Monthly Archives: January 2021
RM Talks – Teaching in his own words – Audiobook, Lomakayu

Ramana Maharshi- Reincarnation -RM
Ramana Maharshi- Mantras and Japa (self-enquiry) -RM
Ramana Maharshi- Meditation & Concentration 25min
Abuser fantasy Q&A
Have you ever fantasized
a conversation with an
abuser now dead?
S/He thought it right and good
now has you asking yourself
“Why did I require this and that
to get where I am now?”
Question asked and answered.
Rose Roes- Empty fullness
There is no free will because there’s no me.
There’s no me to change so there’s nothing wrong.
This is it already!!!
Life celebrating, even anger.
Nothing interviews – Tim Cliss

Have you experienced the incomparable good fortune of having an intimate relationship with God very early in life? And maintaining it throughout all these years?
I’ve been assailed with more ‘challenges’ than any person should ever have had to face; but God was always at the ready to spend precious time with me in deepest intimacy.
I’ve learned fairly recently that God is not a stickler for names: that innermost nudging that I’ve grown so familiar with can be recognized as absolutely the selfsame presence I’m hearing right this very moment.
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● He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91
● Only God is here. Just keep that alone in your thought and put out every detail related to the “problem”. When ‘Only God is here’ outweighs all else, that’s what you’ll experience. Joel S. Goldsmith (paraphrased)
● There’s nothing you need to do. You don’t have to lift a finger. The ‘place’ IS the healing. Charles H Hudson Jr.
● I am aware of being aware. That “I” is Consciousness, God, ONEness, All, to the exclusion of matter. Rupert Spira (paraphrased)
● I Am not a body, nor in a body. Hence my absolute freedom. Nothing affects me anymore. Nisargadatta Maharaj
● I am not here. Whatever appears to be happening is nothing but empty-fullness. Tony Parsons, The Open Secret