I had been troubled for years about the ever-increasing influx of Chinese tour busses pulling in and out and parking right next to the Dag Hammarskjold Park. They’re so noisy and congesting and poor little Robin was being terribly distracted!
FINALLY, I prayed to be guided in my feelings and their expressions. I heard this in my spirit: “Think about the people!” (Now, Papa knows that I have always been an incurable people-lover.) What people? We’re all so inconvenienced. What people do you mean, I queried. There was silence. In my spirit. Stone, cold silence. Then, I got it!! The Chinese people!! A flood of liquid love poured out all over me and, when I looked up I saw a whole busload of them taking pictures of THE TRUMP WORLD TOWER !! (picture below). Without losing a beat, I said to them “Tsugi na Daitorio!” (“Our next president!)
Every Chinese person in the group smiled and laughed and made me their new BFF (best friend forever)!! I don’t know what in the world I found so irksome before, but I do know that love always wins!