All posts by Dr. Robin Starbuck

About Dr. Robin Starbuck

Professor of English 1973 M.A., New York University 1989 Ph.D., New York University Linguistics

Beyond erotic love -rjs

In the physical realm
It’s nearly impossible
To fathom the depths of
I Am, Consciousness.
Titillating rapturous
Fleeting peaks pale
To fully grasp the Permanent.

Never collapsing, unrequited,
Whimsical, spent or sadly gone
But a sublime knowing infinite
Eternal happening now to
Kiss the joy as it stays
Alive, forever, in conscious rays.

That place-less place
Where awareness resides
Never sneaks off on fleeting hayrides!
Experiences that seem to be
Bodily in origin are Separate
Superimposed Self clinging for life.

Hunger not for the unreal
The latest trap within another.
Infinite Consciousness IS Now
As it has always been, unfettered.
The very “I” that never yearns –
Ever fullfilled, truly Passionate Love.

DrRobinStarbuck 2017

I’m nobody! Who are you?

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Emily Dickinson, 1830 – 1886

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog

Pride has got to go! -RAdams

Do not try to accumulate more knowledge. Rather, empty yourself out of the knowledge that you already have. It is knowledge that you have that’s keeping you back from your self-realization. It is all your beliefs, your preconceived ideas, your concepts. And every time you read a book, you add on more and more concepts.
You learn more words. You become a knower of words. Whereas, the truth is in reverse. You have to know less and less words. You have to do less and less reading, less and less debating, less and less arguing. It all has to go!

Robert Adams

Right where injustice once had the audacity to seem to be!-rjs

D O N’ T . LOOK . BACK !!!

No matter how hard it is to humanly imagine,
the fact is that ‘matter’ never happened.
Your whole dream … in spiritual reality … never happened!
If you get the tiniest glimpse of this, your entire life could change.

You’ll begin to see spiritual connections and precious illuminations.
Things will start coming together for you in miraculous ways.
The world will seem sweeter … and then you’ll see it wasn’t the world at all.

You’ll start blessing people’s lives in ways that are too numerous
and too glorious to recount.
You’ll feel God’s love everywhere –
right where injustice once had the audacity to seem to be!

DrRobinStarbuck 2019