We must stay in the Spirit. Translation: we must stay aware of our oneness with God because that’s where divine Love, joy, peace and perfection are found. God wants us well and happy even more than we do, so let’s oblige Him and accept all He has to offer. And, yes, we can contain it all … by virtue of the fact that we already do!
Dear God, As You know I haven’t been asking for much lately – because I’ve been so busy accessing the bounty that you’ve already given me. I am so overwhelmed and overjoyed on a moment-by-moment basis that it’s hard to even imagine wanting more. Oh, I could dazzle my friends with a list of all the things that they have and I DON’T have; but I thank You for putting me in the best situation possible to hear You and see You as You are! So now I am begging You to use me to the utmost to reach as many receptive souls as possible (and even a few non-receptive ones) — for this is my greatest joy! Amen and amen.
Love, Robin
If someone were to ask you
“How are you today?”
And you wanted to answer truthfully,
You’d have to ask yourself
“How well am I loving today?”
And then you’d know.
We like to talk about Jesus-centeredness, don’t we? You hear about it at every turn in Christian culture.
Jesus-centered Christianity, a Jesus-centered gospel, Jesus-centered music, Jesus-centered churches, etc.
Now, I’m for Jesus-centeredness, but what I think we often mean when we say “Jesus-centered” is that humankind cannot also be at the center, since that’s a place Jesus jealously guards. That I’m not for. What I don’t think we understand, though, is that to place Jesus at the center of everything is to also place humanity at the center of everything. Jesus is not some disembodied specter, but a flesh and blood human, who also happens to be God. All other approaches to the divine must choose between who occupies center stage, God or humans, but in the Gospel we see that to place God at the center is to place humanity at the center, and to place humanity at the center is to place God at the center.
When you meet the needs of humans, you meet the needs of God. And when you seek to meet the needs of God, you will always find yourself being redirected back to the needs of your fellow humans. God does not desire to be at the center, for when that is the case, we find excuses for trampling on one another in order to get to the divine. And so he has rigged the system in such a way that one is not “getting to the divine” if they are not also caring for their fellow humans.
A Jesus-centered Gospel is a human-centered Gospel, and a human-centered Gospel is a Jesus-centered Gospel.
Jeff Turner A Jesus-centered Gospel is a human-centered Gospel, and a human-centered Gospel is a Jesus-centered Gospel.
The serpent said, if you eat of this tree you will become like God. But they were already like God. The tree was… do good and avoid evil and you will become like God… that is the essence of all religion.
You ARE created in Christ Jesus for good works, not because of good works. Like Adam we are made in the likeness of God… nothing we do makes us like him. It is surrendering to who we already are, yielding to the fact that we are righteous, accepted, holy, blessed, and forgiven.
~ Chuck Crisco Pastor Chuck Crisco and family
You say you’ve suffered so much injustice
People have hurt you big time
And it’s taken its toll on your body
Nothing seems quite right in your life.
Well, I believe you.
I really do.
You never should have been given so much to endure.
It’s just not right and it’s about to change.
The buck stops here.
God says He can use every last bit
Of your suffering.
Right now, and repay you seven-fold.
You’ve got to quit looking
In the merely human realm
To see that this is true.
Although I was fully a mortal man,
I was – and am – fully God.
Please learn how to listen to me
All by yourself.
It doesn’t do any good to speak aloud what you want if you haven’t ever put any faith in God’s words. You’ve got to have the Word of God take over in your consciousness. Let His Word recreate you as it were so that the perfection of His Word takes over your entire being. When you let the Word of God take charge over your very feelings, that’s when everything changes and your life starts to measure up to the divine. You won’t want things that could pull you back down again because the desire to have things that were designed to throw you off your course . . . you’ll simply see through them and have a little chuckle. You’ll want more and more of God and you’ll have more and more of God almost simultaneously! And oh yes it will be thrilling! You just have no idea how much power you wield from the inside of you – it is mind-boggling! so much junk will fall by the wayside and you will speak with authority, dignity and power. The very next step is to remove the word “will” from everything above (and below). We’re talking about a here and now hands on reality!! Take Mark 11:23 for example and speak to your mountain – but do not turn to the fleshly mind to choose something to test it with. Your prayers must line up with the obvious will of God. At this moment I’m sure you can’t imagine how reassuring it is to know that you must align yourself with God’s will and that God’s will is very obvious and clear. As a matter of fact if you would give all prideful considerations over to God right now – every last one of them – you’ll suddenly feel infinitely lighter and you’ll realize that you are on the King’s Highway right now!! You will absolutely learn to have faith in your own words at this juncture. It will all be so compelling to you! First and foremost turn to your Bible and let the Word of God in. Its impact must reign and rule in your heart: your desires will undergo a metamorphosis as you trust the Bible to feed you and re–form you. It will be more thrilling than your first kiss! Your first kiss won’t even be able to hold a candle to what you will experience when you truly, truly listen to the Holy Spirit who resides on the inside of you! The righteousness of your own prayers will dazzle you and the immediacy of the Word will utterly disarm you of all else. Did you really wonder where you got that supernatural confidence and supernatural faith from? Really? You didn’t know? That’s you! That’s the real you! That’s the God-within-you You! I wonder if you will drop all else and let the Word of God direct you in e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g !!!
“The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. [8] The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. [9] The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. [10] More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. [14] Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”
Psalm 19:7-10, 14 KJV