Literally Speaking to a Storm and then following up for maintenance

The human mind’s last-ditch effort to deny us this astounding healing – victory over a huge hurricane threat in Mexico – was to say it was never real nor powerful.  But we know different: the amazing presence and power of God answered our prayers and obliterated the threat!)

I often think of the stormy ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman and her many thousands of healings that were  highly publicized as well as the statistic that a great many of the healings were reversed afterwards. People would be shocked and horrified when a healing reversed but rarely was any attention paid to how the person had acted after the healing was effected.  After all, when there’s no follow-up in the benefactor’s life to accommodate such an about-face change, what is to be expected? The same old mindset can’t maintain a healing of such magnitude: there needs to be some major soul-searching after the fact.

The aforementioned healing of the threat of a huge hurricane in Mexico was met with tremendous gratitude, joy, thanksgiving: in short the recipients of this miracle were profoundly and noticeably impacted by the ever-present Love of God.