Category Archives: Adequate research
Jesus Buddhist monk from 13-29 yrs old
The life story of the most famous person who has ever lived is, in fact, filled with a mysterious gaping hole. From the age of 13 to 29 there is no Biblical, Western, or Middle Eastern record of Jesus‘s whereabouts or activities in Palestine. Known as “The Lost Years,” this gaping hole remained a mystery until one explorer’s remarkable discovery in1887.
In the late 19th century a Russian doctor named Nicolas Notovitch traveled extensively throughout India, Tibet, and Afghanistan. He chronicled his experiences and discoveries in his 1894 book The Unknown Life of Christ. At one point during his voyage, Notovitch broke his leg in 1887 and recuperated at the Tibetan Buddhist Monastery of Hemis in the city of Leh, at the very top of India. It was here where monks showed Notovitch two large yellowed volumes of a document written in Tibetan, entitled The Life of Saint Issa. During his time at the monastery, Notovitch translated the document which tells the true story of a child named Jesus (i.e. Issa = “son of God”) born in the first century to a poor family in Israel. Jesus was referred to as “the son of God” by the Vedic scholars who tutored him in the sacred Buddhist texts from the age of 13 to 29. Notovitch translated 200 of the 224 verses from the document.
During his time at the monastery in1887, one lama explained to Notovitch the full scope and extreme level of enlightenment that Jesus had reached. “Issa [Jesus] is a great prophet, one of the first after the twenty-two Buddhas,” the lama tells Notovitch. “He is greater than any one of all the Dalai Lamas, for he constitutes part of the spirituality of our Lord. It is he who has enlightened you, who has brought back within the pale of religion the souls of the frivolous, and who has allowed each human being to distinguish between good and evil. His name and his acts are recorded in or sacred writings. And in reading of his wondrous existence, passed in the midst of an erring and wayward people, we weep at the horrible sin of the pagans who, after having tortured him, put him to death.”
The discovery of Jesus’s time in India lines up perfectly with The Lost Years of Jesus, as well as with the degree of significance of his birth in the Middle East. When a great Buddhist, or Holy Man (i.e. Lama), dies, wise men consult the stars and other omens and set off often on extraordinarily long journeys to find the infant who is the reincarnation of the Lama. When the child is old enough he is taken away from his parents and educated in the Buddhist faith. Experts speculate that this is the foundational origin of the story of the Three Wise Men, and it is now believed Jesus was taken to India at 13 and taught as a Buddhist. At the time, Buddhism was already a 500-year-old religion and Christianity, of course, had not even begun.
Is Beyond God possible? rjs

Level-click: I AM God
G O D,. T H E . G R E A T . I . A M
I had another of those level-clicks yesterday & today. However tentative I may have been on I AM GOD, I’m not anymore. It busts everything w-i-i-ide open. I don’t need to listen, but to be, act and declare what I know! It’s blowing ‘me’ away literally.
When I had needed God’s companionship, approval and guidance, “he” was there. Now it’s a no-step simple “I Am”.
Effort has its place
D’ Y A . T H I N K . E F F O R T . I S . P A S S É ?
Yes, yes, yes it’s true, no human effort is required to be 100% at One with Spirit, God. And not one ounce of effort is required to simply open our single eye 👁. Now wouldn’t we like to transpose our spiritual altitude to spread it out for all to behold?
Herb Fitch so selflessly lays it out for us all in a palatable, no holds barred model:
“If you will walk through the streets of this world seeing God everywhere, no matter what appears, you will be doing what this is calling for.
“That is the struggle. It is a struggle to look at this world and see God. That’s your labor pain. You consciously bring yourself to look at the world and see God behind it instead of what appears. That’s your childbirth. That’s the anxiety, the stress, the struggle.
“To consciously do this, no matter how difficult it is for you to say, “I see that ugly so and so, but there is only God.” You must do this. This is part of giving birth to your own Selfhood.
“No woman wants the pain of childbirth. She wants the child but not the pain goes with it.
Nobody wants the pain of giving birth to Christ, but the pain goes with it.
“You must accept the pain as the companion to the event itself. You must be able to tear apart all of the pre- conceived notions of the human mind which says, “That one over there is better than that one over there.” It isn’t true and if it pains you to do it, it doesn’t matter.
“You must know only God is behind both, and God is there and only God. This is the struggle of the inner birth that we take into our conscious awareness day by day.
“We’re sacrificing all of our delicate little human ways, all of the sacred cows of humanhood. We’re sacrificing all our prejudices, all our so-called mental comforts, all of the grooves that we have worn so deep by human living.
“We’re going into the deep travail of giving birth to Christ. And we must remain pure while
doing it.”
Herb Fitch
Realization of Oneness
Your Second Coming To Christ
That’s the real skinny! Welcome the tough with the sublime. Do it with all due willingness and God will literally take over and make all of it glorious and most enjoyable!
Stay with insights
D O . W E . L E A V E . I N S I G H T S . T O O . S O O N ?
I Am. Spirit IS. God is ALL. You ARE everywhere at once.
If I Am Omnipotence, the I that I Am is in the White House, in hospitals everywhere, in China, Nigeria, Afghanistan, wherever I see (or don’t see) Presence.
The I of me is the I of you, so I am you and you are me. This I is present perfection, nothing less. Not a wave, not a twinkle, just presence, just perfection.
There’s nothing I can’t do, see, hear, feel: it only has to be Spirit, Perfection. Instead of going back into the dream, let’s leave the illusion behind. When we’re good and ready we’ll glance back and see that there’s nothing there.
Our very being is what brings on miracles and effects healings! Our very being. I Am. Pure Spirit doesn’t vibrate, doesn’t have degrees, doesn’t have moments. It’s mankind’s illusions that create all the fancy newfangled explanations. Spirit simply IS.
Keep going with this Truth: see where it takes you. As long as you don’t drag in matter in any form – no matter how etherealized – you’ll be just fine, for you won’t be limited in any conceivable way.
We don’t sink deeply enough
F O R . T H E . A D V A N C E D
Quite frankly, not everyone’s capable of being entirely honest. Are you? Honest with yourself, I mean. And don’t tell me I have no right to talk like this because I put myself right there in the center of those who want more spiritually.
We can learn with the best of ’em how to slow down the thinking mechanism to nearly a standstill but we still want more. At least I do, and I’ve been at it a few hundred years, I think!
We want healing and miracles too! In Spirit they’re as natural as can be and for us they’re like God-kisses that reassure us. But we’ve got to change our entire focus.
Wanting anything is a strong declaration that we lack something and it’s at this juncture that we should be ready for a bucket of virtual (spiritual!) ice water on our head.
We know better than to entertain such a Self-defeating thought. But we do so for hours, even days or years.
WE JUST SIMPLY DON’T SINK DEEPLY ENOUGH INTO THE VERY TRUTH(S) WE ALREADY KNOW !!! Then we weep and wail and wonder what more we must do.
We must take one Truth and meditate on it till the cows come home. But, oh no, we get a warm, fuzzy feeling and we go bounding off like a little child. That was the time we should have STARTED to buckle down! And down! And down!
I am Spirit. What in the blazes does that mean? What is Spirit? What is the entire absence of matter? What is Omnipresence? How in the world can God be Omnipresence? How can I?
You’ve got your work cut out for you and so do I. Our Teacher is our Self. Are you equal to it?
The Inner Experience – Kari Carwile
The “inner experience” has been called many different things. In India it is called Yoga, and in Buddhism Nirvana, in Taoism it’s called Tao, and Aristotle referred to it as Being, Plato referred to it as The Good and The Beautiful, Judaism is Ein Sof, and in Christianity it is called The Kingdom of God. This is truly a UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE. Source IS Source – Universally! We are ALL ONE.
Go into our “INNER CHAMBER”, shut the door, and shut out everything and awaken to consciousness, where we find all that was ever ‘perceived’ that we needed.
The “inner chamber” in the brain is the place of MEDITATION, and it’s merely a matter of realizing we ALREADY ARE in the “inner chamber.” In that inner chamber/consciousness we realize our own true self, beyond all space and time, limitless & infinite.
The inner chamber is not a location, but it is levels of consciousness called dimensions. Each dimension vibrates at higher rates than the one below, and the higher the vibration the purer the consciousness, and the purer the consciousness, the greater the experience of KNOWING.
For YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS we have been in the 3D Dimension which is very restricting and limiting, and is the consciousness of fear and chaos and separation. Many are already transitioning and experiencing what is called the 5th Dimension. Our bodies and our cells are already vibrating in the 5th Dimension, but our minds are catching up to or realizing (becoming aware of) our ONENESS.
In the 5th Dimension there are still things in form, but they’re no longer dense, and are more light filled. The 5th Dimension has been described by some as the dimension of LOVE, or living totally from the HEART. In the 5th Dimension manifestation is instant; just a thought and it’s there. In the 5th Dimension and greater dimensions is this “Consciousness” – there is no lack, no disease or sickness, no mental health issues, no accidents, no death. Only DIVINE LIFE, DIVINE MIND, DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE POWER, JOY, PEACE AND CONTENTMENT AND HARMONY.
In order to enter these new dimensions, we must leave all the OLD thought patterns behind, and realize this; OUR BODY/HEART ARE ALREADY THERE and we must also realize that our body is also VERY INTELLIGENT, and wants to teach our mind that there is NO SEPARATION! Everything in this body is ONE and works together as ONE. The brain and all its functions, our eyes, ears, glands, lungs, the heart, the gut, our entire body and even our flesh and so on, ALL work AS ONE!
In meditation we can observe any thought of lack of any kind, (which actually comes from the 3rd Dimension), and just let it go, in others words don’t give that thought a second thought, and then we can redirect our thoughts to “everything we need is ALREADY here, because Source/I are ONE.” Our mind then begins to realize that Oneness and all the OLD is gone.
We can all experience this new dimension/dimensions for ourselves; it’s no longer just for a few, but its already here for ALL of us! It’s in the ocean of endless consciousness of infinite possibilities!
~ Kari Carwile
Background should be shared
H O W . WE . G O T . T O . W H E R E . W E . A R E will go a long way — if shared — to help others to do likewise! Let everyone grow at the same pace as ourself. We don’t need more great leaders but more openness.
Who the hell is Hell for?
It is often said the Jesus spoke of Hell more than anyone.
And yet Paul, having received his revelation directly from Jesus, never once spoke of Hell.Why?
It has to do with audience relevance.Jesus came as a Jew, and as a witness to the Jews.Jesus predominantly focused on hell (gehenna) in his teachings and parables to illustrate the coming destruction of Jerusalem.
The Old Covenant of the mosaic law and sacrificial offerings was rapidly approaching its demise.It was not God’s intention to destroy any people, but to obliterate a distorted belief and sacrificial system that God abhorred. Those who remembered and heeded Jesus’s teachings on hell, escaped the horrendous death that was handed down by the Romans.
Paul’s mission was different. Paul was an ambassador for Christ to the Gentiles. He brought the Gospel into full disclosure and transparency. Paul showed us an incredible All inclusive Jesus, who valued everyone above no one, and no one above everyone.
Paul never spoke of Hell, because there was no hell to be found. Instead he taught that Christ was in the world reconciling us to the Father. The Apostle Paul minced no words, if there was a Hell to be feared, he would have been all over it.Again , look at his audience.
Certainly if Hell was a real and viable contender, then it would have been relevant to the Gentiles. After all, were they not the ones in darkness?If Hell was not a priority or even a subject for Paul;Then who in the Hell, is Hell for?!!!
Dan Shaffer