Monthly Archives: October 2020

Giving to others = to yourself -RAdams

Do not be disturbed by events in this world. Do not take life so seriously. Be of service to humanity. When you see people suffering, help. Come to the aid of the homeless, the poor, the sick. When you realize there is only one, who are you helping but yourself?

To whom are you giving service but yourself, who is benefitting but yourself? Be kind, be loving, everything else will take of itself. You are the one, the holy one, the mighty one, the true one, the loving one.

Robert Adams

How Robert Adams realized the Self at age 14 -RAdams

This is how Robert Adams realized the Self at age 14 …

“It was the end of the term, and we were taking our final test. This was a math test. I never studied for it, so I didn’t know anything. So I said, “God, God, God.” Instead of the answers coming, the room became filled with light, a brilliant bright light, a thousand times more brilliant than the sun. It was like an atomic bomb, the light from the bomb, but it was not a burning light. It was a beautiful, bright, shining, warm glow. Just thinking of it now makes me stop and wonder. The whole room was immersed in light, everybody, everything. All of the children seemed to be myriads of light particles, and then I found myself melting, sort of, into radiant being, into consciousness. I merged into consciousness. It was not an out-of-body experience. An out-of-body experience is when your soul leaves your body. This was completely different. I realized that I was not my body. What appeared to be my body was not real. And I went beyond the light into pure radiant consciousness. I became omnipresent. My individuality had merged into pure absolute bliss. I expanded, I became the universe. The feeling is indescribable. It was total bliss, total joy. The next thing I remember is the teacher shaking me. All the students had gone. I was the only one left in the class. The teacher was shaking me, and I returned to human consciousness. That feeling has never left me.”

Give it up -RAdams

See how many people read books one after the other. Most of you here have read every book on earth till there is nothing left to read. and you’re still in the same place you’ve always been. Most of you have gone to many lectures, heard many speakers. Yet there is hardly any change in you. You have to awaken to the point one of these days in your life that you are the answer. The answer is you, the answer that you’re looking for.

What is the meaning of life? Who am I? You are the very answer to these questions. Make your life very simple. Do not be too profound. Do not go looking to teachers and thinking they have a special answer for you. There is no special answer, there is no special teachings. Everything you’re looking for is within yourself. Where else would it be?

Robert Adams

Do not give your energy to this world. For the whole world is a cosmic joke … and it will suck your energy out, make you weak, make you start searching for remedies, solutions to your problems. You will go through life after life doing these things. The time is now, there is no other time but now. Now is the time to become totally free and liberated. Awaken, for you were never asleep! Awaken from the mortal dream. Let not another day go by where you react to people, places or things. Quit it! Stop it! Do not react to your own body, your own feelings. Quit it! Stop it! Understand who you really are.

Robert Admas

Stepping out of matter -rjs

S T E P P I N G . O U T . O F . M A T T E R

Do you struggle a bit to stay on track? I think I may have a little help in that area. For starters I believe it’s imperative that we do stay on track, let’s be clear about that! When we go off, we give a lot of credence to that which has no reality and no right taking over our consciousness. But what to do about it? We do some things that seem to bring us to conscious awareness but the moment we go away from what we were doing the cares of the world come rushing in!

We need permanent markers that we can grab to stay where we need to be. When I become aware of confusion and fear – if I don’t confront it immediately, it festers and grows. Then in my turmoil I often remember a rather silly single step I can take – almost physically – that makes me so happy that I feel giddy. It’s actually a partial or attempted step.

I see myself stepping OUT OF the material realm and INTO my Soul. It’s so funny because as I’m “stepping” I see nothing to step into – nothing at all. It’s most disconcerting! Why nothing?

Try it, you’ll see … there’s nothing of matter to hang onto at all. It’s your Soul taking over for you, showing you exactly what perfection looks like and how it is your actual life in the here and now! It always was: right where you saw matter, it being entirely spiritual was your real identity all along.

Now aware of your Soul, you are free to discover your spiritual body, your limitless omnipresence, your being as Spirit itself and your being as Christ itself.

I just don’t know where I’d be without the amazing recordings of Herb Fitch. I listen to them all the time and urge people who are fairly advanced in their spiritual search to do likewise.

S O U L . R E V E A L S . K I N G D O M . O F . G O D

The Kingdom of God is within you but it certainly is not within a fleshly body and it certainly is not within a mortal mind. What is this you that is being referred to?
It’s your Soul (single eye) which enables you to see into the invisible reality. The flesh encounters a tug of war when your Soul is discovered as it recognizes the end of its reign over you.
The kingdom of God – in its sublime perfection – never knew of any human life with its multifarious limitations, as the kingdom of God is itself Spirit, God. It cannot be revealed to the disease-laden human mind.
Our Soul alone reveals to us all the glories of the kingdom of God, being itself entirely spiritual: it bridges the gap between mortal life and the tangible experience of the kingdom of God. The human mind on the other hand dwells in that netherworld of pain and pleasure, fleeting joys and sorrows, disease and death.

The Light of Spirit is ushered in by our Soul, communicating to us in ways that only we comprehend, as it requires no human language to do so. We feel light and joyful for no apparent reason as a sweet knowingness rushes in. Although we realize that we must strive to remain in our Soul-awareness, we do recognize that a permanent change has taken place in our consciousness … and it is magnificent!

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

Within the shared dream, until you’re ready to fully awaken -rjs

W E . A L L . H A V E . P R O B L E M S

☆ They are from the world mind.
☆ The flesh-mind knows which ones will vex you the most.
☆ Once disturbed, you’re not thinking straight.
☆ You have the presence of mind to want spiritual help.
☆ The more you’re able to convince someone that you have a real, complicated, long- standing, difficult, depressing problem, the less they can help you.
☆ You’re not fully plugged in!
☆ Go higher and stay there no matter what.
☆ Realize there’s something even more important TO YOU than resolving that problem: you want NOTHING – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING – in your life but Spirit, God.
☆ Mean it with every single fiber of your being and don’t ever stop.
☆ Be the changed being that knows only God.

DrRobinStarbuck 2019