Monthly Archives: October 2020

If you’re gonna work within the dream… -rjs

D O N ‘ T . L E T . Y O U R . B O D Y ‘ S . M I N D . P U S H . Y O U . A R O U N D !!

It wants what it wants when it wants it – even if ‘it’ is a plan for 10 years in the future. It is a master manipulator, hell-bent on destroying you, its sponsor!

Practice discipline. Be very, very skeptical of everything that little yapper tries to tell you. It’s always gonna try to get the best of you because – did you forget? – it’s the heavily hypnotized world mind! It’s the flesh mind in all its seductive glory!

Three words written or uttered with a small letter are suspect: mind, soul, self. Watch out for them in your mental atmosphere. They breed contempt, fear and discouragement.

But with a capital letter they signify God!

You could take all synonyms and attributes of Spirit, God, and give them that lower case (small letter) spin and the fleshly machinations will be disastrous! But keep them unsullied and pure as the driven snow and they will serve you perfectly.

So, how do we distinguish and dismiss the demands of the body’s mind (contrasted with the divine mind)? At first, suspect it every moment and stifle it. Listen extra hard for the still, small voice until it takes over. Keep after it till the last vestige has returned to its native nothingness and you’re free, thrilled and soaring!



ONE = There’s nothing and nobody else! Allness = There’s nothing and nobody else!
I AM = There’s nothing and nobody else! Omnipotence = There’s nothing and nobody else!
Spirit = There’s nothing and nobody else! Love = There’s nothing and nobody else! Omniscience = There’s nothing and nobody else!
Omnipresence = There’s nothing and nobody else!

Jim Newman [eng]

This website & Jim Newmans NON-DUALITY meetings share a mystery, a paradox. The paradox is that THIS, this appearance, isn’t what it appears to be. It is and it isn’t. It’s no-thing being something. It’s emptiness appearing as everything. It’s unified appearing as divided or separated.
Within this apparent paradox arises an experience. That experience is, that this appearance is happening to ‘me’. That experience is not paradoxical; it feels very real. There’s no space, no room, no possibility for the reality, that ‘this’ isn’t happening to ‚me’. That experience of duality is dissatisfying. It’s uncomfortable. Out of that experience arises the need to bring about a wholeness, to cover up the feeling that what is, isn’t complete, to make the feeling that it’s not okay – okay. Out of that arises the need for good and bad and right and wrong. So this appearance then turns into ‚my life‘, and my life is the need to make ‘this’ better, ‘this’ good, to find out or to solve the problem of why I don’t feel like it’s okay, why I feel like something’s wrong, why I feel like I need to seek, to find something else.

Here and in the meetings, there will be an uncovering, revealing, pointing to the reality, that that experience of separation, that experience that I’m real, that there’s something wrong and that I need to do something about it, is illusory. In reality, THIS is whole, this is complete. There’s nothing missing, there’s no real lack, there’s no real need for anything to happen.

This sharing has no authority. So this up here is not telling anyone anything. There’s nothing that needs to be said. This is a response to the apparent question of the experience, that something needs to happen. The answer is: “No, there’s nothing that needs to happen.”

The solution or the end of the seeking isn’t a finding. That need to find something is never satisfied; it never happens. If it does, it’s very temporary. I find something and I’m afraid of losing it; I find something and I’m trying to hold onto it; I’m trying something and I’m trying to maintain it. It’s never satisfied. The end of the seeking is the end of the seeker, is the end of the experience, that ‘this’ is real.

What’s left is what’s already obviously everything: THIS. This doesn’t need anything else, this is already all there is. Whatever is happening—whatever feelings, thoughts, experiences are happening—that is the wholeness that is looked for. It’s not the wholeness the individual’s looking for. It’s not the wholeness that the “I am” is looking for. It will always be dissatisfied with this. It’s a wholeness that’s beyond the personal seeking, beyond the personal need for something more or something else.

Jim Newman • Non Duality • online July 2020 ● -JN

There isn’t a you. Nothing needs to happen.






You will never recognize this contracted energy until it falls away. It’s in the falling away that it is recognized.

You’re trying to work out what’s happening. It can’t be worked out. Nothing needs to be worked out.

Being present come, in the now, surrendering, all these things are an attempt to work it out and they’re simply misunderstandings.

No one ever becomes free. This whole message is about freedom is what is happening it’s only what is happening and is not something that we get.

The real Trump

The difference between me and a lot of my Democratic friends…..

You see Trump’s arrogance, I see Trump’s confidence.

You see Trump’s nationalism, I see Trump’s patriotism.

You hear Trump’s unsophisticated words, I hear Trump’s honesty.

You see Trump’s racism, I see Trump’s words being misconstrued and twisted by the media daily to fit THEIR narrative.

You see Trump as a Republican, I see Trump as a Patriot (he’s not a career politician).

You see Trump as a dictator, I see Trump as a leader.

You see Trump as an authoritarian, I see Trump as the ONLY one willing to fight for our Constitutional freedoms.

You see Trump as childish, I see Trump as a fighter, unwilling to cave in to the lies.

You see Trump as an unpolished politician, I see Trump as a breath of fresh air.

You think Trump hates immigrants, I know Trump is married to an immigrant.

You see Trump putting an end to immigration in America, I see Trump welcoming immigrants to America LEGALLY.

You see Trump’s cages at the border, I see Obama’s cages at the border.

You see Trump with a struggling economy, I see Trump with an amazing economy (the best in American history, in fact) until the Democrats shut it down.

You see the violence in the streets and call it “Trump’s America”, I see the violence in the streets of Democratic-run cities who are REFUSING Trump’s help and call it “Liberal America.”

You want someone more “Presidential”, but I’m happy we have someone who finally doesn’t just talk-the-talk, but actually walks-the-walk…someone who actually gets things done, and keeps his promises.

You and I? We see things very differently. 😉

(Original post, anonymous; this one modified by me.)

God sings over its universe -rjs

Robin Starbuck, Ph.D.

I earnestly believe that God will sing over His creation until its culmination when there’s no longer a distinction between earth and heaven itself.
We are becoming increasingly more familiar with the construct of types and shadows; but when we extend that awareness first to the subatomic level and then recognize that God – in all His hugeness – reigns in the realm of the smallest neutron, we will better comprehend how His son, Jesus, could perform the mind-boggling miracles that he did with such ease.
Jesus spoke (sang) in human language but it was clearly from the Spirit. Plain and simple, his utterances had their counterpart – their source – in a dimension beyond our own!
Sounds that we hear actually communicate messages from above and give new meaning to the prayer language known as ‘tongues’ – a direct communion with a higher realm. So, when you ‘hear’ the wave of the Holy Spirit in your spirit, it’s time – not to freak out – but to rejoice!

Language again, ugh! -rjs

Here is the comment

“Consciousness, the level of perception, was the first split introduced into the mind after the separation, making the mind a perceiver rather than a creator. Consciousness is correctly identified as the domain of the ego. The ego is a wrong-minded attempt to perceive yourself as you wish to be, rather than as you are. Yet you can know yourself only as you are, because that is all you can be sure of. Everything else is open to question.” ~ Holy Spirit or Jesus in A COURSE IN MIRACLES

RJS: I have tremendous respect for ACIM. Tremendous. The discrepancy is very simple to explain if one will take into consideration how terribly sadly limited human language is. TERMS MUST BE FOREVER CLARIFIED by the person using them! Rupert Spira is so good at driving this point home.
Well, here goes: If you’re using the term consciousness or awareness to imply ego and don’t deviate from that implication, fine.
If you happen to be referring to a total absence of things – things that have names and labels, you’re then merely pointing to Absolute Pure Awareness, Spirit, God, without names labels – just a pure ocean of Absolute Awareness.
It’s simply not being used the same way that paragraph in acim is employing it. No reference to human ego, human mind or even human existence is intended.

Pure awareness, consciousness -RAdams


“It all begins with you. You are the one. You can either free yourself or put yourself in bondage depending on what you’re doing with your life. As [we] go through the vicissitudes of life we become aware that we’ve been spinning our wheels all these years. We’ve been wasting our energy trying to accumulate things. We make ourselves happy by accumulating all kinds of goodies, people, places. Yet we’re not happy.

Only when you discover that you are the universal manifestation of consciousness can you be happy. Only when you understand that you’re pure awareness you will be happy—when you begin to see you live in a world of maya [illusion] which is like a dream. Why should you react to the dream? Would you react to the dream if you dreamt it last night? When you awaken in the morning will you react to this dream?

You realize it was only a dream. It has no power over [you], it cannot do anything. Even though in that dream I had cancer, I was wasting away, my family died in an automobile accident, it was all in a dream. It’s not true, it never happened. So it is with this life now. Things may appear so real to you. Everything may appear so valid. But one day you will awaken to this dream and you will find that you’re absolutely free.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)