Monthly Archives: September 2020
Rupert Spira shows common basis for all Teachings & language
If you take away all of Christianity and mysticism from Christian mysticism you’ll have Rupert’s teaching. If you take Advaita and Vedanta out of Advaita Vedanta you’ll have what Rupert is teaching. If you take Tibet and Buddhism out of Tibetan Buddhism you’ll have what Rupert is trying to teach. Rupert does a stunning job with language deviation showing how yes you can use one expression temporarily and qualify it in order to make a certain point and then clarify later what it was and where you were going with it so that you can make your real point while Jim and Tony are kind a locked into very temporary language.
While all of this is high praise for Rupert that doesn’t by itself prove that Rupert’s teaching is better than Tony’s and Jim’s.
Think with your heart -rjs
W H A T H A P P E N S . . .
when you heed the dictum “Think with your heart”?
You soften, right? You see beauty instantly where you had only seen darkness. You’re pulled away from all those awful images that were vying for attention moments ago. You’re also strengthened one hundredfold. How? Why? What just happened?
Let us examine. To what extent was an organ in a body giving you thoughts or intuitions? No, no, no – that’s your soul lovingly guiding you. Your soul!
Now for the tough one – is your soul material, half-and-half, or Spirit? You got it! Pure Spirit! It has its own function, but is clearly in the Fifth Dimension, eagerly awaiting your recognition of the Sixth Dimension (Spirit) and beyond (Christ).
So, what’ve we got to lose? Let’s just simply
Jim Newman • Vienna July 2016
There could be reincarnation in the story. [26:00] The “I” is not necessarily dependant on the mind. The body dies and the I live on. That is all part of the illusion but the I that is not attached to the body there’s still attention, there’s still a knowing. That’s all an illusion. But the I that is not attached to the body, that’s eternal But it is not infinite. It has a platform called “I am”. The I am is what gives the platform for everything to open up and you can see and other worlds and you can Say psychedelic images and all those things that the I am is supposedly capable of period but it’s all elusion.Once the I is dropped, all space and time is dropped, then you go wow!!!!
Talking about fitting things in to make it better – that’s the story of “me”. That search is eternal because there is no better. There is this endless search of filling a need that something is wrong and needs to be fixed by following someone like Jesus or Buddha or Ramana Maharshi. It’s that same ENDLESS. CYCLE.
This is fulfillment it is complete. There’s no need to be or become special anymore. THIS IS WOW !!! THIS IS IT !!! THERE’S NOTHING TO HOPE FOR!
The misunderstanding is that something needs to change, to come or to go away, for things to be in that Wow state. This is it!!!
Nothing is known already. Knowing is the illusory world, the dream.
Jim Newman • Switzerland • April 2018
Simply This: The Ultimate Advaita Teaching with Jim Newman
Alan Steinfeld and Jim Newman
Abbott and Costello Who’s on First!!!!!
Jim Newman • Vienna 23 March 2018
There is no one that needs to do anything there is nothing that needs to be done. The notion that there is a somebody that needs to deal with stuff is arrogance. THE ONE THING THAT NOBODY “GETS” IS HOW WONDERFUL IT IS WHEN ALL OF THIS DROPS AWAY!!!!!
Jim Newman Munich • July 2017 Non Duality
This isn’t the answer for the individual: this is the death of the individual. The individual will do anything that it can to preserve itself.