Category Archives: Answered Prayer!

The Divine Matrix = God

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, research has revealed the following facts:
Fact 1: The universe, our world, and our bodies are made of a shared field of energy that was scientifically recognized in the 20th century and is now identified by names that include the field, the quantum hologram, the mind of God, nature’s mind, and the Divine Matrix.
Fact 2: In the field of the Divine Matrix, “things” that have been connected physically and then separated act as if they are still linked, through a phenomenon known as entanglement.
Fact 3: Human DNA directly influences what happens in the Divine Matrix in a way that appears to defy the laws of time and space.
Fact 4: Human belief (and the feelings and emotions surrounding it) directly changes the DNA that affects what occurs in the Divine Matrix.
Fact 5: When we shift our beliefs about our bodies and our world, the Divine Matrix translates that change into the reality of our lives.

The Spontaneous Healing of Belief
Shattering the paradigm of false limits
Gregg Braden

Shattering the paradigm of false limits
Shattering the paradigm of false limits

Quantum prayer that heals

I think we all know that empty prayer and vain repetitions don’t avail us of much. We need to “see” ourself already healed and victorious now, not 20 minutes from now. In the nebulous soup of quantum possibilities, the field or matrix doesn’t speak a tentative language: it needs us to be specific. We have a power within us that transcends all lesser possibilities.

Question: Is compassion the force that holds everything together in the universe? OR, is compassion a feeling in the body?


Quantum prayer that heals
Quantum prayer that heals

Prove Word of God

If you have doubts, questions, and fears concerning the Bible and its inspiration, we know that if one soul ever heard from Heaven, another soul may. If one soul ever had an interview with God, another soul may. If any man ever knew his sins were forgiven at any period, another man may know his sins are forgiven now. If a man or woman ever was healed by the power of God, then men and women can be healed again. The only thing necessary is to return again in soul experience to that same place of intimacy where the first individual met God. That is the way you prove the Word of God. That is the reason Christians love the Word of God.
John G. Lake

John G. Lake was a great healer
John G. Lake was a great healer

Instantaneous healing

I WAS FEELING THIS THING CALLED “MEH”, coupled with a little symptomatic stuff, kinda yukky. Began to wonder how to get instantaneous healing, regeneration, joy, when PAPA (Abba) said “Breathe!” I replied that I was planning to anyway. He said “hehehe, now breathe!” I took in a nice loooooong breath (just one) and I felt love and joy and excitement and healing – all coming in and utterly replacing the former junk. There was no prayer of petition, no asking, no nothing. I just listened and there it was!!!
Robin Starbuck

Healing by listening
Healing by listening

Heaven invading earth

Just as God spoke the heavens and the earth into existence through His glorious Word, so He continues to interrupt the ordinary downward spiral of our physical existence with miracles that reveal the glory of His supernatural power over nature. The thing that staggers my mind is the fact that Christ came to earth and demonstrated His glory through an outpouring of the supernatural, but then He went on to enlist ordinary men and women to do the very same miracles through their faith in Him as an unfolding expression of their developing intimacy with God. I have had the privilege of being swept up in this unfolding drama of heaven invading earth and I have become an eyewitness of His glory and His majesty! And all I can say is thank you, God!
Phil Mason
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth

Heavenly invasion
Heavenly invasion

Change your “want to’s”

Have you ever wished that you could “want” differently? Give that wish to God and He, in turn, will give you a thing called “answered prayer”!

Imagine this scenario, if you will: A man says within his heart “I’d give a million bucks to be free of alcoholism! Another day, this same genius says “I wish to God I had a million dollars!”

God, not being a respecter of persons nor a judgmental being, healed his alcoholism.

Would we have the same presence of Mind to say, in deep humility and gratitude, “Thank you, God, for answering (fulfilling) BOTH my prayers?

Ever wish you could 'want' differently?
Ever wish you could ‘want’ differently?

Literally Speaking to a Storm and then following up for maintenance

The human mind’s last-ditch effort to deny us this astounding healing – victory over a huge hurricane threat in Mexico – was to say it was never real nor powerful.  But we know different: the amazing presence and power of God answered our prayers and obliterated the threat!)

I often think of the stormy ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman and her many thousands of healings that were  highly publicized as well as the statistic that a great many of the healings were reversed afterwards. People would be shocked and horrified when a healing reversed but rarely was any attention paid to how the person had acted after the healing was effected.  After all, when there’s no follow-up in the benefactor’s life to accommodate such an about-face change, what is to be expected? The same old mindset can’t maintain a healing of such magnitude: there needs to be some major soul-searching after the fact.

The aforementioned healing of the threat of a huge hurricane in Mexico was met with tremendous gratitude, joy, thanksgiving: in short the recipients of this miracle were profoundly and noticeably impacted by the ever-present Love of God.