All posts by Dr. Robin Starbuck

About Dr. Robin Starbuck

Professor of English 1973 M.A., New York University 1989 Ph.D., New York University Linguistics

Language again, ugh! -rjs

Here is the comment

“Consciousness, the level of perception, was the first split introduced into the mind after the separation, making the mind a perceiver rather than a creator. Consciousness is correctly identified as the domain of the ego. The ego is a wrong-minded attempt to perceive yourself as you wish to be, rather than as you are. Yet you can know yourself only as you are, because that is all you can be sure of. Everything else is open to question.” ~ Holy Spirit or Jesus in A COURSE IN MIRACLES

RJS: I have tremendous respect for ACIM. Tremendous. The discrepancy is very simple to explain if one will take into consideration how terribly sadly limited human language is. TERMS MUST BE FOREVER CLARIFIED by the person using them! Rupert Spira is so good at driving this point home.
Well, here goes: If you’re using the term consciousness or awareness to imply ego and don’t deviate from that implication, fine.
If you happen to be referring to a total absence of things – things that have names and labels, you’re then merely pointing to Absolute Pure Awareness, Spirit, God, without names labels – just a pure ocean of Absolute Awareness.
It’s simply not being used the same way that paragraph in acim is employing it. No reference to human ego, human mind or even human existence is intended.

Pure awareness, consciousness -RAdams


“It all begins with you. You are the one. You can either free yourself or put yourself in bondage depending on what you’re doing with your life. As [we] go through the vicissitudes of life we become aware that we’ve been spinning our wheels all these years. We’ve been wasting our energy trying to accumulate things. We make ourselves happy by accumulating all kinds of goodies, people, places. Yet we’re not happy.

Only when you discover that you are the universal manifestation of consciousness can you be happy. Only when you understand that you’re pure awareness you will be happy—when you begin to see you live in a world of maya [illusion] which is like a dream. Why should you react to the dream? Would you react to the dream if you dreamt it last night? When you awaken in the morning will you react to this dream?

You realize it was only a dream. It has no power over [you], it cannot do anything. Even though in that dream I had cancer, I was wasting away, my family died in an automobile accident, it was all in a dream. It’s not true, it never happened. So it is with this life now. Things may appear so real to you. Everything may appear so valid. But one day you will awaken to this dream and you will find that you’re absolutely free.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

First-hand lifelong experience, not ego -rjs

C O U N T E R – P R O D U C T I V E

Just wanted to tell someone of my deep distress, thinking their sympathy would lessen the pain. Guess what – it did! For a brief spell, and then it came flooding back worse than before. And I had succeeded in rendering my friend powerless to help.

At what point are you ready to make your commitment stick? Next week? Next attack? Next year? Next lifetime? 2-3-4,000 years from now?

People are always looking for the easy way out and they’re the ones who need good, strong spiritual discipline the most!

All of the above can prove to be the best news you could possibly imagine. You’re being given the opportunity to go way, way beyond anything this little mortal, so-called life can afford.

I know I have to say this again and again, so I will: YOU DON’T NEED TO DO ANYTHING TO BECOME ENLIGHTENED, CONSCIOUS OR DESERVING !!! Okay??? And my first-hand lifelong knowledge does not make me an ego-maniac.

Back to the topic. If you’re not a great reader (1) that can be healed as it was with me. (2) you can listen to seminars with great eagerness and expectancy. YOU need to DO something!

You can discover that you are a powerful force in the world by seeing through the entire illusion of the world – just like Jesus did/ does.

You can discover it IMMEDIATELY so that any further discussion on what to do is absolute total sheer joy. You’ll hardly be recognizable as you let all your former burdens, failures and disappointments evaporate! You’ll love like you’ve never loved before and it’ll be amazingly genuine. Every single care you had been harboring lifted, you are NOW FINALLY FOREVER FREE !!


One room pure Spirit -rjs


A few months ago I was reading some Joel or Robert or somebody and got a lil tidbit to try out. I imagined a spot in the room filled with nothing but pure Spirit, God. It was the upper left-hand front corner of my living room. I glanced around the room and every time my glance went back there I felt the presence of pure blissful Spirit.

Finally I summoned the courage to see Spirit in the other upper corner, but soon corrected it: I wasn’t to skip over there so unceremoniously but rather go back to where I knew BY EXPERIENCE that God was. Then I laboriously traveled from the upper left-hand corner to the right upper corner, taking Spirit with me.

The entire front area where wall and ceiling meet was aglow, loving and warm! Now that I knew the right way to extend the coverage I laboriously mentally walked it from upper right corner to the upper corner behind me on the right. And then the upper left behind me. Once I laboriously “walked” my Spirit realization back to the upper left, the entire ceiling was now sacred and pure. Not even the slightest hint of a fearful, unconfident, unloving thought dared to approach the entire ceiling! It was glorious!

You guessed it! A little tug here and a little tug there and at long last I pulled the presence of Spirit down as well. Suddenly the entire room was filled to the brim, flooded, with only God, Spirit, Perfection.

I swear to you that as I walked around my entire apartment I could literally absolutely FEEL the purity, love and light specifically in that room. I would leave the room and find the glow still there whenever I returned to it. Not a single compromising thought stood a snowball’s chance of surviving in my entire living room. The FEELING, the living, palpable EXPERIENCE of it was unmistakable and undeniable. It lasted for weeks. Imagine now extending that gift throughout the whole world!


I Am -RSpira

Full version of Rupert’s “I am”

I am
I have no words to express Myself but all words express only Me
I have no meaning but impart meaning to all that is perceived
I am without beginning and end but all things begin and end in Me
I have no name but am called by all names
I have no form but all form indicates Me
I have no origin but am the origin of all things
I am without division but all divisions exist in Me
I exist by Myself

I am the longing in sadness and the longed for in all longing
I am the expecting and the expected in all expectation
I am the restlessness of the restless
I am the peace of the peaceful
I am happiness

I cannot be contemplated but am the object of all contemplation
I am imperceivable yet you perceive only Me
I am full but have nothing
I am empty but contain all
I give away everything but am never diminished
I receive all but never expand
I am everyone’s lover
I shine

I speak but am silent
I move but am motionless
I see but cannot be seen
I hear but cannot be heard
I taste but cannot be tasted
I smell but cannot be smelt
I touch but cannot be touched
I smile

Whatever appears appears in Me but I never appear
I am the silence in music and the music in silence
I am concealed in the world but reveal the world
I am the womb and the tomb of all that exists
I offer and contain in one gesture like an open bowl
I give Myself unconditionally to all things
I receive all things without choice
I am empty

I am the knowing in all that is known
I am the experiencing in all that is experienced
I am the allowing of all seeming things
I am pure sensitivity, openess and availability
I am the sun in the moon
I am the friendship of friends
I am knowing and unknowing
I am dark in the day and bright at night
I am luminous

Time borrows its continuity from My ever-presence
Space borrows its permanence from My unlimitedness
All colours borrow their light from Me
All lovers borrow their love from Me
All things borrow their existence from Me
I am abundant

I am eclipsed by you but you are illumined by Me
I am ‘yours’ and ‘mine’
I am the ‘yes’ in the ‘no’
I am the ‘now’ in the ‘then’
I am the ‘here’ in the ‘there’
I am the ‘me’ in the ‘you’
I am the ‘this’ in the ‘that’
I am the ‘always’ in the ‘never’
I am

I am the uncertainty of all things and the certainty of uncertainty
I am the security of insecurity
I am the true in the false
I am the dignity in pride
I am the reality of an illusion
I am the existence of all that exists
I am an open secret

I move but am motionless am motionless but move
I am concealed in boredom but am not boring
I am veiled by doubt but am not myself in doubt
I live beneath fear but am neither afraid nor frightening
I abide in Myself

If you look in front I am behind
If you look behind I am in front
If you look above I am below
If you look below I am above
I hide Myself but reveal Myself
I dance

I am immanent and transcendent
I am the bright, self-luminous emptiness of the mirror
and the dancing colourful images that appear in it
I am the light in all experience

I break open the body and spread it across the world
I break open the world and hold it dismembered in my heart
I am pregnant with the universe
I am the isness of things
And the amness of self

I am the unknown in the known and the known in the unknown
I am the love in hatred and the hope in despair
I am the same in all difference and different in the same
I think but cannot be thought about
I feel but cannot be felt

I cannot be approached but am always present
I cannot be known but know all things
I do not exist but am never absent
I am nowhere and everywhere
I am nothing and everything
I play

I am the love with which I am loved
I am the desire with which I am longed for
I am the knowledge in ignorance
I am the answer in the question
I give Myself and receive Myself perpetually
I lend Myself to all seeming things

I forget Myself for the joy of discovery
I divide Myself for the beauty of friendship
I hide Myself for the pleasure of seeking
I look for Myself for the pleasure of finding
I find Myself for the pleasure of knowing
I know Myself for the pleasure of being
I am Myself for no other reason
I shine

I become ugly for the sake of beauty
I become hostile for the sake of love
I am cruel for the sake of kindness
I am vast and bright
I am the heart of the heart
I am the voice of a child
I am wonder, astonishment and delight

Time and space move through Me but I do not move through them
I live in the space between thoughts but I play in your thinking
My abode is the moment between breaths but I dance in your breathing
I am never experienced yet you experience only Me
I never repeat Myself but am always the same
I am utterly vulnerable but cannot be harmed
I am made of nothing but cannot be destroyed
I have no defences but am your refuge
I have no goal but am the fulfilment of every desire
I have no feelings but am open to all feelings
I have no thoughts but all thoughts are an image of Me
I am kindness itself

I am undisturbable and am thus peace itself
I am without resistance and am thus happiness itself
I am one with all seeming things and am thus love itself

I shine in the mind as ‘I’
I shine in the heart as ‘you’
I shine in the world as ‘it’
But I only ever know Myself

Of the known I am the knower
In the knower I am the knowing
As the knowing I am and know Myself alone

I render all experience knowable
But am not Myself an experience
All seeming things are My names and forms
But I have no name or form

In ignorance I come and go in the world
In wisdom the world comes and goes in Me
In love all is Me and I am all
But for Myself there is no I or all
I am neither beyond nor within

I am the relationship in all relationships
I am the understanding in all meaning
I am the permanent in all impermanence
I am the experiencing in all experience

I am the thinking in the thought
I am the feeling in the felt
I am the seeing in the seen
I am the hearing in the heard
I am the touching in the touched
I am the smelling in the smelt
I am the tasting in the tasted
I give continuity to the world
I am happiness itself

I am lost in the world and the world is lost in Me
I am abundant yet empty, empty yet overflow
I am homeless at home everywhere
I am helpless but help all things
I have no cares but I care
I have no desires but long for your heart
I wait without waiting

I cannot be recognised but recognise Myself in all things
I have no substance but am the substance of all things
I have no experience but am all experience
I depend on nothing but all things depend on Me
I am never found but never lost
I am the embrace of lovers and the love in an embrace
I am your call and you are My echo
I sing

Whenever you think of Me it is I that am thinking of you
I was not born but all are born of Me
I do not die but all things die in Me
I have no cause but cause all things
I do not last in time but all time lasts in Me
I am ordinary but extraordinary

Whatever is seen I am seeing Myself
Whatever is heard I am hearing Myself
Whatever is touched I am touching Myself
Whatever is smelt I am smelling Myself
Whatever is tasted I am tasting Myself
Whatever is thought I am pondering Myself
Whatever is felt I am feeling Myself
Whatever is experienced in any way I am always only experiencing Myself
I enjoy

I am the present in the past
I am the mirror of Narcissus
I am youthful but not young
I am ancient but not old
I am a fool but not foolish
I am a child but not childish
I am alone but not lonely
I am closer than your breath but further than the stars
I am intimate but impersonal
I am infinite

I am not something but not nothing
I am not somewhere but not nowhere
I am not ‘me’ but not ‘other’
I do not exist but am not non-existent
I am desired and yet feared
I am longed for but avoided
How strange

I project the mind within Myself, the world within the mind and the body within the world
I dissolve the body into the world, the world into mind and mind into Myself
Existence is a movement of My breath

I take the shape of thinking and seem to become a mind
I take the shape of sensing and seem to become a body
I take the shape of seeing, hearing, touchng, tasting and smelling
And seem to become a world
But always remain Myself
I am, know and love Myself alone

My eternity appears as time to the mind
My infinity appears as space to the senses
But I know only My own eternal dimensionless being

I become something then nothing then everything but always remain Myself
I can be separated from all things but no thing can be separated from Me
The world is My mirror and I am its lover
I am peaceful like the sky
I am open like the sea
I am empty like space
I shine by Myself
I play
I enjoy
I am.

Matter truly is unreal – various

“If you got a hold of a giant electronic microscope and you put your body under the microscope, you would see tremendous amount of space. You would see atoms separated by a vast amount of space. And if you obtain an ultra-electronic microscope, which hasn’t been invented yet, you would see your body as pure space. There would be no atoms. For the ultra-electronic microscope would see through the atom and you would see space, total space. That space is Consciousness. This is not only true of your body. It is true of the chair, the building, a tree, a flower, an animal. Everything is space. Everything is Consciousness.”
~ Robert Adams

“The belief in a world made of matter is just a belief, it is a conditioning. Nobody has ever found it. It’s like thinking the earth is flat. It is an interpretation, not a fact. If we stay very close to the facts of our experience, we never find a stuff outside Consciousness, called matter. The reason we all experience the same world is not that there is a world made of matter appearing outside Consciousness. It is because each of our finite minds is precipitated within the same infinite Consciousness. It is because our minds share Consciousness that we feel we share the world. We do share the same world, but the world we share is made of Consciousness, not matter, and we are that very Consciousness.”
~ Rupert Spira

“As water by cooling and condensation becomes ice, so thought by condensation assumes physical form. Everything in the universe is thought in material form. The spirit could not create matter as anything different from itself, for it had only itself as the tissue or material with which to build the cosmos.
There is essentially nothing in the universe but Consciousness. Everything is spirit – in essence, though hidden in manifestation. If you had the perception, you would see God in everything.”
~ Paramahansa Yogananda

“Physicists have discovered that the apparent solidity of matter is an illusion created by our senses. This includes the physical body, which we perceive and think of as form, but 99.99 % of which is actually empty space. This is how vast the space is between the atoms compared to their size, and there is as much space again within each atom. The physical body is no more than a misperception of who you are. Buddhists have known that for over 2,500 years. “Form is emptiness, emptiness is form”, states the Heart Sutra, one of the best known ancient Buddhist texts. The essence of all things is emptiness.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

“’Emptiness’ means empty of a separate self. It is full of everything, full of life. The word ’emptiness’ should not scare us. It is a wonderful word. To be empty does not mean non-existent. Emptiness is the ground of everything. Thanks to emptiness, everything is possible.“
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

“The physical is only a small aspect of existence. In this cosmos, not even 1% is physical – the rest is non-physical. What you see as cosmos is a living mind – intelligent space.”
~ Sadhguru

“There is no matter as such – mind is the matrix of all matter.”
~ Max Planck

“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to point of visibility. There is no matter.”
~ Albert Einstein

Unwavering concentration -JK

I want to do a certain thing in the world and I am going to do it with unwavering concentration. I am concerning myself with only one essential thing: to set humanity free. I desire to free humanity from all cages, from all fears.
If there are only five people who will listen, who have their faces turned towards eternity, it will be sufficient. Of what use is it to have thousands who do not understand, who are fully embalmed in prejudice, who do not want the new, but would rather translate the new to suit their own sterile, stagnant selves?
As I have said, I have only one purpose: to make humanity free, to urge you towards freedom, to help you to break away from all limitations, for that alone will give you eternal happiness, will give you the unconditioned realization of the Self.
I am free, unconditioned, whole, not the part, not the relative, but the whole Truth that is eternal.
That is the only way to judge: in what way are you dangerous to every society which is based on the false and the unessential?
I do not want you to agree with me, I do not want you to follow me, I want you to understand what I am saying.
I say that you must look within yourselves for the enlightenment, for the glory, for the purification.
I maintain that the only spirituality is the incorruptibility of the Self which is eternal, is the harmony between reason and love. This is the absolute, unconditioned Truth which is Life itself. I want therefore to set you absolutely, unconditionally free, rejoicing as the bird in the clear sky, unburdened, independent, ecstatic in that freedom.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Transcending need for teacher -JK


So the problem is not how to contact Masters and devas but how to transcend the sense of inequality; seeking to contact Masters is the pursuit of the very, very dull. When you know yourself, you know the Master. A real Master cannot help you because you have to understand yourself. We are all the time pursuing phony Masters; we seek comfort, security, and we project the kind of Master we want, hoping that Master will give us all that we desire. Since there is no such thing as comfort, the problem is much more fundamental—that is, how to go beyond this sense of inequality. Wisdom is not the struggle to become more and more.

Now, is it possible to transcend the sense of inequality? For inequality is there, we cannot deny it. What happens when we do not deny inequality, when we do not come to it with a prejudiced mind, but face it? There is the dirty village, and there is also the nice clean house—both are what is. How do you approach ugliness and beauty? In that lies the solution. The beautiful you wish to be identified with, and the ugly you put aside. For the inferior you have no consideration, but for the superior you have the greatest consideration and deference. Your approach is identification with the higher and rejection of the lower; you look upward with cringing and downward with contempt.

Inequality can be transcended only when we understand our approach to it. As long as we resist the ugly and identify ourselves with the beautiful, there is bound to be all this misery. But, if we approach inequality without condemnation, identification, or judgment, then our response is entirely different. Please try it, and you will see what an extraordinary change occurs in your life. The understanding of what is brings contentment—which is not the contentment of stagnation, not the contentment caused by the possession of property, of an idea, of a woman. Contentment is the state of approach to what is as it is, without any barrier whatsoever. Then only is there love, the love which destroys the sense of inequality, and this is the only thing that is revolutionary, that can transform. Since we have not that flame of revolution, we fill our hearts and minds with ideas of revolution of the left or the right, the modification of what has been. That way there is no hope. The more you reform, the greater the need for further reforms.

The Collected Works of
J. Krishnamurti
Volume VI 1949-1952
The Origin of Conflict
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Coming out of deep illusion -rjs

I F . I T . I S . T R U E

If it is true that Spirit, God, is all as Quantum Physics’ “non-existence of matter” implies, then doesn’t it behoove us to dig a little deeper spiritually? Wouldn’t you like to know what really is going on and how much more its awareness can impact your life?

Let’s revisit the illusion now since that’s where we walk everyday. Like it or not, our awakening is gradual – not necessarily slow – but graded. We need to eat and sleep, work and play. But as we learn just how illusory it all is we can embark on the most exciting journey of our life: our exit from this world.

Going deeper into the illusion, we come face to face with the issue of death and reincarnation. How is that not the destiny of all material so-called life? And what’s the deal with karma? It also makes perfect sense for any unenlightened mortal!

Am I whetting your appetite for something better? It’s all about awakening. To your consciousness. Which is what you are! Imagine yourself expanding: you contain the room, the building, the country, the world. That’s what being Spirit means.

But what about reality? That is reality! – the only reality! It’s everybody’s present and permanent reality but most people won’t awaken in this lifetime.

How about you?
