All posts by Dr. Robin Starbuck

About Dr. Robin Starbuck

Professor of English 1973 M.A., New York University 1989 Ph.D., New York University Linguistics

Just see! RSpira, rjs


Well-meaning people are forever complaining that they see w-a-a-ay too much of their selves and that a goodly part of what they see fails to meet with their own approval! It would be sad if it weren’t so darned funny!

And yes we’re talking, not about a spare tire around the belly, but rather a spare tire around the brain. They want to trim down the excess flab, but alas the titillating mind-pictures are loathe to give up the ghost!

That’s all your unwanted thoughts are: ghosts. You can liken them to images dancing across your television screen, as Rupert Spira does when he counsels his inquirers:

“The fact that you see this tsunami of “me-ness” means that you are already, at least to a large extent, free of it. Likewise, the fact that you say “I see myself judging….” means that you’re already standing as the one who sees rather than the one who judges. It is important that the one that sees the judging doesn’t start judging what it sees, otherwise it ceases being a seer and becomes a judger. So see this tsunami of ‘me-ness’ like you see a tsunami on the TV – with interest but uninvolved.”
— Rupert Spira
Tsunami of “Me-ness”

Now, holding your remote control in your hand with your index finger at the ready, click “OFF” (mentally will be just fine!). You see? There was no discussion, no evaluation, no agonizing, just “click” and all the chatter, all the images, all the fussing: gone, gone and gone!

Were you a nice person, a not-nice person, a winner, a loser, or any of the multifarious other labels you’re so ready to slap on yourself? No! None of these. You are and forever have been infinite consciousness. Turn off the tv screen in your mind and you’ll be instantaneously aware of it!


Sharing spiritual growth -rjs


You’d love to share it with friends and acquaintances, right? But they’re buried in materialism? Or egotistical intellectualism? Or religiosity?

What to do? What to do?

There is an intermediary step – a bridge. It bypasses all the aforementioned, rescues healing from churchianity and opens the door a wee bit to mysticism and its concomitant well-heeled wisdoms from around the world.

‘It’ is none other than Joel Solomon Goldsmith!

His “The Infinite Way” and many other books spell out very clearly and simply how one can shake loose of mainstream religion without losing one’s love for God, Christ, healing and contemplative meditation.

Once out, the seeker can decide whether they’ve found a good place to camp out for awhile or whether to keep going. Goodness knows Joel’s contribution is, according to him, but a starting place!


Death of the body -rjs

You’re gonna like this one – wait for the “BUT” !!


No matter how you think
About the body
It’s gonna quit somehow

BUT let’s appeal now to
Your imagination.
Imagine transitioning to
That place where Allness Is.

Long before the body starts
Its hydra-headed complaints.
Imagine experiencing now
Your eternal life.

So much so that you hear
Yourself utter
“I don’t care at all what
Happens to this container!”

Imagine the impact on your
So-called world mind,
On hypnotic devilish

The very vehicle you thought
Was quitting
Perks up, recharges
And loves you back.

DrRobinStarbuck, To-day

Deeper awareness calls for keen focus -rjs

Are you feeling an overall sense of disconnect from the past and dissociation with all flesh? A feeling of sheer joy replete with a ‘knowing’ that it’s finally permanent? A contentment within that’s effervescing on yours and everyone else’s path? Not quite there yet? Join the club – I’m the president!

I’ve been at it a very long time but that’s okay because I recognize that sharing my path IS my calling and is only for the purpose of blessing you. I’ve made some strides of late that have me gobsmacked with wonder!

And yet I still revisit issues of the past – not anywhere near as much as I used to, but enough to mention to you now. Oh, the issues themselves aren’t important per se but utilizing them to go deeper into spirituality with its requisite absolute forgiveness has brought on some strange and wonderful fruitage.

It got me wondering why I had received a directive to get a Ph.D. I had endured unmitigated abuse of the worst kind – not physical, but mental, throughout my life, so then I was to come out a victor with special qualifications! Many, many times I’ve made such brazen statements about the nature and allness of God that the reader wound up doing a search on me, thinking I was some kind of a nut, only to find a nut with a doctorate!

My statement to the world that hopes for enlightenment is “a little feel-good experience now and then won’t get you where you yearn to be: it’s just not enough! It’s waaaay not enough! When you arrive at that spiritual feel-good, you’re merely approaching the front door: it’s time to pull out everything you know about God ‘n you and apply, apply, apply til the cows come home! Once stable, don’t back off or back away, keep applying what you already know until the world dream is demolished – stripped of its hypnotic hold. Amen.”
drrobinstarbuck 2018

Super easy focusing exercise -rjs


“I am not in this scenario that’s being depicted on tv.”

How do you know specifically?

“I don’t know any of the people there. I don’t know where or when it took place and there’s nothing in it that resonates with me.”

How does this recognition impact your present spiritual journey?

“It’s like a model of what is NOT happening. I can actually feel how clearly and completely and easily it can be for me to withdraw my attachment to the entire realm of the unreal. It’s as simple as waking from a dream.”

Imagine the favorable ramifications of this focusing exercise on anyone hoping to effectively dismiss an unwanted pull away from their cherished goal.

DrRobinStarbuck 12/14/2020

Rupert & Joel -RS, JSG


A word substitution lends itself greatly to healing in the below quote of Rupert Spira, [brackets, mine]:

“If separation [disease, lack, any problem] were real, we would have to get rid of it. However, separation [disease, lack, any problem] is an illusion.

“Attempting to get rid of an illusion only asserts its apparent reality, thereby strengthening it.”

The bottom line is that all materiality – its ups and downs, sickness, disease, death are unreal in Spirit, therefore unreal. Apply this truth to any ailment – fully and completely – and watch said ailment dissipate (an intransitive verb meaning of its own accord).

Then elsewhere Rupert Spira advises us “At a certain stage, our former interpretation of God or reality changes…as our knowledge is expanded…so that the model or prevailing paradigm can no longer accomodate our expanding knowledge.”

We would do well to keep our language very, very flexible in order that it might accommodate our never ending awakening!
