MEMES – 25

Child of God

Your spiritual body will help you to do a lot of things.
It obeys only Spirit.
Find your true Self & you’ll begin to realize it.

What if what you really really want – your spiritual body – were perfectly available to u
finding it required a great effort?

Strange and wonderful things happen when one puts off the old man and finds their true spiritual body.
There is no limitation.

Have u already realized that u are not ur body (flesh)? That u are spiritual?
But u just never went far enough in ur realization?

In the case of
don’t use your human will.
Open out a way for Truth to come out. Your spiritual body CANNOT be harmed.

As you continue to grow in higher spirituality, thoughts that lay below the surface show the foolishness they were and then leave.

Mankind simply hasn’t the foggiest idea just how severely hypnotized they really are. Choosing to
is great undertaking!

When you avoid the battle you were born for, you’ll inevitably face a battle you’re not equipped for…
~Gregory Morris

Makes me sad to see people still mocking one another’s ‘level’ of spiritual apprehension.
How exactly is it supposed to be loving?

Awakening brings healing,
and comes in layers
Carol Anderson

Whenever we can manage to love without expectations, calculations, negotiations, we are indeed in heaven.
~ Rumi

I am the perfect Light of God, no matter what the body claims.
Do u believe it & then not believe it? Believe it & not believe it?

2b the image & likeness of God – coz u already are
But there’s plenty u can do to understand & believe it

To live in the Spirit is a way of life – an inner compulsion which converts your world into qualities of Spirit such as
L <3 V E THIS IS HUGE !! Most effective & efficient way to get rid of sad, fearful, ugly, hateful thinking is to get rid of mind doing it In my practice I used to include quite a few denials But did you know you can turn them around before you utter them? I-Spirit is. Sorry, I don't know what ur talking about: I know nothing about evil, pain, fear, disease, coz I AM God, the ONLY Being there is. Let your soul take the place of your mind. When the mind isn't out-picturing the soul can only deliver the image & likeness of God Spirit is not in the world. 15 minutes in Spirit will reveal amazing things, the main one being its utter SIMPLIFICATION #radical You've got to come out of form to be invisible image and likeness of God. Convert from matter to Spirit by doing whatever it takes Have kind, happy, loving thoughts & watch ur life brighten. GET OUT OF THE MIND !! Ur soul will take its place GET OUT OF THE MIND When Spirit points the way it will be firm and direct IF you are living in the Spirit. Then u can handle anything that comes along If you insist on living as a mortal, don't expect Father's help. Stop thinking as a mortal, living as a mortal with mortal needs ♡ The end of duality comes when you no longer live or think as a mortal When you see that you and Spirit, God, Life and Love are ONE CONSCIOUS AWARENESS brings wonderful rewards into your life with such amazing frequency that u finally see full glory of ONENESS Whenever you say, or think, "I" you should be ecstatic knowing "I" means: Spirit, Life, Omniscience, Joy, Omnipresence, Robin, You Has anyone ever observed their insurmountable problems are like markers forcing them directly to where they really want to be?? WHAT IF ? What if the material world dream were never intended to be won over/conquered by mankind? It's #JustaQuestion 2b open to Spirit, ya kinda HAVE TO drop out of the illusion of matter! Even if it's a full-time job, I cannot afford not to! Anyone noticed that Joel takes you all the way to the top with no holds barred? And that Herb subsequently busts through the top? One looks at the image within itself and calls it the adultress. Another looks at the image within itself and calls it the Christ. If you look upon another as having cheated, lied, stolen, hurt u, ur looking upon yourself as having cheated, lied, stolen, hurt u When we seek the Presence of God, hoping to receive something we think we need or want, we're denying the very OmniPresence of God YOUR COMPLETE TOTAL ETERNAL LIFE EXISTS NOW. God is your everywhere & infinite life before Abraham was & forever! #AWAKEN You either die in humanhood or you die to humanhood. You either die in mortality or you die to mortality. 'Sup to you. #NoDualism Take everyone u know out of humanhood. See them as immortal being. This invisible enlightenment power dissolves all sense of error I-Christ is not subject to error. It's the substance of Life itself. Jesus was transformed from human state to I-Christ B What U R Spirit has a different message for every single person who's listening. HEED THE MSG ! It's yours from the voice of God. #ONENESS TURN OFF YOUR tick tick tick tick MIND !! ☆OPEN TO YOUR SOUL !!☆ Your soul will take you closer & ever closer to ur desired goal Spirit has a different message for every single person who's listening. HEED THE MSG ! It's yours from the voice of God. #ONENESS I am the Child of God. I was never born and can never die. The Child of God existed before time and that's who I Am I AM SPIRIT Whenever there's something seemingly wrong with me it's coz I've forgotten I'm the Child of God Don't believe any false appearance