O. M. G. !!! . Ten seconds ago I was thinking that I’m not sure that all this uncertainty, all this challenging of my former beliefs, all this taking a stand when almost everyone is against me …. maybe I’ve got to go back and … (please forgive me for the word I’m about to use) … compromise. Why don’t I just take the easy way out and go with the flow? Remember “integrity”, Robin? Most of all we need to remember that – G – O – D – is all-power, all-presence, all-knowing AND He is -w-i-t-h-i-n- us!
Many times in our understanding we would rather be certain, even if we are wrong, than we would to enter the cloud of not knowing and be expected to simply trust his love. Yet in order to ever grow beyond our present experience, we must be willing to grow through the seeming terror of letting go of one belief, and learn to trust His love to interpret everything! In that transition we learn we are not defined by a theological system, but happily governed by an unshakable relationship.
Chuck Crisco
July 15, 2014

You know, Kathleen and Chuck, people just want and need to have everything wrapped up for them so nice and tidy. They sometimes demand it and follow to the letter whoever will deliver this package. They don’t have an inkling of the fact that it cannot be all neatly wrapped up. For a more nearly accurate view of the immensity of God, try marrying quantum physics with Newtonian physics – just for starters!!!