tear down this false world.

Just duke it out with me – I’ll never give you peace in your humanity.
But then that’s just what you want to be done with, isn’t it?
Stop trying to play fair with me – your Nemesis is only in your mind.

When you look right through me and have the audaciousness to say
“I don’t care anymore, you can chatter or scream all you want”
You make me think I’m on the wrong team … that is until I see you’ve won!

Drama ends here

Most of the “bad” things that happen in life are due to unconsciousness. They are self-created or rather, ego- created. I sometimes refer to those things as “drama”. When you are fully conscious, drama does not come into your life anymore. Let me remind you briefly how the ego operates and how it creates drama.

The ego is the unobserved mind that runs your life when you are not present as the witnessing consciousness, the watcher. The ego believes itself a separate fragment in a hostile universe, with no real inner connection to any other being, surrounded by other egos which it either sees as potential threat or which it will attempt to use for its own ends. The basic ego patterns are designed to combat its own deep-seated fear and sense of lack. They are resistance, control, power, greed, defense, attack.

Some of the ego’s strategies are clever, yet they never solve any of its problems, simply because the ego itself is the problem.
When egos come together, in personal relationships or in organizations or institutions, “bad” things happen sooner or later. Drama in one form or another, in the form of conflict, problems, power struggles, emotional or physical violence and so on. This includes collective evils such as war, genocide and exploitation – all due to massed unconsciousness.

When you reconnect with Being and are no longer run by your mind, you cease to create those things. You do not create or participate in drama any longer. But even if you live totally alone, you may still create your own drama. When you feel sorry for yourself, that’s drama, when you feel guilty or anxious, that’s drama. Most people are in love with their particular life drama. Their story is their identity. The ego runs their life.
When you live in complete acceptance of ‘what is’, that is the end of all the drama in your life.
-The Power of Now, Eckart Tolle, pages 150-151.

Enlightenment – CC


Awakening/Enlightenment experiences happen within certain streams of most major religions. Judaism has Kabbala, Islam has the Sufi’s, Christians have the mystics and even Buddhists even though they are not technically a religion, have a form of it.

Most Christians define awakening as “waking up to the truth”. The problem is that this truth gets redefined, changed, deepened, etc over time. What was once awakening becomes old outdated theology. Awakening/enlightenment when based on truth(s) will eventually disappear because of growth in understanding and beliefs

Instead, it is generally accepted among the groups/streams historically that awakening/enlightenment is an experience or growth in an experience.

It is the experience where we are no longer living in reaction to our thoughts but have learned to quiet or ignore them altogether. It is the experience (not just idea or belief) of being one with all creation… people, water, trees, life, etc.

It is the experience of being undifferentiated from God and union with God. This is the testimony and experience of streams within all religions including Christianity throughout history.

If your stream isn’t leading you there, you may want to explore more than just a new truth but the possibility of a very deep experience.

~ Chuck Crisco

When you reach a new level

YOU MAY HAVE BEEN CLAIMING YOUR ONENESS in God for a long, long time…
Sometimes you saw it more clearly than other times.
And there were so many many times this palpitating clarity just simply wasn’t there.
You reached out yet again and there it was so this time you were determined to rein it in.
You could sense that you had made some permanent progress but it wasn’t going anywhere.
The next thing you knew there was a symptom or a distraction or an illusion firmly planted…
Then back to the drawing board! Why couldn’t you ever maintain that last position and move on from there?
Months and months passed into years and while you were thankful beyond measure to be as aware as you were …
Couldn’t you just … just move it up another notch and finalize it? You had no idea what a terrible request you were asking!
Finalize infinity? Put a cap on it? No! No! No! You’d say but just get beyond that repetitive point!
Are you sitting down for this one? – You Weren’t Ready For It! You’re starting to see stuff now that you never could have then.
And you’re aware enough now to see it’s only a beginning! But guess what? That next plateau … that new level that you were craving …
You Have Just Arrived!

Spiritual search is over

“THE GREATEST HAPPINESS I know that my search is over.
I am always consciously aware of the Presence of Spirit.
I have discovered the great reality.
I am awake to the realization of this Presence. There is but one life. Today I see it reflected in every form, back of every countenance, moving through every act.
Knowing that the divine Presence is in everyone I meet, the Spirit in all people, I salute the good in everyone. I recognize the God-life responding to me from every person I meet, from every event that transpires, in every circumstance in my experience. I feel the warmth and color of this Divine Presence forevermore pressing against me, forevermore welling up from within me- the wellspring of Eternal Being present in the eternal Now!-”
Ernest Holmes

Renew the mind – in a flash – Keathley

Absolutely love it – especially “instantaneous”! Looking back for a second I see how right you are: the revelations or illuminations never really came gradually; they were always the full result of having awoken. And it was always like a flash!

Renewing your mind is not a life long, never achieved process of religious gymnastics. The renewed mind happens with the instantaneous revelation, that you possess the mind of Christ, in the now.
~Don Keathley

When I look at you I see myself! – Magdi

Whenever I use the term I AM
I am referring to universal beingness/awareness
And not to a personal ego form

Thou are That
Universal beingness

When I look at you I see myself

It is important to clarify that being knowingly the Self does not make any person special. There is no separate self. All impressions of being special, whether it refers to me or some special someone else, are false.

We are all special
No one is special
Everything is special
Nothing is special

Truth is not at the mind level
It shines onto the mind
But it is not sourced in the mind. <3 ~Magdi Badawy