Do not try to figure people out or analyze conditions, situations. You cannot do this, it’s too complicated. This is why it is written in all the great books, leave everything alone. Leave people alone, leave the world alone. Remember there is nothing to fear and there is nothing to fight. You are carried along in a stream of blessedness to your highest good. Everything is on your side. There is nothing against you you know. There is no one or nothing trying to hurt you. You do not have to defend yourself against anyone or anything, because there is nothing trying to hurt you.
Every situation that comes into your life is necessary at this time, everything. If you look at everybody and everything as God you’ll be on your right track. Look at every situation, every condition as Brahman.
If there is only Brahman, and there is only Brahman, how can there be mistakes someplace. How can people make a mistake? See what I’m saying? There is only the one, and that one is all-pervading, omnipresent, perfection, love, happiness, joy, that one is you.
You are the one.
Transcript 226
Whatever You See Is The Self
25th February, 1993
Robert Adams Satsangs: The Collected Works
Drawing by Jane Adams