Now tomorrow, when you run out into your human world, you’re not running in the Kingdom of God; you’re not walking in reality when you do that; you’re going through your imaginary life. There comes a place where you stop. You really stop your imaginary life. You don’t walk in an imaginary life continuously. You come to a direct stop and you accept, if you understand, that the Spirit of God which you are, is not the flesh that is running out into an imaginary life. And that’s where you rest. You refuse to be an imaginary person. And you wait upon the Lord. I think we’re going to do that a little later.
I can tell you this: when you make that stand, something begins in you that doesn’t seem to happen until you make that stand. A certain kind of New Life begins to make Itself known to you. And to your surprise, when you refuse to be the imaginary person of flesh, going about the imaginary chores of the material world, in that Silence, in that inspired moment, when you can shake away in your Consciousness all that you are not, and resolutely refuse to be it, into that vacuum falls the birth of the New Self.
“Beyond Words and Thoughts” Interpreted by Herb Fitch Class Eighteen: Equal with God
Herb Fitch