Category Archives: Allness

Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omniscience

He is present
There’s not that particular time
Or place where He is/was not.
He’s within you and
He’s everywhere you go.

Healing happens
As we recognize
God is the only power there is
Right in the face of illusion:
No other power can threaten
Us in any way.

He knows all there is/was
To know:
I AM =
To the exclusion of all else.

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What is preterism? It simply means “past fulfillment.”An Old Testament passage taken from Isaiah is a good example. Isaiah 9: 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder ,and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah prophesies the birth of the Messiah over 700 years in advance. Jesus was born, fulfilling the prophecy. All scholars agree that the birth of Jesus (the incarnation) will not happen again. Our understanding of this prophecy looks back to its fulfillment; therefore, a preterist interpretation is applied. In the current eschatological debate, preterism interprets numerous New Testament passages that dispensationalism applies to the future, our future. These future events include the kingdom of God, the last days, the rise of antichrist and the Great Tribulation. Preterism gained notoriety through its interpretation of the book of Revelation. Instead of interpreting the images as events in our future, preterism sees the timing of these events occurring in the first century. John’s prophecy found its fulfillment with events happening during the Jewish wars with Rome, and ending with the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.
~ Stan Newton

Need for contact

Why do people keep asking to have their challenge, their calling, removed from them? Why would they do just about anything but make a concerted effort to get the needed connection – AND MAINTAIN IT – with God? Do they want prayer to jumpstart a much-needed listening session on their part or do they want prayer in order to dismiss God altogether? The assumption is that someone needs to establish a connection with God, and they’re partly right, but it needs to be made ultimately by themselves.
Do you feel a need to make contact with God at last? Simply desire it more than all else and you shall have it!

Baptism of the Spirit

The “baptism” of the Spirit is not a separate thing where first you only had Jesus, and now you get the Spirit. It just means to get dunked, immersed or have your senses tangibly “filled” or flooded with the Spirit Whom you had all along. After all, He is the “Spirit of Jesus.” Col. 2:10 says “By your union with Christ you are filled with the Godhead” … that means you already have the Spirit … you even have the Father in you too! So “infilling” is not a “second work,” rather it’s about a continual enjoyment – a daily dunking – and experience of the Spirit we already have. Not a one-time or two-time event, but Paul says, “Be ye continually filled …” Eph. 5:18. It’s an abiding relationship – He remains in you.
John Crowder

God will never leave = Biblical

As a young Christian, I was always told that God would take His presence away from me when ever I sinned because fellowship was broken; but that is NOT biblical….

Here’s what Jesus and His Word has to say about that….

“I will never leave you”… “I am with you always”… “I do not condemn you”… “You are forgiven”… “Where sin abounds Grace abounds even more”… “Your sins are No Longer counted against you”… “My love keeps no record of your wrong doings”… “And I give you eternal life, and you shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch you out of My hand.”
Cayce Talbott

Gradual growth in Spirit reveals Never under Mosaic (carnal) Law

I’d like to try right here to clarify for myself an issue that I believe is causing a lot of unnecessary upheaval in the hearts of earnest seekers of truth. We grow gradually in our awareness of the spiritual realm of God. As we do so, we find ourselves less and less fascinated by worldly pursuits. We also find healings and what the world calls “miracles” to be more and more commonplace as His nature unfolds to us. The whole issue of sin becomes moot as we discover that, in fact, WE WERE NEVER UNDER THAT CARNAL (MOSAIC) LAW in the first place!