I have no idea why God told me to open up my Office Pro and start to write. I know I feel my best when I’m helping people to realize that God is their very, very best friend. He is so much more than just a friend because He has infinite power as He is the creator of the entire universe. I know it’s quite mind-boggling to think that He lives on the inside of you, but He does! In order to recognize His ever-presence, we need to turn away from our moment-by-moment preoccupations – yes, FORCE ourself apart from them. Just ignore them. All of them! Now, here’s God! If you only knew what He wants to tell you! Oh, if you only knew! Three little words! “I (the Lord thy God who knew you from time immemorial, who created you perfect – in My image and likeness, who has always been within you no matter how much you tried to deny it) … I … Love … You !!
You can’t get away from it but you can THINK that you can. You can hate people, look down on people, think you’re better than people, idolize people, think they’re better than you, fear them and every last bit of it amounts to ‘dung’.
What I, Robin, am trying to tell you hasn’t come out yet – not in this writing anyway. Are you happy? No, I don’t mean ‘adequately’ – I’m talking about the exuberant bubbling over, almost ready to explode happy. Like Paul when he encountered Jesus. Can you imagine the ineffable joy he must have felt? How many times he must have asked the rhetorical question, “why me?” “Why ME?” “WHY ME, Lord?” Why you indeed! Why not you?
If you didn’t have whatever problem you’re having, would you even be reading my rambling? Maybe that problem is a temporary expedient to get you to where you really want to be. If you hadn’t had all those unspeakably difficult challenges, would you have come to God at all? You were pretty far off, you know!
I’ve almost said what I came here to say. Let’s see if I can just spit it out now. You can have a Pauline experience! There I said it! If you really want it: wanting is prayer!
Want Him more than you want your healing. Want Him more than you want justice – retributive or other! Want Him more than you want to set people straight! Want Him, want Him, want Him.
There’s nothing more fulfilling in this world than wanting – with all your heart – that which you already have.
I love you,