Category Archives: Letter for YOU

Do you believe it?

Remembering Andrew Wommack’s account of being at one with God (as if in heaven) for 3 solid months, I asked God again if I could ….
He told me (again) “not 3 months only, but forever . . . ”
He told me to go into the Spirit (the kingdom) and stay there.
He said there was no reason this spiritual living and blessedness EVER had to end.
Do you believe it?

Sometimes you’ve got to be tough!

Hug ‘im tough!

Dear Georges –
You asked me why you weren’t seeing any healing in a very sensitive area of your life. Well I do have good news for you if you can get over the fact that it sounds exactly the opposite, i.e., like bad news! You wondered why Jesus hasn’t answered your prayer and given you the blessing that you crave – a green light in your career path like your other friends have. The worst answer that one could give you is “I don’t know.” But that would not be my answer nor would it be the answer of any other believer! It’s so clear what’s going on (Or, not going on!)

You give God a grocery list of all the things that you feel you have a perfect right to have and you are most adamant about this list; but you don’t care one iota about God’s plan for you – you just want to issue demands and then blame God when these demands are not met. You’re very passionate about the things that you want and the things that you need. The issue here could actually be made very clear in a mathematical equation: your passion for everything else is about 98% and your passion for Jesus barely reaches 2%. These two items need to be switched!! This is not me getting on my soapbox and preaching at you: this is hard, cold fact! You shouldn’t even say or think that you trust Jesus when you also trust other gods that are diametrically opposite to Him.

The good news that I alluded to earlier is that you haven’t failed – you haven’t ever even tried! Therefore if you ever choose to trust Jesus, you can expect a very wonderful result, unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before!

To be with God…

You don’t have to wait a moment
to be with Me.
You don’t have to do anything
to hear my voice.
You are in Me.
And I in you.
I am at once everywhere.
You don’t need to get up.
Nor to sit down.
You don’t have to close a book.
Nor open one.
Your ability to hear My voice
in your spirit
is growing by leaps and bounds.
After all,
I am speaking to you right now,
aren’t I?

Jumpstart listening like Samuel did!

When the Lord called him, Samuel said “Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth!”
He didn’t say, “Listen, Lord, for thy servant speaketh!!

We can “JUMPSTART” our listening to God by merely supplying the obvious, such as “Okay, Robin, now this is God speaking to you from within you (where I reside) and I want you to know that ….”
(The Bible is replete with His messages to you. This is where you can draw from until His voice takes over completely and speaks intimately to you.)

ONENESS is what we’re really striving to experience. It’s a matter of conscious awareness and is immediately attainable by pondering deeply the very nature and essence of our awesome God…

Assaulted by negative thoughts?


There is help for you which can totally frustrate and enervate the carnal mind’s hold that seems to have engulfed you.

Imagine (with your Godly imagination) the situation completely healed. Get really comfortable with the absence of every ungodlike thought and feeling. By all means have the Holy Spirit fully engaged as you do this. Just re-member the last topic that was under assault and let God take over and talk to you about it. Then take another and another and another.

Has complete peace set in yet? Be ready to confront those selfsame lingering thoughts all over again. When can you call it quits? Let “never!” be your mantra: then it will be over.

I don’t want to get into that trite and boring debate about whether the carnal mind is a real, tangible being that must be summarily dealt with or whether it is entirely in the realm of the non-local, non-material. But I urge us all to take carnal suggestions very seriously – long enough to inform them that they have no basis in reality and have no power over us in any guise; and, furthermore that we are not the least bit impressed by their lies and cunning presentments.

In him we live, and move, and have our being

with the Holy Spirit speaking through you?
What do you see and hear
When God uses your eyes and ears?
And what does it feel like
When Jesus does your feel-ing?

How can you communicate
When God does all the talking?
What then is living like
With God at the very helm?
And what in the world happens
When you run out of questions?
(Dr. Robin Starbuck)

... In him we live, and move, and have our being...  Acts 17:28 KJV
“The God who made the world and everything in it, this Master of sky and land, doesn’t live in custom-made shrines or need the human race to run errands for him, as if he couldn’t take care of himself. He makes the creatures; the creatures don’t make him. Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him. He doesn’t play hide-and-seek with us. He’s not remote; he’s near. We live and move in him, can’t get away from him! One of your poets said it well: ‘We’re the God-created.’ Well, if we are the God-created, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to think we could hire a sculptor to chisel a god out of stone for us, does it?
Acts 17:24 MSG

For YOU, from God


Dear You,
I just want to let you know what it feels like living on the inside of you especially now that you are finally catching on to the incredible potential that this has for Us. your ears are my ears and they hear perfectly because they hear spiritual reality. Your eyes, oh what visions they see! I love your beautiful beautiful heart it’s always been my pride and joy and now it is aware of my presence right here. you may find this hard to accept but i, God, feel it is a great honor to be living fully aware on the inside of you I go to those places that you would like to have fixed and wash over them with my eternal love! Oh, what an amazing joy it is to see that that beautiful, beautiful heart of yours is now open and loving toward everyone without penalty because… Well actually I was the one that put it there. I love living on the inside of you, you your ears hear perfectly because they hear spiritually and your eyes oh what visions they see! they are starting to see the things that I saw exclusively all the time from before the beginning of time from before the world was I am and I am as per your constant persistent invitation I am living on the inside of you . your mind – that beautiful sensitive intellect – is my mind. My mind is your mind but now now now I have your arms and your legs your feet your your perceptions and when I encounter some little blip some fear, some notion that there is such a thing as a devil I just poof vanquish it!! Oh, dear you, you have sung praises to me and now it’s my turn to to sing with great joy I am set free in you! I can read I can write I can sing I can shout I am Alive in you. So forgive me if this sounds a little bit preposterous but I the Lord thy God I’m thankful to you. Thank you for finally sticking with it persistently enough to get the barriers open so that we may function as one. We are one. We have always been one. nothing has changed except everything! everything is changed now you wanted me to reign and rule on the inside of you. you begged me but you weren’t 100% sure about it so I couldn’t but now you’re adequately sure and now that’s exactly what I’m doing. you are more powerful now than you have ever ever ever been! this is life eternal you do know me and I know you you don’t even need to say oh excuse me, Jesus, or Holy Spirit may I have a moment of your attention, or dear God please if you could…. I am you – get used to it this is what you’ve been asking me for and I am so very very happy to finally be able to give it to you because you’re finally asking with your whole being. so, YOU, I love you I love you I love you I love you and I love living within you, as you, for you, for me, and finally for the world. Amen. ~God

Never without God
Never without God