All posts by Dr. Robin Starbuck

About Dr. Robin Starbuck

Professor of English 1973 M.A., New York University 1989 Ph.D., New York University Linguistics

Herb Fitch Audio Series

Bill Skiles’ website:

Herb Fitch Audio Series onBill Skyles’ Mystical PrinciplesThunder of SilenceOn top of LIST of Herb Fitch’s audio tracks, there are 1-11 and are not named THUNDER OF SILENCE. At the very END of the List are track numbers 12-19 also not named. Added to List at end is THUNDER #1&B.They have “(1)” attached because they do also appear elsewhere in the List. ●●●You can smoothly do the whole list by starting with all Thunder of Silence beginning with number 1A&B at the end of the List and then everything at the top of the list that is not yet La Jolla or Revelation is thunder of silence. It can be done in chronological order by skipping around or just simply do it in the order that it is in the list skipping La Jolla and revelation temporarily then go back and do La Jolla and Revelation. I think later on in there, there might be Parenthesis in Eternity sprinkled in but after La Jolla and Revelation so you could probably just do those tracks when they appear in that order. It won’t disrupt anything.

No Me (h-m)

No me,you,s/he/it

Haiku for the poor in spirit.

Even the Absolute is the dream.
The worded is the futile.
Meaning is dreamt.
‘Your life’ doesn’t exist.
What apparently lives is nullity.
Nothing realizes nothing.
This is breathtaking.
Seeing this is unbearable for the sense of self.
Nothing matters.
Understanding deludes.
There is no last resort.
No refuge.
Nirvana is a joke.
The Buddha lost his mind in an attempt to go beyond himself.
The Bodhi Tree farted.
Brain bursts into laughter.
The belly shakes.
The grass grows by itself.
The spring is coming…..

Wouter van Oord.

breathlessly beautiful!


Nothing needs to be done. That’s one of the “trickiest” points for people to “process”. This, right here, whatever it is, is absolute allness and absolute nothingness simultaneously. 

     It seems like an astronomical task to quit trying to make sense out of that which is beyond all sense and sensibility! Yet it’s so unbelievably simple … and breathlessly beautiful!


It’s all over -rjs


You don’t exist.
I don’t either.
Nobody does.

Not in some far-off
Esoteric “place” but
Right here, right “now”

Ponder it deeply
Before your pondering
Mechanism dissolves!

Every “thing” is departing
With fond alacrity
Good riddance to it all.

Alone at last – how sublime!
No more years to waste
On the treadmill of seeming life.

Nothing has changed . . .
And yet
Every thing is different now.

Indescribably wonderful!
Ineffable perfection
Joy without end.

There may be pain and fear
What of it? You’re not there.
Nor me, nor him, nor anyone.

The ultimate “finished” freedom
Is found in everyone’s
Ever-present absence.

-Robin Starbuck




it can be trauma gone amuck

things just aren’t as they should

stuff … unacceptable, never quits

and all you want is out! 


You err my good friend. 

Yes you really have glimpsed

Truth beyond all this seeming.

Way beyond, but right here. 


You could never have awakened

As you – yes You – have done!!

Without the trauma goading you

Since day one! 


You must let go of the people

Who’ve trampled you down. 

No story, no conclusion, just

Drop them off alone. 


Close every book, …….

Finished at last. ……

Even when symptoms persist ….

Don’t fail to open………