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One of the greatest discoveries of this age is that our problems are caused by a universal, impersonal malpractice, brought about by the acceptance of the belief in two powers.
~Joel Goldsmith
The Contemplative Life
Category Archives: Advanced spirituality
Higher attainment
but it just seems that some people,
like myself, need something of a
traumatic challenge to get where
they really want to be!
I wish it weren’t so, but at least
I’ve finally understood its function.
I want to go higher in my apprehension
so I guess I’ll lay back and patiently
wait for God in all His wisdom & timing..
. W R O N G !!! That’s just as wrong as
you can get!
We’re the ones who need to get over our
God doesn’t move on our behalf.
We must hunger and thirst so bad
that we get over ourselves and our
little comforts and silly joys.
sublime, glorious, freeing, amazing and
downright wonderful!
Is it any wonder that it doesn’t
accompany a lazy, cozy, self-serving
total lack of full commitment?
What are we thinking? Feeling? Doing?
Does it represent our Christ mind’s best?
We can discover multifarious checks
to know if we’re fully connected, such as
● Do we love every single person who
comes to mind, with tender affection?
● Are we understanding more and more
that things had to happen as they did?
● Are we feeling the presence of Jesus?
● Are we relishing every moment of
every day, knowing we are Spirit itself?
● Has flipping back and forth between
Spirit and matter begun to cease?
● Can you name 100 more examples?
Radical denial not good – Adyashanti
“Many spiritual people are involved in a radical denial of what is happening. They want to transcend it, get rid of it, get out of it, get away from it. There’s nothing wrong with that feeling, but the approach doesn’t work because it’s escapism in spiritual clothing. Its wearing spiritual clothing and spiritual concepts, but it is really no different than a drunk in a gutter who doesn’t want to feel pain anymore. When you abide and accept everything completely and fully, you automatically go beyond.”
Impact of Awakening
When I was 4 … I-Spirit = God
When I was about 4 years old I learned that God is All.
I learned that I couldn’t have a tummy ache coz God couldn’t.
I learned I could heal kitties and puppies too.
I loved Jesus with my whole heart, soul and mind.
But I failed to fully ‘get’ that All means All.
The Allness that was and is God was and is me. All of it!
Oh, I knew it with my mind, else how could I have effected healings?
Now thanks to Neville, Rupert, Joel,
Herb, Adyashanti, Mooji, Papaji, et al
we have newer terms for Allness: Oneness, Omnipresence, Spirit, Soul, Omniscience, Self, Mind, Love, Life, and – oh yes – God.
We can cut through the miasma that is working, working, working its way up to Awareness.
Consciousness is I-Spirit, God.
Re-visit former refreshment
As you ascend in your precious
apprehension of deep spirituality
you’ll find you drift less and less.
But when you do drift, it’s perfectly
okay to return to former stages
of growth – for refreshment.
Whereas we used to love to hear
Jesus and/or Father talk to us
to comfort and encourage us
as if He were outside us
like a separate entity,
now we know God is closer to us
than our breathing: God the I Am
is the I that is you and me.
We must transcend the world
of human thought eventually.
But for now, we may want to re-hear
“You are My beloved child: I’ll protect
you and guide you and be with you
until you’re once again able to see
that the I in Me is and always was you.
The Infinite Way – last paragraph
I am breaking the sense of limitation for you as an evidence of My presence and of My influence in your experience. I – the I of you – am in the midst of you revealing the harmony and infinity of spiritual existence. I – the I of you – never a personal sense of “I” – never a person – but the I of you – am ever with you. Look up.
~Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
(The New Horizon)
Comfortable and complacent?
To those on the way, harmony in human affairs often is a lack of spiritual awakening; and, therefore, when the battle, leading to the overcoming of “this world” is on, the initiate will remain as quiet as possible under the adverse circumstances, endeavoring to refrain from fighting erroneous conditions and insofar as possible “letting” the warfare go on until the moment of transition arrives. When your spiritual study is sincere, the breaking-up of your material world – the desertion of friends, students, or family, a change of health or other outer activity – often ushers in the spiritual transition, or rebirth. This is the attainment of that which you have sought. A tremendous movement is taking place as the initiate discerns the difference between physical harmony and spiritual wholeness. Retire often into the center of Being, my Son. Let divine Love engulf you; be at peace in “My peace.”
‘As long as there remains concern for personal good – security, health, or peace of mind – there is that which must “die daily” in order that one may be “reborn of the Spirit” into the realization of immortality here and now.’
Rising in consciousness – jsg
It is a mistake to believe that human desire and prayer will bring God to your side. There must be a rising in consciousness until His presence is attained – and there rest. Here truly is a perennial rest from care, concern, doubt, and fear.
~Joel Solomon Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
(Wisdoms of the Infinite Way)
O Students! Do not strive or seek for heavenly riches in human consciousness. Wait! Wait! Seek a HIGHER LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS (caps mine): There the Father’s treasures are as free as air. JSG:TIW
Advanced spirituality – jsg
Or, are you still asking Him for guidance?
“Seeking guidance from God at this stage of your unfoldment will set up a sense of separation from God: It gives a sense of God and someone needing help, direction, or wisdom. Actually, you need to let God be your life – then It lives, acts, performs, and IS your very being.
“In our beginning days of meditation, we pondered or contemplated God, the qualities and nature of God, as we understood Him. As we rose higher in consciousness, we learned that any idea of God that we could entertain was not God Himself, but was only a concept of God. Thus we entered the stillness of mind leading to the deep silence of My peace – and experienced God.” JSG