All posts by Dr. Robin Starbuck

About Dr. Robin Starbuck

Professor of English 1973 M.A., New York University 1989 Ph.D., New York University Linguistics

TP ❤4/18/2020 nothing you can do, me on wheel must collapse 21:48; 54:10 buddhism 55:20death 58:00❤healing 102 no individual to be healed ULTIMATE HEALING. There can be a healing energy…

Everything is nothing. Everything that appears is nothing appearing.

3:00 you can argue about the definition of God forever. I don’t use the word for that reason. TONY DOESN’T SAY IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO GET IT RIGHT!!!


There is no person delivering this healing message and there is no person receiving it. It’s just either contracted or boundless energy.

All there is is nothing. Nothing is everything!

WHEN THE ME HEARS THIS MESSAGE PANIC SETS IN BECAUSE IT RECOGNIZES ITS HEARING OF ITS OWN DEATH. 😵 Itll do anything it can to pull the seeker away from the message by saying oh this is about living in the now some rubbish like that!!! It’s always trying to protect itself and mislead that within which is living SO THAT IT DOESN’T DIE !!

Tony: I just wanted to tell everyone WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD. It can’t be taken home. There’s nothing that can be reused anywhere

Clarification of the statement that it’s not understandable: it’s possible for you to understand my message here but it’s not possible to understand that which it is pointing to.

When me dies Claire says at first there’s a WOW !!! Then it becomes livable, gentle, lovable, a kind of in-love-ness.

Healing -Tony Parsons to meredith58:15-The Ultimate Healing=no one to be healed

There is no real individual asking the question [or in need of healing] = is incredibly healing! THERE ISN’T ANYBODY THAT NEEDS HEALING !!!

1:12 The basis of suffering is the belief of separation.

My messages can be understood but what they’re pointing to can’t be understood.

Aldous Huxley, William Blake, Lao Tsu, Buddhism, Zen and many many others had wonderful glimpses and visions of what’s going on but then they always had advice and made a teaching out of it.


1:29 After that “glimpse” of the death of Tony Parsons (The Open Secret) in the park, I went on as usual as a seeker but with a confirmation of something that I’d always expected re former teachings.

Everything is just energy – everything! Coming from nothing! Even evolution is not real. It’s nothing appearing to evolve, or apparently evolving.

Tony appreciates Christian mystics because they have the secret but unfortunately they too always wind up giving advice AS IF THEY WERE ADDRESSING A PERSON. The glimpses are everywhere, especially in the East.

Against spoke with great joy about heaven listen to Tony for years just before going to sleep at night and then finally panic set in and he was wondering what that was all about. Tony immediately recognised that it was the me Not wanting to be extinguished.

A guest spoke with great joy about having listened to Tony for years just before going to sleep at night and then finally panic set in and he was wondering what that was all about. Tony immediately recognised that ●●● it was the “me” Not wanting to be extinguished.

Nisargadatta Maharaj “I Am That” NM

I am not my body, nor do I need it. I am the witness only. I have no shape of my own. You are so accustomed to think of yourself as bodies having consciousness that you just cannot imagine consciousness as having bodies. Once you realize that bodily existence is but a state of mind, a movement in consciousness, that the ocean of consciousness is infinite and eternal, and that, when in touch with consciousness, you are the witness only, you will be able to withdraw beyond consciousness altogether.

  • Nisargadatta Maharaj “I Am That”