All posts by Dr. Robin Starbuck

About Dr. Robin Starbuck

Professor of English 1973 M.A., New York University 1989 Ph.D., New York University Linguistics

Final breakthrough: As if -rjs

F I N A L B R E A K T H R O U G H : ” A S I F “

Two little words “as if” – when recognized – can accord you the greatest breakthrough you’ve ever known! For some, a courageous reach in their thinking processes brought healings and miracles beyond their wildest dreams while others are still struggling to grasp this phenomenal spiritual truth:


The profoundest of thinkers across the globe want with their whole hearts to mitigate the shock experienced by would-be healers and other scientists and so they make that all-too-popular mistake of watering down the above glorious fact.

Let’s take a good long look at it, shall we? Its bottom line is that matter is entirely non-existent. Quantum physics tells us so, and yet its adherents will dance around that astronomical fact till the cows come home – and then milk them!

That which is at once a wave … and then a particle … is not matter being unreal. Ask Hiroshima. The absolute unreality of matter alone ushers into our Consciousness the realm of pure Spirit from which what translates to healing and other miracles in the so-called physical realm emanate.

How is the world we see an illusion? We see matter: it isn’t there. Now we’re just starting to grapple with the nitty-gritty of a statement that can – and perhaps will – change (heal) the entire world.

When we poke around at matter and squeeze our brains trying to figure out how to lay things out for enormously flawed mortal man to devise an explanation that is palatable to the sheeple, we go further and further down the rabbit’s hole: the answers ain’t there!


So, what do I see out there? You see Spirit if your Consciousness has been awakened. You see illusion, if not.

That’s about as close as a discussion of Enlightenment ever approaches matter: to dismiss it. You see Spirit or you see nothing.


You’ve been looking into the Fifth Dimension where matter is entirely unknown. We’re here, talking together, recognizing one another and anyone else we summon. We see “what appears to be” a blind man, a cripple, a dead person, but we’re seeing right through them to spiritual reality. We see the world as it really is.

On terra-firma, instead of seeing Spirit “as if” it were here where grievous suffering seems to be, we see Spirit alone as we see right through every lie of the flesh. Instead of seeing matter “as if’ it were Spirit or imagining Spirit “as if” it were material, for the first time ever



Get back your epiphany -rjs

Did you have a wonderful
Breakthrough this morning?
A kind of epiphany …
And felt like you had just
Sprouted wings?

Then “life” starts “happening”,
Wings are clipped …
Epiphany’s a vague recollection?
Wish you could get it back?
Far more serious than described here…

Stop everything!
Absolutely everything!
Even chewing!
Let’s get that ol’ sucker back!

Regroup! Go back! Right now!
Right now is key!
Something really clicked earlier
This morning
And we’re getting it back!

You were filled to the brim
With Spirit and Love and Life…
Let’s get back every last vestige
Of your permanently glorious life.


Consciousness <= body -NM

Visitor: Why did this Consciousness arise?
Maharaj:” You are both the question and the answer. All your questions come from your identification with the body. How can any questions relating to that which was prior to the body and Consciousness be answered? There are yogis who have sat in meditation for many, many years seeking answers to this question, but even they haven’t understood it. And yet you are complaining?”
Visitor: It is a great mystery.
Maharaj:” It’s a mystery only to the ignorant. To the one not identified with the body, it is no longer a mystery.”
Visitor: Maharaj cannot convey it to us?
Maharaj:” I keep telling you but you don’t listen.”
Visitor: Does Maharaj see us as individuals?
Maharaj:” There are no individuals; there are only food bodies with the knowledge ‘ I Am’. There is no difference between an ant, a human Being, and Isvara; they are of the same quality. The body of an ant is small, an elephant is large. The strength is different, because of size, but the life-force is the same. For knowledge, the body is necessary.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

‘I Amness’ is otherness; it is an expression of duality -NM

I have no individuality. I have assumed no pose as a person. Whatever happens in the manifest Consciousness happens.
People identify me with their concepts and they do what their concepts tell them. It is Consciousness which is manifest, nothing else. Who is talking, who is walking, who is sitting? These are the expressions of that chemical ‘ I Am’. Are you that chemical? You talk about heaven and hell, this Mahatma or that one, but how about you? Who are you?
In meditation, one sees a lot of visions. They are in the chemical, the realm of your Consciousness, are they not? All these things are connected only to that birth-chemical. You are not this chemical ‘ I Am’.
Spiritual knowledge should not be studied; it is knowledge derived from listening. When the listener hears it and accepts it, something clicks in him.
This ‘ I Amness’ is otherness; it is an expression of duality.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Tony Parson’s Talk and Q&A at SAND13 Doorn, The Netherlands

Spiritual seeking is just another form of materialism.

That me thing that always wants an answer just dies!

Every single thing we touch and feeling think a no one reach is the beloved calling out to us.

We’re trying to share a concept that is beyond understanding and can’t be described. I’m going to be in Amsterdam next week – well not I because I am nothing – so nothing is going to be an empty dam doing nothing next week if you wanna come!!

All there is is what is and it doesn’t matter where you go or what you listen to You can never ever escape from what is.

What you long for has never come and will never go away.

It will never ever leave you. It constantly speaks to you.

Tony Parsons – Dreambus LIVE 2013

Me only lives in “What’s next?”

Both enlightenment and awareness are part of the dream because they are about duality, separation.

There’s no truth.

Me is an appearance.

You’re describing what’s happening there.

There is no interest, no agenda here.


Everything is just passionate full on life!!!

There’s an appearing of an individual. It’s just simply no thing. It’s no thing appearing as I.