All posts by Dr. Robin Starbuck

About Dr. Robin Starbuck

Professor of English 1973 M.A., New York University 1989 Ph.D., New York University Linguistics

Final breakthrough : As if -rjs

F I N A L B R E A K T H R O U G H : ” A S I F “

Two little words “as if” – when recognized – can accord you the greatest breakthrough you’ve ever known! For some, a courageous reach in their thinking processes brought healings and miracles beyond their wildest dreams while others are still struggling to grasp this phenomenal spiritual truth:


The profoundest of thinkers across the globe want with their whole hearts to mitigate the shock experienced by would-be healers and other scientists and so they make that all-too-popular mistake of watering down the above glorious fact.

Let’s take a good long look at it, shall we? Its bottom line is that matter is entirely non-existent. Quantum physics tells us so, and yet its adherents will dance around that astronomical fact till the cows come home – and then milk them!

That which is at once a wave … and then a particle … is not matter being unreal. Ask Hiroshima. The absolute unreality of matter alone ushers into our Consciousness the realm of pure Spirit from which what translates to healing and other miracles in the so-called physical realm emanate.

How is the world we see an illusion? We see matter: it isn’t there. Now we’re just starting to grapple with the nitty-gritty of a statement that can – and perhaps will – change (heal) the entire world.

When we poke around at matter and squeeze our brains trying to figure out how to lay things out for enormously flawed mortal man to devise an explanation that is palatable to the sheeple, we go further and further down the rabbit’s hole: the answers ain’t there!


So, what do I see out there? You see Spirit if your Consciousness has been awakened. You see illusion, if not.

That’s about as close as a discussion of Enlightenment ever approaches matter: to dismiss it. You see Spirit or you see nothing.


You’ve been looking into the Fifth Dimension where matter is entirely unknown. We’re here, talking together, recognizing one another and anyone else we summon. We see “what appears to be” a blind man, a cripple, a dead person, but we’re seeing right through them to spiritual reality. We see the world as it really is.

On terra-firma, instead of seeing Spirit “as if” it were here where grievous suffering seems to be, we see Spirit alone as we see right through every lie of the flesh. Instead of seeing matter “as if’ it were Spirit or imagining Spirit “as if” it were material, for the first time ever



The Click -rjs

T H E ” C L I C K “

I was wondering where I got the expression “the (answering) CLICK from”. It was from Joel!

“Consciousness, or the conscious awareness of the presence of Spirit, appears in tangible form. The consciousness of the presence and power of God appears as fulfillment, as the fulfillment of everything that can ever be needed in my experience and yours.

Therefore, in the morning, before you leave your home, do not leave until you have felt this little answering click that says to you, “I am on the field; I go before you.”

It does not have to say those words to you, but it means that. “I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight.” “I will take care of all the problems of the day.” “I will be out on the road seeing that the lanes are kept open.”

That conscious awareness of the presence of God appears as every phase of demonstration throughout the day. But because of the hypnotic influence of this universal thought and belief, it is necessary that we establish and re-establish this thing over and over again.”

Joel S. Goldsmith
Unedited Master Speaks
Chapter 5

Now that I think of it I can’t remember not looking for that ‘click’, to varying degrees of success. But I deem it critically important to begin a happy, fulfilling day!


Personal equipping (Ph.D.) -rjs

P E R S O N A L . E Q U I P P I N G

I do not belong to myself Anymore.
It’s over with all that!
Been so for many years now
despite any seeming.

Many, many years ago
After years and years of joyful serving,
I said, “What, now, Lord?”
He paused for 3 or 4 long seconds
And said,
“How about we get you a Ph.D.?”
What? Me? Why? In what? Where? When? How? Me???

“Some people, like you,
Have been so badly beaten down
For so long, by so many
And yet they persist in staying alive
They need to be heard.
That’s why.”
Said God.
To me.

DrRobinStarbuck 2017

First thing in the morning -rjs

I, Spirit, am All.
I, Christ, am at once everywhere.
I see clearly that the whole material world is unreal: it’s an hypnotic dream generated by universal world mind.
Wherever the dream appears to be, Spirit is instead.
I don’t slip into and out of the relative because I am Be-ing itself.
I see the dream state and am aware of its illusion as I no longer need to wake up.
I see everything correctly as the very Presence of God.
I am the Presence of God, I AM.
I see mankind, one by one whole and perfect.
I see exactly as Jesus did, having the same Divine Mind, infinite Spirit.
That’s All I see as Oneness.

Don’t go to God -rjs

D O N’ T G O T O G O D = D O N’ T D I S C O N N E C T

The Omnipresence of God precludes the necessity of going anywhere physically, mentally or spiritually in order to know perfection. We get to call the shots by virtue of the fact that Spirit, Absolute Perfection, simply is. Joel Goldsmith firmly admonishes us:
“Do not go to God for anything, for that would be an indication that you wanted it in the future. Even if you expected it now, the fact that you are declaring that it was not there a moment ago is taking away from the instantaneity and the omnipresence of God. Instead of going to God, remember that God’s kingdom is intact: now are you the son of God, and God’s kingdom is not of this world. Then refuse to take this world to God. Refuse to take the pains of the flesh; refuse to take the lacks of the pocketbook; refuse to take the inharmonies of human relationships to God.
“In doing this, you do not have to wait to sit down and close the eyes; you do not have to wait for a time of prayer. You can “pray without ceasing.” If you happen to be busy with cooking or housekeeping or if you are a businessman out about your business, you do not have to stop for one second, not even to close your eyes or to say a prayer. You can do whatever you are called upon to do and still think, “God’s kingdom is not of this world, and I am not taking this world into God’s kingdom. Therefore, let the tares and the wheat grow together.”
“This can be done twenty times a day, thirty or forty times. No time element enters into this, and no waiting. You will not wait until next Sunday to thank God. You will thank God where you are—in the tub, in the shower, in the bus, or at business, wherever you may be—and bring instantaneity into your experience, so that your life becomes a dedication to gratitude, for gratitude is that form of love which best expresses the qualities of love. And what do you have to be grateful for, if not the truth that God is, that God is now, that God is where you are, and that all of this exists in this glorious minute when now are we the sons of God!
“As you let gratitude flow out from you for this joyous experience of realization, you then find how it is that love is a healer, that love is a way of life, that love is the Source of all life, and that this love best manifests itself through your gratitude. Your gratitude must not be because someone gave you something or because of some external condition: your gratitude must be that there is an infinite, invisible, spiritual kingdom which is intact. Once you separate this world from My kingdom, then this world starves and destroys itself. It becomes a nothingness because of its own nature.”
Joel S. GoldsmithLiving By The Word: Chapter Ten Let the Tares and the Wheat Grow TogetherA New Way to Pray Without Ceasing Kindle 182-183
When we say (notice I said “when” and not “if”) we’ll meditate or pray about something, we’ve inadvertently put it off. Joel’s term “instantaneity” comes to mind. The precise moment we think something’s awry, we must unthink it!
That split second might as well be an eternity if we’re putting off recognizing our absolute perfection Now. It signifies lack of Realization; but we only need to shut “it” down, BE who we are and never look back.

You have a problem? -rjs

like to apply healing principles to it?
You could start by recognizing that neither this problem nor any other
could happen to the Son of God
and you are that very Son of God.

Then where, pray tell, is the problem?
It exists exclusively in the world-mind.
You by virtue of human conditioning
have bought into it; so now you may
choose to un-accept it and awaken
to the realm of Spirit where problems are unknown.

It’s not quite as simple as that
if you have no genuine interest in the
Healer of all the ills that man is heir to.
That would be God, of course.
God and His indescribably beautiful
perfect realm of pure Spirit.


It never happened -rjs

I T N E V E R H A P P E N E D !!

When we’re talking about Spirit
we don’t need to be dragged down
to the infernal realm of the flesh-
always churning, turning, burning.
Never learning.

God is in the stillness
In the shining and the knowing.
In the laughing eyes of a little child,
squealing “Mommy, Mommy, the pain’s all gone!”

You see, the spiritual realm of God
knows no sorrow, pain or fear
Every atrocity, disease, even death
in Spirit never happened.
And the conscious awareness of
this most amazing spiritual fact
is what heals us!


just realized something brand new -rjs

When you’ve just realized something brand new
Or something clicks for you that you’ve always kinda ‘known’
Try describing the experience.
That’s right – set it to words for the rest of us.
The reason?
There was a little bridge you just crossed
That we’re not yet privy to
And you might be inclined to assume we know
What you’re referring to.
Your describing what just came
Clear as a bell
Could be just that link that someone else needs.
‘Sides Papa’ll be prompting you on
And the outpouring of love is sometimes wonderfully overwhelming!
As an example,
the world needs to know
That when we’re discussing spiritual things
We’re not subject to the dreamy limitations of the flesh.
Put your whole heart into it and tell us
What the Spirit is enabling you to see.
Oh dear! I guess I should also say
that there are times when a revelation
Is so fresh and so sacred
That even God will tell you
“Let it marinate a while first, My Scribe,
Capture it in writing and check with Me before sending.”

DrRobinStarbuck 2017