Nature of Messiah JSG

Well, you know if our human prayers were of any value or our human good thoughts, would parents ever lose a child? Would a child ever lose a parent? No, certainly not! We all have good thoughts for our children and our parents and our brothers and our sisters, we all pray for them. What good does it do? They still go their way until we rise above this belief that a good thought is a blessing and a bad thought is a cursing. Don’t ever believe either one of those.

There’s only one thing that’s a blessing and a power and that is God realized; that is a realization of the presence and power of God; that is an actual God contact. Why you and I could sit here from now until doomsday and talk about the wonderful light we could get in this room from electricity, and we could be in darkness. Why? Talking about electricity and light and how wonderful they are won’t do anything for us. We have to plug in, then we get the light. You can talk about God, you can think about God, you can pray to God – you can do anything you like and still be in darkness. It is only when you make your contact that you have God, present and power in your experience.

1955 Johannesburg Closed Class
Joel Goldsmith
702B : Nature of the Messiah Continued