All posts by Dr. Robin Starbuck

About Dr. Robin Starbuck

Professor of English 1973 M.A., New York University 1989 Ph.D., New York University Linguistics

JUST DO IT, All 10 Nisargadatta Episodes are listed earlier but this one is especially good -NM

It’s about healing and is very much in keeping with Joel. Also Rupert’s be aware of being aware came from this talk of Nisargadatta. It’s absolutely critical that we stop the thinking thinking thinking thinking! This impedes our being aware of the fact that we are not that person who we are aware of. we are not Flesh and blood material mortals. We are the only self that there is. This self is God. This wasn’t quoting him per se but it was alluded to very strongly and wonderfully! We can get the mind to quiet down and stop the thinking by observing the thoughts without any interest in them whatsoever. After a while they will give up and we will be free. Remember the world including the body can’t give us any pain suffering or even good things, that is, anything at all. The world can’t deliver that to us if we are not there. That is the key – to not be there!!!

“I Am is in the world but it is the key that can open the door out of the world.”

I am that -chaps 1-110 ALL [chap 41-50 healing&awareness -NM

CHAP 41-50 Nothing can appear to you, no sickness no disease, no good, no bad, no nothing, if you are not there to receive it. In other words if you were so tuned in to your real self this stuff couldn’t appear to you – good or bad. A lot like JSG. Also like Rupert he says “be aware of being aware”.

I know that it is in the nature of awareness to set things right. let consciousness do its thing. I am not strange I’m normal I see things the way they are.

Want attachments to fall off -NM


Nisargadatta Maharaj:
“Is there anything further you are seeking?”

Just to have all the false attachments, and false identification fall off.

Nisargadatta Maharaj:
That is the whole trouble, one thinks that certain misconceptions have come to him.

All those concepts are ‘Movements In Consciousness’; and once the Consciousness itself disappears – the movements that have come with it, also disappear.

You are already in That State!
… There is nothing to acquire.

Now you know this, and – for you, all this is useless.

Visitor: Right!
I would like Maharaj to explain about ‘The Brahma-Randhra’. I am familiar with the Yoga teaching on it, but Maharaj’s is slightly different.

Nisargadatta Maharaj:
There are two things: the world, and one’s Presence; the feeling of Presence – that is, ‘The Consciousness’, ‘The Beingness’. That is ‘Brahma’ – ‘I Am Present’; ‘Randhra’ means ‘the tiniest of apertures’, and in that aperture is ‘The Silent, Primordial Sound’, which gives you the impression that you ARE – but you really, ARE NOT. This sound – in that aperture gives you the feeling that ‘You ARE’, but be sure that You ARE NOT.”

Visitor: Very good!

Nisargadatta Maharaj:
I take my stand in ‘The Original State’, where I was ‘Not Aware that I AM’. This body and The Beingness have come, but knowing ITs Nature, I do not expect anything from IT. When a Yogi is totally absorbed in his meditation – or Yoga, ‘This Soundless Sound’ – so fills him, that he becomes drunk with IT for a while, and then IT subsides. When the body dies, this Individual Consciousness will merge with ‘The Total Consciousness’ – but even so, that ‘Total Consciousness’ knows that ‘IT IS’, and so long as one knows that ‘IT IS’, IT is in ‘a state of duality’.”

Attaining higher consciousness -rjs


Have you experienced what felt like
a complete final breakthrough
in which immense spiritual love
pretty nearly overwhelmed you?
Were you quite sure in the face of
such ineffable joy that the cares of
the world had had their last hurrah?

And then, finally, you “needed to”
come back and “face the world”
again at which time you “had to”
assume your “usual place” in it?
And all too swiftly the cherished
position, the pinnacle, evaporated?

I defy you to look again.
Look right at the point you had attained.
You see, it’s still there!!!
It’s gonna need some nurturing now
to bring it fully back and maintain it.
But be sure of this: it is still there.

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

I have a spiritual body -rjs

I Am Spirit. I have a spiritual body. In my spiritual body I can only see absolute perfection. Nothing unlike Divine Love touches me or anyone I see with my single eye. I fill all space because I Am instead of space. I’m remembering my spiritual body stretching out beyond the illusion of time. In my spiritual body everyone is healed, happy, whole and gloriously free, as I Am. What safety, what comradery, what pleasure, what love-for-all resides within my spiritual body!

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

Re-examing our goal -rjs

L E T ‘ S R E – E X A M I N E O U R G O A L

People of a pseudo-psychological leaning tend to judge our best goal(s) in life to be what they deem obvious. If our goal, however, has precious little to do with a so-called healthy, happy, inscrutably ‘wise’ humanly human, maybe we need to unfollow our learned counterparts!

Let’s throw off our obsession with humanity’s baubles and flirtations and ponder life’s most urgent question: how are we demonstrating our eternal life now? Are we even aware of it. For the majority of inhabitants of this planet the prognosis is not good.

Disease and death are unknown in Spirit, God. What good is this knowledge if we don’t intimately realize it? If we’re oblivious of Life which is God, how in the world do we think we can experience it? What’s there to break the illusion of life in a dying body? You certainly don’t think death can be a great enlightener, do you?

At the risk of being repetitive, the only way to awareness is to wake up! Be hands-down willing to roll up your sleeves and get dirty! Or, go back to sleep and we’ll talk again after a few hundred more years!

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

That thing you do -rjs


Do you have that thing you do automatically – oh, I don’t know, scratch, bite, grimace, squint, grunt, sigh, etc, ad nauseum?

Now I’m not trying to criticize, good grief, I’m just saying, isn’t that habit a confirmation of a lie that you’re starting to break down or break up or break out?
You know I wouldn’t mention anything so trivial and or silly if I weren’t leading up to something much more rewarding, right? – namely, that you can nip it in the bud and heal it forever!

You’re not getting older, wearing out, losing stamina coz, well, God isn’t. Everything God is you are; everything God has, you have, every place God is you are, everything God knows you know.

And God don’t grunt!

drrobinstarbuck 2018

Quantum physics is discovering -rjs

QUANTUM PHYSICS IS FAST DISCOVERING THAT all around us right now, is a Kingdom where death does not exist, where there is not a single problem, where there is nothing as we know it with our human mind. There is a completely different universe present here now, in which none of the physical or mental images that we entertain are present.


Only remove what’s no longer serving -rjs


Had a kinda strange convo with Spirit this morning. Without any provocation, I declared that yes I wouldn’t mind being a few degrees happier and I wouldn’t mind having a little tweaking of this and that issues and I wouldn’t mind . . . .

What was my point? I didn’t want to have a single annoyance or discomfort removed or favor granted UNLESS it was to further awaken me to Universal Love, Spirit.

And I meant it. It felt awfully good. I knew I was onto something, but I honestly didn’t know what!

For what it’s worth, what had begun as a kinda nondescript ho-hum, alright – lousy day, brightened up so brilliantly that I confess, I’m bedazzled!
