I’ll bet there’s a certain issue
that’s always there to grab you
and pull you back into its web.
That issue, that web, that hypnotic
hold never e-v-e-r had a foothold
in reality. When you see that truth
for the first time again, this time
don’t let go. Hold on for dear Life.
Hold on to the issue with its dismissal.
Hold on, hold on, hold on and see
the full true glory that always was
right where the aforementioned issue
seemed to be.
This time it’s different: the lie is out!
You need to accept a tremendous
amount of freedom and power like
you’ve never e-v-e-r known before.
Yes you need to let this be your giant
step into spiritual bliss, and feel what
it’s like to really, really 😀 smile 😀 !!