Category Archives: ACIM

Don’t tolerate mind-wandering


“… why don’t you do what the Course suggests in the Manual? As soon as it’s possible, spend some quiet time with God. Then remembering Who you are, bring your peace with you. After that, be determined to stay alert. You know the ego is going to try to upset you and make you think you’re a body. That’s why the Course counsels you about being vigilant and not being so tolerant of mind wandering. All you’ve got to do is focus and use a little more discipline. The funny thing is, you can do it. I think you know from experience that you can do it. In fact, you do it a lot. That’s why your ego feels threatened. The ego is ingenious, and as you’ve seen for yourself, it will come up with remarkable ways to trick you. All you have to do is be a little more ready to respond ahead of time. Once you’re in that state of mind you’ll have it made. You can handle the news, and you can handle anything else that comes up.” ACIM
~Gary Renard
The Disappearance of the Universe

Rhetorical question

Can you find light
by analyzing
darkness, as the
psychotherapist does,
or like the theologian,
by acknowledging
darkness in yourself
and looking for a
distant light to
remove it, while
emphasizing the


Why forgiveness wasn’t happening

The mind was like a programmer that told me, through my brain and body, what to experience and how to respond. I had been controlled like a robot, told what to do, and programmed to think it was really me making these decisions on this level. Just as a human being could build a computer, program it, and tell it what to do —or could direct a virtual reality figure to do things within an environment that didn’t truly exist —the programmer mind was directing me to move within and experience a world that didn’t truly exist in order to convince me I was a body. That body was sometimes getting what it wanted, but usually missing out on something, whether physical or psychological. This sense of lack was symbolic of being separate from God. The specific reasons for my problems were shown to me as external to myself, operating in a universe that was never really there, in order to serve as a scapegoat for my hidden unconscious guilt over that very same separation. I realized that even though this unconscious mind that was calling the shots seemed to be outside of me, it really wasn’t. The mind issuing the directives of the ego thought system was within me, not without, which also meant that the universe was in my mind, not without. I had to turn the tables on it; Heaven was also here and was, in fact, all that really existed. There was no place else —but I had made an illusion that seemed to replace Heaven and then tucked that illusion in between myself and God in an effort to escape an imaginary punishment that I now secretly and erroneously believed I deserved. Like everybody else, I would find a way to punish myself for this imagined guilt. Yet all the while, God was merely waiting to welcome me home —as soon as I was healed by the Holy Spirit and ready to return to reality. We would then celebrate for all of eternity. Until now, I hadn’t had a clue about all this. Being aware of these things made me begin to appreciate the magnitude of my mind. I knew that all the decisions for illusion had been made unconsciously, and then the corresponding symbols of those decisions were acted out in the false universe. The decision to be separate and guilty came first, and then the universe had instantly put up its smokescreen. This all seemed so real to each individual observing from his or her particular point of view in the dream that it would take training to forgive what they thought were authentic happenings and think with the Holy Spirit instead.
~Gary Renard
The Disappearance of the Universe

How forgiveness works

The Holy Spirit takes the very device the ego made to protect itself and uses it to undo it. His devices can only be used for good. Don’t worry about results that may or may not be seen on the level of form. Be grateful for what forgiveness and the Holy Spirit are doing for you. By forgiving your brothers and sisters in the manner just described, you are rejoining with what you really are. You’re telling the world and the bodily images you see that their behavior can’t have any effect on you, and if they can’t have any effect on you, then they don’t really exist separately from you. Thus, there is no separation of any kind in reality —which brings us to the final major component of the attitude of forgiveness: Trust the Holy Spirit and choose His strength. The peace of the Holy Spirit will be given to you if you do your job. He will heal the larger, unconscious mind that is hidden from you, and give you His peace at the same time. This peace may not always come right away, and sometimes it will. Sometimes it may surprise you in the form of something happening that would usually upset you —except this time it doesn’t. All this will lead you to the Kingdom of Heaven, for along with the Holy Spirit, you are doing the work that leads to the condition of peace —which is the condition of the Kingdom. Forgiveness is actually preparing you to re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
~Gary Renard
The Disappearance of the Universe
Based on ACIM

Learn to choose

You think it is God’s will that is being acted out here, but you and the world are wrong about that. It is something else that is being constantly acted out here —namely your seeming separation from God. We want to help you return to your reality with Him. The seeming interaction between you and God is really an interaction within your own unconscious split mind —between the part of you that has forgotten your reality and the part of your mind where the Holy Spirit dwells. He has never left you. His Voice, which you will learn how to be vigilant for, is your memory of God —your memory of your true home. This Voice represents your long-forgotten reality. Now you must learn how to choose, like the prisoners in Plato’s cave, something that you will have tremendous resistance to choosing. You must learn how to choose between the Holy Spirit, Who represents the real you, and the part of your mind that represents the false you. And you will learn how to do it in such a way that your long-imprisoned unconscious mind can finally be freed. It is literally impossible for you to do this on your own. You are certainly welcome to try. If you will let yourself be helped, then much time can be saved for you.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance of the Universe
Based on ACIM
& the Gospel of Thomas

Let HS teach how remove barriers

If you really want to be perfect Love like him [Jesus] and God, then what you need to do is learn how to remove, with the Holy Spirit’s help, the barriers that you have placed in between yourself and God. Then you will naturally and inevitably become aware of what you really are.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance of the Universe
Based on ACIM
& the Gospel of Thomas

Understand Jesus’ teaching in its entirety

There are indeed some universal truths that J [JESUS] has in common with others. Once you understand what he’s saying IN ITS ENTIRETY (caps mine, rjs), then he speaks for an original thought system that will lead you much more quickly to God, and is not really the same as any of the others.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance of the Universe

Break cycle of birth & death

●● Everything going on with you now is symbolic of unhealed stuff from past lives, which of course is all symbolic of the separation of God. To heal one lifetime is to heal them all. ~ Mike Lemieux

●● Excerpt from Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death:
Maybe you’re watching TV and you forgive a news story that you see. Another layer of the onion is peeled away, but you think nothing’s happening. In the meantime, the Holy Spirit is shining your forgiveness everywhere throughout the mind that is projecting the universe, and thus through the projection as well. It cuts through unconscious guilt and its projections of karma like a laser beam. It goes through all of your past lives, all through the different dimensions of time, everywhere in the universe of energy and form, and through every parallel universe that appears to exist. Incredible things are happening! The Holy Spirit is actually collapsing time as you sit there.