I can’t stress this enough
coz it keeps happening to me:
Want/need a miracle?
Look completely away from
the need, and be so absorbed
in the larger demonstration
that you l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y don’t care
at all anymore about the physical
manifestation since a-l-l of your
attention has been permanently
refocused. Your new attitude:
“I don’t even remember the issue
that brought me to my spiritual knees.
They can take it, and so can I. Let this
enable me to hear You (my true Self)
better and I’m already a happy camper!”
Miracles happen! 😀 Timing’s amazing!
All posts by Dr. Robin Starbuck
Light is flirtatious by nature -rjs
Light is flirtatious by nature – now here, now there, but never pinpoint-able: sometimes a point and sometimes a wave. We tried and tried: first a wiggly wave, then a tenacious dot! Such was the nature of our elusive beam of light, but now we’ve got it! Or, have we? A photo may be worth a thousand words but we need several million words to interpret the still inexplicable.
Wonderfully, gloriously meaningless -TP
Excellent beginner interviewer
There are non-dual teachers out there who say “Just let go!” but it doesn’t work because the me, the mind, the I, can’t do anything BECAUSE IT DOESN’T EXIST! The nature of me is living in what’s next. What is illusory is the belief that there is a me that can choose to let go.
Nothing has to happen. -rjs
Nothing has to happen.
● Nothing has to happen.
■ But . . .
● Nothing whatsoever has to happen.
■ But . . .
● Nothing has to happen.
■ But . . .
■ Nothing has to happen?
■ Not even …..?
● Nothing.
Ode to nothing -rjs
Ode to nothing
Can you imagine never having been born?
You don’t exist . . . and yet, here you are!
Or are you?
Go deeper
And still deeper.
You. Do. Not. Exist.
There’s absolute proof!
Nothing … absolutely nothing exists.
Not now, not ever.
A feeling of tremendous relief,
joy, calm excitement,
Indomitable peace
Simply are.
But there’s no you.
Nothing to strive towards.
Nothing to leave.
Nothing to give up.
No progress.
Nothing good.
Nothing bad.
The Void -rjs 2018
The Void – rjs 2018
No need to fill the Void with
No characterization, just
Endless Void, nothing’s calling, nothing’s
No need for company, I am
Don’t leave. Don’t go. Stay on
Silence is singing Its precious
Stillness … Oh, the burning, glorious
There’s no me, there’s no you, there’s
Emptiness sublime.
Vastness inexplicable.
Beyond describable joy.
Nowhere to go for it
Nothing to learn.
Nothing to do.
Don’t leave … see the Void
With your feelings.
Everything is nothing.
Nothing is All.
No need to sleep. Simply
No need.
Breathing’s unlabored,
Strivings ceased.
What incredible Void
Of emptiness
Praise No One –
Just Be.
3/4/21 Non-Duality – Not knowing -TC
Feels like love coz no one’s better than another. There is disappointment coz me is trying to succeed. It’s all for nothing! DREADFULLY WONDERFUL!
Words only point to … what can’t be pointed to.
You don’t need saving because there’s no you to save! That’s wonderful A dreadful wonderful!!!
Non-duality – what’s there to know? Rebekah Maroon
Rebekah Maroon “This is God” author, rec by tim cliss
My search for a way in spirituality including No longer trying to kill myself did not end in a Hollywood ending but non duality teachers showed me what I had been looking for.
Tim Cliss 2 Non-duality mtgs 2/8/21 “It’ll all go” vacuous! Rebekah Maroon “This is GOD” recommended by TC
It seems like a lot is lost when you lose ‘self’.
The whole of psychology is a joke!
RELATIVELY SPEAKING, there’s nothing wrong with a good therapist or a good friend.
Everything is the void.
The work ethic is the biggest hoax.
The void, the Abyss, Utter emptiness – THERE’S NOTHING TO FEAR ABOUT NOTHING!
Everything is the void!
Rebecca moreau?? MAROON?? Wrote a lovely non-duality book called “This is GOD”. 1:10 . She retained the word God but it’s a completely empty God which is everything.