Category Archives: Advanced spirituality

How to accomplish spiritual goals

You have the ability to exit the land of broken dreams and empty promises known as “this world” and to enter the pristine sanctuary of fulfilled goals and happy endings known as “My Kingdom.”

But to accomplish this, you need to develop the art of receptive meditation and prayer. As these journeys within your soul then become actual encounters with the Spirit of God that constitutes the core of your being, you will experience a new horizon of joy, harmony, wisdom and enlightenment. And that, in turn, will be the fulfillment of your true purpose in life, which is to know God aright, and to become a witness to, and participant in, the New Heaven and the New Earth, where peace reigns supremely and Divine Grace truly becomes your sufficiency in all things.
~ Don Mardak

Deeper awareness needs focusing

Are you feeling an overall sense of disconnect from the past and dissociation with all flesh? A feeling of sheer joy replete with a ‘knowing’ that it’s finally permanent? A contentment within that’s effervescing on yours and everyone else’s path? Not quite there yet? Join the club – I’m the president!

I’ve been at it a very long time but that’s okay because I recognize that sharing my path IS my calling and is only for the purpose of blessing you. I’ve made some strides of late that have me gobsmacked with wonder!

And yet I still revisit issues of the past – not anywhere near as much as I used to, but enough to mention to you now. Oh, the issues themselves aren’t important per se but utilizing them to go deeper into spirituality with its requisite absolute forgiveness has brought on some strange and wonderful fruitage.

It got me wondering why I had received a directive to get a Ph.D. I had endured unmitigated abuse of the worst kind – not physical, but mental, throughout my life, so then I was to come out a victor with special qualifications! Many, many times I’ve made such brazen statements about the nature and allness of God that the reader wound up doing a search on me, thinking I was some kind of a nut, only to find a nut with a doctorate!

My statement to the world that hopes for enlightenment is “a little feel-good experience now and then won’t get you where you yearn to be: it’s just not enough! It’s waaaay not enough! When you arrive at that spiritual feel-good, you’re merely approaching the front door: it’s time to pull out everything you know about God ‘n you and apply, apply, apply til the cows come home! Once stable, don’t back off or back away, keep applying what you already know until the world dream is demolished – stripped of its hypnotic hold. Amen.

Initiations & malaise

INITIATION TO A HIGHER LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS can be a bit daunting if you’re not prepared for it. You’ll find yourself acting in ways that were heretofore uncharacteristic but quite genuine. And yet you’ll wonder why you’re bereft of all that was once ‘home’ for your mental realm: instability and a general sense of malaise seek companionship but hopefully meet with a stern rebuke.

You may be on edge for a week or two – sometimes months – until you’re ready to give the flesh its walking papers! But know this and know it well: the transition is worth it beyond measure. Your life will never be the same once you know that you know that you KNOW you’ve broken through to a place of no return.

You know what’s been put in place and is now fully activated? It’s your accumulated experience in Spirit, consistently applying proven truths and finding them open windows to your ever-increasingly blissful soul.

Persistent contact > permanent presence

Merely making the initial inner contact with the Presence, like spiritualizing our thought with metaphysical, scriptural, and spiritual writings, is also but a step along the way because that contact isn’t a permanent Presence in our Consciousness yet. Persistently returning again and again, silently and secretly, within ourselves to reestablish this contact will in its own time produce the REALIZATION of that Presence. There’s an indescribable (words/thoughts wise) difference in our perception of our world when this occurs.

John F Drewery Sr.

Leave everything alone – AA

Over and over we urge you to leave things alone — leave body alone, disease, lack, and whatever seems to be troubling you, alone. Leave the argument that you have a separate finite mentality, alone. Don’t try to find out why you lack this or that what the cause of your difficulty is, why you continue to be frustrated, why you do not have plenty of this world’s goods and why everything you plan does not go sailing along in a spanking-fine breeze. Do not try to analyze why you appear to have failures in what you attempt, and why Truth does not pour readily into your every waking moment. Do not try to discover why everything does not immediately straighten out when you “voice” Truth, or why some of those who “appear to know more than you do” sometimes seem to go sour, quit the work, give up the ghost, become ill, or whatever.
~Alfred Aiken

Truth beyond present grasp


When very much younger
There were some truths knew
Were true as the day is long
However freely chose to
Tell them “Later Baby,
Got some living to do!”

But the notion never occurred
To flat-out deny spiritual Truth
And put those who chose the
Less-traveled-by Road
In a less-than courageous light.

“Knew” that Divine Truth was
A thing of infinitude
Knew approaching powerful Facts
In steps and stages until could
See the tunnel as purely illusory.

Yes part of me always knew
There was so much more
To be gleaned than
What my little mind could absorb.

Very pleased with that conviction
And realization that most probably
When deep scientific and spiritual truths
Come together harmoniously in
Human thought, my own was
Not standing in the way.

That ‘lonesome’ step

There comes a point in one’s spiritual ascent that a bold and courageous step beckons … a step that places you beyond the comradery of persons. You’ll want to share it but few will really glimpse where you are or where you’re going. … … … …
The temptation
is almost unbearably strong to go back and
be fully accessible to persons. But you’ve
done that again and again and again.
Always at the expense of taking
that step. Instead you’ve
watched that step
dissolve itself
again and
again &
yet a-

My prize – to try … to share

All morning I had a question.
But I didn’t know what the question was!
So then I had two unknowns.
It was most disconcerting!
I yearned to go all the way
Out of the “me” realm
Of the Unreal.
Didn’t care an iota about
Rewards and accolades of flesh.
Wanted to be where striving’s done
And seeing all aright was my
Healing gift to everyone.
“Me” knew that there was a message
A message that would consign her
To having never existed at all.
What is it?
What can it be?
“Unlike most people, you are
Starting to see that there is
Humans love to compromise two realms
Two realities, mis-connections
Pulling them back down when they would soar
But not you Robin and you’ve paid dearly
But this is your prize – to try
To share.

Resistance to higher spirituality

Don’t think for a moment that Spirit, God, ‘Creator’ of the universe (of Spirit) describes itself in cryptic language just to make your life miserable! That couldn’t be further from the truth!

There is no easy way to use a language – any human language – and explain issues of a non-human (non-mortal) nature. But the hard, cold fact is that humans are in essence mentally lazy. They hear earth-shattering truths, e.g., “Matter as such does not exist” but fail to follow them to a substantial conclusion.

The amazing miracles that Jesus performed also have no easy explanation … not in this realm where matter reigns. But quantum physics and especially Einstein have demonstrated time and again that “matter as such does not exist.” Once free from the throes of matter, Jesus’ miracles start making sense. He was literally in another dimension or another universe right where everyone saw him in our third dimension. In Spirit, all good is possible.

But the world goes on and on ad infinitum with nary the slightest doubt as to the solidity, the all-pervasiveness and absolute dominion of same. It’s as if our mighty mortal man would quell the very knowledge gleaned by quantum- and astro-physics in the name of getting on with their summertime slumber.
~ Dr. Robin Starbuck