Monthly Archives: October 2020
Understanding the body -JSG
The Infinite Way is a metaphysical and spiritual text. The subject is treated quickly and briefly to let the reader concentrate on their inner unfoldment rather than a lot of words.
Whether a surgeon operates from head to toenail they will never find ‘you’.
Gregg Braden quantum physics made easy
Healing success AAiken -rjs
MUST READ !!! H E A L I N G SUCCESS !! (all ●●● mine)
“So This Is Why I Wasn’t Healed”
This excerpt is by Alfred Aiken from The Unchallenged Self
I Declared Truth Until I Was Blue In The Face — Where’s My Healing?●●●
Recently, one steeped in metaphysics asked for a clearer explanation of God. As the ALLNESS of God was pointed out, the seeker said, ”Oh yes, I know, but that is too absolute for me. Talk so I can understand you. The doctors at my place of business tell me I have tuberculosis and I am unable to work. I can’t pay my bills. I’ve declared Truth till I’m blue in the face but it doesn’t seem to do a bit of good. Why doesn’t God heal me? I’ve asked Him in all sincerity. I know He’s all powerful – that He’s Love Itself, so why doesn’t He heal me?”●●●
I tried to point out the ONENESS of God, but with each statement of Truth, my visitor countered with a metaphysical quotation, assuring me this was the very same Truth he had been declaring for months on end.●●● To break through this glib parroting, he was then asked for an original definition of what Truth is – not words or pretty, quotable sentences, but what is the Truth Itself; not the truth about Truth, but Truth’s very essence – what the I of this I-PRESENT is. This question caught his attention and he was still – he listened to the sole Self for a change, rather than to the chatter of no-Self, not-Self, not-One, not-I!
Fight Evil Appearances And They Will Appear To Get Worse●●●
Until now, all his efforts had been expended against evil, against a condition. However, as always in the field of theology, the more evil or sin is fought, the larger it becomes – the further from the Allness of God the theologian travels. Evil is not to be wiped out, dealt with, handled, cast aside or overcome.●●●
Because God is ALL, and this leaves nothing beside. Sickness, like aught else evil, is not something to be met, destroyed or healed, because PRESENT PERFECTION leaves no evil – leaves none sick●●●, ailing or in distress. Surely no one would go about trying to heal God!
God’s Allness Is All That’s Going On
My visitor was asked is he had ever felt GOD was in need of prayer – had he ever “worked” for GOD, tried to set GOD free of disease, deadly germs, infection? The answer was an immediate NO! Did time ever affect GOD? NO! Is God all, right NOW? Yes! Is there more than ALL? There was a pause, then a slow acknowledgment that there is ONLY GOD. Who then is ill? NO ONE, FOR GOD IS ALL!●●●
Suddenly, he saw this. “This is Truth!” he declared. It was clear to him that until this moment he had merely been attempting to know about Truth – about himself, about disease, but he had not known TRUTH ITSELF.●●● Truth revealed Truth to be TRUE RIGHT NOW, WHOLE, AWARE OF BEING THE I THAT I AM – THIS I RIGHT HERE.
Some three days late, because of employment insurance regulations, the young man had to report to the doctors for another X-ray. When the X-ray was taken it showed but a slight congestion which the doctors said was possibly fatigue. When they compared the new pictures with the old ones, they were at a complete loss to explain ●●● how the old set showed such an advanced stage of the disease and the new ones did not. To be doubly sure, however, they later called for another set which showed no trace of discord, and within a matter of days the yound man was back at work.
Help me! We = One -rjs
Sure, “I” can help “you”
If that’s what you need.
You be “you” and I’ll be “I”
And I’ll talk to you and
You’ll heed My voice.
But soon’s you’re ready
Let’s get Us back to pure
Undiminished reality
Where there are no longer
Two of us talking and
Listening and heeding
Ofttimes missing the mark.
We’ll try another mindset:
What exactly is God?
All-presence, All-power,
Everywhere at once. All.
Spirit, Substance, Mind,
Principle, Soul, Love, Life.
When You truly put Me first
That frightening possibility
You might go off again and
Imagine your worldly whims
Will be nourished, satiated,
Collapse, spent and lost …
No longer looms large
On the horizon of your hope.
Who then were you listening
To and why are you scattered?
The “I” that you wanted to pray
To is the “I” of you and all Life.
So, instead of “help me”, we
Must assume the royal “We”
And know that we know – until
We know … that We are One.
DrRobinStarbuck 2017
Complete Surrender, then Awaken -RAdams
Awakening is a Direct Experience.
An ‘Instant Experience’. It happens.
But prior to Awakening,
Comes a Complete Surrender.
Not ‘visions’ – Not ‘spiritual experiences’, but a total and complete surrender to The Self!
When I say IT’s a ‘Complete Surrender’, it’s exactly what I mean.
You Surrender your entire life!
This means:
All your problems, All the things you think are bothering you.
All the good things,
All the bad things; Everything is Totally Surrendered to The Self.
And – as you’re doing this,
You automatically become Compassionate, and have a tremendous amount of Humility, transpiring within yourself.
These are the three things that happen to you, prior to awakening:
There is a Total Surrender to God. Not certain things.
I know some of you like to surrender the bad things. Forget about that!
You just Surrender.
Totally and Completely!
The bad and good things, are all part of the ‘relative world’. And the whole relative world has to be Totally and Completely surrendered;
… Totally given up!
Then a Great Compassion, and a Great Humility, will come by ITSelf.
You see, we’re not trying to ‘do’ these things -‘physically’. We just let ourselves fall into The Space, where all these things happen by themselves.
And this comes from ‘sitting in The Silence’.
You see how all these things, are connected to each other.
As you sit in The Silence
Without desire,
Without want,
Without trying to change bad for good.
All of a sudden, you will feel yourself Surrendering.
Surrendering all of your ego:
The body-mind surrenders.
Everything lets go!
And you become The Epitome Of Compassion. A Tremendous Humility wells up within you.
When you can feel these things.
The next step – is to Awaken Totally!
Robert Adams
O lofty Teacher -rjs
O lofty Teacher
Canst thou step aside
Allow every One
The sheer joy of
sublime discovery?
O must you seize
Another’s Moment of
Rapturous delight,
I aloft, you below?
No! No! No!
YOU err, my child,
Humility in impartation is
Your Teacher, your
Moment, your epiphany!
Watch her glow now
In radiant Light
Emitting not from you
But directly from
HER precious Self!
Perfect Brilliant Stillness – David Carse
A tribute to Nisargadatta
Jim Newman • Vienna 23 March 2018
The individual is convinced that there’s something that needs to be gotten and somewhere that they need to go. This is just not true.
This is the end of experiencing.
The individual can’t know or find out anything about what is real.
Don’t think of a pink elephant to show that you are in control! That’s how much control the individual has.
Built into the body’s mechanism is the need for survival. It will do anything it can to survive and it will seek out good experiences and tried to avoid bed experiences.
The end of the individual is the absolute opposite of detachment. There’s no longer a separation between what appears and the individual. So if there’s anger, happiness joy whatever that’s what is. That’s all that is.
Religious teachings come from the belief that what tortures the individual is thoughts and feelings. You can detached from them and then you can realize that you have never had a thought!
Are you rejecting physics altogether? No but it’s just information. But it’s fun! Yes yes it is but it’s just information. In terms of technology there are quantum something… apparently yes apparently. When there’s no longer an individual it is obvious that an appearance is not anything. Because it’s matter. Nothing nothing! And this is nothing mattering!
The Open Secret -TN