When I first heard preterist teaching, I thought those teaching it were nuts. I blocked people. Then suddenly, I realized I wasn’t sure they were wrong. I ended up telling God that if it was truth, to reveal it to me. I refused to read the free books that were sent to me…..I thought it was so far out there… I wanted GOD to show me. And He did. When I began to accept this truth…every question I had had before from futuristic teaching was immediately answered. It set me free beyond my wildest dreams. Life has become easy.
I would add, though, that preterism also helped me to better understand grace. That if it really IS finished, there is nothing left to do. I used to really struggle to hear God for my own life. I felt I had no trouble hearing Him for others when they needed a word, but could not seem to hear Him for my own day-to-day decisions. Then He showed me I had been hearing concerning my own life….for my whole life. It was why I had so many questions.
~ Mikki Burnett