All posts by Dr. Robin Starbuck

About Dr. Robin Starbuck

Professor of English 1973 M.A., New York University 1989 Ph.D., New York University Linguistics

Concessions with language w/Nisargadatta Maharaj &rjs

The World is the abode of desires and fears: you cannot find peace in it.

For peace you must go beyond the world. The root cause of the world is self-love. Because of it we seek pleasure and avoid pain.

Replace self-love by love of the Self and the picture changes.

nisargadatta maharaj
I Am That
Temporary concession with language: since words have no inherent meaning nor power, “we” might try plugging into NM’s intended meaning by seeing “Self” as “we (westerners)” see “Absolute” or “Wholeness”, “All, Emptiness, Fullness, Perfection, God, Nirvana.”