That there is someone seeking – is a dream. When a dream collapses what becomes clear is that it never happened. Consciousness is a dream. It is based on a subject and an object therefore duality.
Monthly Archives: September 2020
Jim Newman • Finland June 2017 • Non Duality
Every “thing” is a construct. People assume that a certain construct is what they are, what they need to be, to get, to become – all is temporary. The basic problem for the individual is the belief in a separated self. The reason it can never find what it’s looking for is because it’s not separate from what it’s looking for. There is only what is and the separate self will never know that. The story it’s telling itself never happened. The individual lives in a world of something else and there is no something else. The problem is that the individual is arrogant so it arrogates everything to itself: it owns everything. The story of the individual is I am the center of the universe I am important it’s all about me! The individual is a contracted sense [in the body/mind]. The only thing the individual can do is to separate itself. It can’t imagine reality without itself – the wholeness and completeness and fulfillment. The individual is caught up in the wonder of all the sights and sounds in this room and all the questions and all the colors and what’s going on. It never realizes that all of this [and infinitely more] is already known. They miss the miraculous wonder of it all. The individual has no idea what is being suggested here. None!
Jim Newman• Finland June 2018•Non Duality
Absolute non-duality. Nothing is everything.
You are the cause of everything that happens to you -RAdams
You have to realize you’re the cause of everything. You are the cause of everything that happens to you. There’s no one to blame but you. If you have certain people in your life you can’t get along with, your family, your relatives, whatever, you have purposely attracted these people before you came to this earth, and these people attracted you, for this is their karma and your karma, and you have to work it out.
If you keep reacting the same way you always do, you will not work it out, and will get deeper enmeshed into it, and you will come back again, and again, and again, in different bodies, until you get it right. We can really say that the universe is a university to educate the soul.”
Robert Adams
Without labels you remain the infinite being -SB
“When I was born into this world, the only things I knew were to love, laugh, and shine my light brightly. Then as I grew, people told me to stop laughing. “Take life seriously,” they said, “if you want to get ahead in this world.” So I stopped laughing. People told me, “Be careful who you love if you don’t want your heart broken.” So I stopped loving. They said, “Don’t shine your light so bright as it draws too much attention onto you.” So I stopped shining. And became small. And withered. And almost died. Only to learn upon death that all that matters in life is to love, laugh, and shine our light brightly!
In the near-death state, I was more acutely aware of all that was going on than I’ve ever been in a normal physical state. I was extremely aware of every detail, but I couldn’t physically feel anything – except a release and a level of freedom I’d never known before. I felt no emotional attachment to my lifeless body as it lay there on the hospital bed. Every pain, ache, sadness, and sorrow was gone. I began to feel weightless and to become aware that I was able to be anywhere at any time… and this didn’t seem unusual. It felt normal, as though this were the real way to perceive things. I started to notice how I was continuing to expand to fill every space, until there was no separation between me and everything else. I encompassed – no, became – everything and everyone. Simultaneously I became aware that my brother was thousands of miles away on an airplane, coming to see me. I saw him and his worried look. I felt a sense of freedom and liberation that I’d never experienced in my physical life before. I can only describe this as the combination of joy mixed with a generous sprinkling of jubilation and happiness. A superb and glorious unconditional love surrounded me, wrapping me tight as I continued to let go. I didn’t feel as though I’d physically gone somewhere else – it was more as though I’d awakened. Perhaps I’d finally been roused from a bad dream. My consciousness was finally realizing its true magnificence and in doing so, it was expanding beyond my body and this physical world, until it encompassed not only this existence, but continued to expand into another realm that was beyond time and space, and at the same time included it. Love, joy, ecstasy and awe poured into me, through me, and engulfed me. I was swallowed up and enveloped in more love than I ever knew existed. I felt more free and alive than I ever had. As I described, I suddenly knew things that weren’t physically possible. The overwhelming sensations were in a realm of their own, and words don’t exist to describe them. The feeling of complete, pure, unconditional love was unlike anything I’d known before. Although I was no longer using my five physical senses, I had unlimited perception, as if a new sense had become available, one that was more heightened than any of our usual faculties. I had 360-degree peripheral vision with total awareness of my surroundings. And as amazing as it all sounds, it still felt almost normal. Being in a body now felt confining. My awareness in that expanded realm was indescribable, despite my best efforts to explain it. The clarity was amazing. And then I was overwhelmed by the realization that God isn’t a being, but a state of being… and I was now that state of being! In that state of clarity, I also realized that I’m not who I’d always thought I was: Here I am without my body, race, culture, religion, or beliefs… yet I continue to exist. I certainly don’t feel reduced or smaller in any way. On the contrary, I haven’t ever been this huge, this powerful, or this all-encompassing. I felt eternal, as if I’d always existed and always would without beginning or end. I was transformed in unimagenable clarity as I realized that this magnificent essence was really me. It was the truth of my being. The understanding was so clear: I was looking into a new paradigm of self, becoming the crystalline light of my own awareness. Nothing interfered with the flow, glory, and amazing beauty of what was taking place. I realized that the entire universe is alive and infused with consciousness, encompassing all of life and nature. We’re all that Unity – we’re all One. It was though I was enveloped in the oneness, the pure essence of every living being, without their pains, dramas, and egos. I understood that at the core, our essence is made of pure love. We are pure love – every single one of us.”
~ Anita Moorjani
“We are not our bodies, our possessions, or our careers. Who we are is Divine Love and that is infinite.
There is one grand lie – that we are limited. The only limits we have are the limits we believe.
Choose to see death as simply removing a garment or moving from one room to another… It’s merely a transition.
Remember that your natural state is joy. You have everything you need for complete peace and total happiness right now.
A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe.
My purpose is to help people look at themselves and begin to shift their concepts. Remember, we are not our country, our race, or religion. We are eternal spirits. Seeing ourselves as spiritual beings without label is a way to transform the world and reach a sacred place for all of humanity.”
~ Wayne Dyer
“Some people get angry when they hear me say that problems are illusions. When you are full of problems, find the life underneath your life situation.
The collective disease of humanity is that people are so engrossed in what happens, so hypnotized by the world of fluctuating forms, so absorbed in the content of their lives, they have forgotten the essence, that which is beyond content, beyond form, beyond thought. They are so consumed by time that they have forgotten eternity, which is their origin, their home, their destiny. Eternity is the living reality of who you are.”
~ Eckhart Tolle
“To define yourself is to limit yourself. Without labels you remain the infinite being.”
~ Deepak Chopra

Tony Parsons in Amsterdam • 12 Nov 2017 • Part 1/2
Tony Parsons / Meeting in Amsterdam, 11 Oct 2013
The “me” will look for any means possible to void this message!!
If there’s a “me” there can’t be liberation.
You don’t have to ‘get there’ when the thing you’re longing for is all there is!!!
Up there, in other dimensions, or down here, it’s all the same: there only is what is.
Consciousness implies a divided world where “me” lives.
There is a readiness for this. The “me” falls away and everything opens up.
Lil lol
Never argue with a fool,
onlookers may not be able
to tell the difference.
Mark Twain
Exploring God -RSpira [rjs connect to Absolute Emptiness?]
Absolute (rjs) consciousness -NM
Q: Don’t we have to discard all knowledge?
Maharaj: You must have a thorough knowledge of this consciousness, and having known everything about the consciousness you come to the conclusion that it is all unreal, and then it should drop off. Having listened to these talks, sit and meditate, “That which I have heard, is it true or not?” Then you will understand that this is also to be discarded.
The principle which can pass judgment on whether the world is or is not, that principle antedates the world. That by which everything is known, whether it is or is not – who knows this? When I say Parabrahman, then you say that you understand. Names are merely an instrument for communicating. Do you understand what I am driving at?
Q: The jnani knows that this is all an illusion, that there is no path; but if from within the illusion, one is convinced that there is a path, and there’s somewhere to go, does it make sense to use techniques to get to that further illusion?
M: Illusion – is it a word or not?
Q: It’s a word that relates to a concept.
M: That is also a name only, is it not?
Q: Yes.
M: So what illusory word do you want that will satisfy you?
The final Talks with
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Consciousness and the Absolute.