I had a chat with Paul

“How can I leave the world entirely and live only in my soul?” I queried.
“MAKE YOURSELF BLIND.” came his instantaneous response.
I’m not a stranger to such directives, having spent my early childhood looking away from the body and into divine Spirit. I didn’t even stumble over the preposterous ramifications of the body’s imminent objections!
“I want to do it, but how?” was my uncompromising plea.
“Stay in your soul. God lives as you there. And I will sup with you anytime…” (Paul must’ve picked that up from Joel.) “…for as long as you want.”
Immediately I wanted to test Paul. He replied “Your Damascus journey is nearly through. You must consciously rest in full Spirit awareness, knowing as you do that at that moment, your answer, your hope, is your fait acomplí.”
“But what about . . .?”
Paul was gone.


Below is my response to a query:

It’s hard to describe in human language but I’ll try. My yearning to never step outside Spirit awareness had been getting stronger and stronger; it couldn’t be satisfied with a flippant “just rest” admonition anymore. I thought about Paul and wondered what my unique method should be. Then it occurred to me that, in Spirit, Paul is ever-present. So I got up the courage to simply, wordlessly, ask.


I have to confess that the blindness that I “saw” was the world and all its baubles, the flesh and all its sorrows, mortal mind and its desperate attempts to get ahead. I saw through it as Jesus did and what beauty and glory there was in its stead!


There was nothing strange or surreal going on. I was basking in my soul (aware of God living as me) when a very familiar wish presented itself for the umpteenth time, namely, wanting to never go back to world mind. Then I just thought of Paul and simply posed my question. It’s extremely important to note that it wasn’t any kind of human will exercise at all.


I believe there’s a top-down approach and a bottom-up non-approach to spiritual communion. I wasn’t focused on a human-like curiosity-driven aspiration but rather a longing, over a very long period of time, to stay grounded in Spirit alone. It wasn’t my human mind that “thought” of Paul but my soul – our Soul – that received Paul’s answer before the question was entirely formulated. I knew immediately that it had nothing to do with human blindness, self-imposed or otherwise. This realm knows of no such thing as time, so immortal Paul and immortal Joel and immortal You&me have always been.