Monthly Archives: September 2020

Breaking through the hypnotism -rjs

If you learnt the hard cold fact
That for you at this point in time
Meditating twice a day
Isn’t getting the job done…

So you stepped it up to
Once every three hours, alas
Still too much negativity
Is hanging over.

Alright you’ll give it all you’ve got,
Every hour on the hour – better yet
Every thirty minutes or until the
Hypnotism’s entirely obliterated.

Finally it’s coming clear,
Both the urgency and frequency
With which your own willingness
Is freely choosing to reconnect.

The wake-up! -rjs 2016

Enter a gambling place
The cards are dealt
Wagers are made
Sweat appears
Somebody is
G e t
The heck
Out of that
Nasty Place
Shake the dust
From off your feet
And say a prayer for
The guy who woke you
You remember The One
Known only as The Cheater!

Dr. Robin Starbuck

All ONE -rjs 2016

Oneness as destination and present reality 2016

Dear God,
You know that I know that You and I are One, but I write in this manner to indicate to others that as they strive to become more and more aware of their Oneness with you, they can share their progress and be encouraged by that of their friends.
We are ONE – You and I – and, as unspeakably wonderful as that is, it’s sometimes hard to wrap my mind around. It’s not only the awesome aspect of being at One with You that’s so hard to process but also how to relate to You as One with me. I wish I could speak coherently to everyone who really wants to hear about this literal earth-shattering reality. Who is the “I” that is nearly overwhelmed by Your all-consuming fire, and who is the “You” that is bigger than the universe itself and how are we now chatting like bff’s (best friends forever), mostly to show our friends that they’re not alone in this magnificent maze?
You’ve told me clearly that I don’t need to settle for calling things that I’ve yet to sort out a mere “mystery”; so I want to be exposed, stripped, vulnerable right here now and ask that You draw me in further and reveal to me – in this fleeting medium called human language – just how I might stay … with You … as One. I feel You’re wanting to reveal to me that we are infinitely better than two unequals meshing together – but always two unequals. Just as You include me, I include you. Remember, I’m asking for language – simple, unpuffed up language. Make our Marriage Complete by letting me no longer wonder how to take Our Self to the world. Let me no longer be impressed one iota with ANYTHING that is unlike You … … … I mean Us. That’s it!!! We are One. The royal “We” includes no inner division.
Whenever I feel eerily estranged from our Oneness, I’ll assert that We cannot be estranged from Ourself, We know all we ever need to know, We see into the realms Jesus trod, We see Your/Our kingdom as it is … now! Now we know the only “We”, “I”, “Us”, “One”, “You&me” = God, me.
(DrRobinStarbuck 2016)


I’m just now embracing and trying to wrap my head around this after being called a heretic (more or less) back in ’03 when I first had this epiphany. I thought I was wrong because those in ministry had taught me I had to beg a distant God for every little thing. I appreciate this post more than you know! RJM

Hypnotized into believing separate entity -RAdams

Somehow you’ve been hypnotized, mesmerized, deluded, into believing that you are a separate entity, a separate body, and you have to fetch for yourself, care for yourself. While the bubble persists, it is well taken care of by the ocean. While the wave persists, the ocean looks after it. That’s why waves become big sometimes, they become tidal waves. They’re still part of the ocean.

As you persist in believing that you’re human, believing that you are a body, that you are separate, you are still looked after and protected. You may still suffer and go through experiences, because you think you’re the body or the mind, but nevertheless you are always protected and looked after.

In any case you don’t have to worry. In any case you don’t have to fear. Why? Because you live in eternity. You live in bliss. You live in total joy and happiness. You are immersed in consciousness, like space. Space is immersed in consciousness. And all the forms, like planets, galaxies, universes, are superimpositions in space. And what holds space together? Consciousness.

You do not have to do anything to understand this. You simply have to recognize it. You do not have to pray, or meditate, or do mantras or japa. There is nothing you have to do to recognize your reality, that you’re the ocean, you’re consciousness. You simply have to see it, and recognize it, and awaken. That’s all you have to do.

Robert Adams

No longer bubble in world -RAdams

When you are [enlightened], you have unalloyed happiness all the time. Eternal happiness and eternal joy is always with you, regardless of conditions. For you are no longer conditioned. You are no longer looking for anything. Does it make sense for an enlightened person to look for a healthy body, or for a prosperous body, or for this or for that? Of course not. This is the fact that nobody’s left to look for these things. The ego who does this has been totally transcended.

Look at the world like bubbles on the ocean, bubbles and waves on the ocean. Look at people that way too. They keep disappearing. They keep coming back. The bubbles, the eddies, the waves come and go continuously, constantly. Yet the ocean understands that the bubbles, the eddies, the waves, are part of the ocean. They’re not separate from the ocean. Yet the bubbles come and go. The waves come and go. So it is with us.

Bodies come and go continuously, constantly. You make such a fuss out of life, out of a body that’s so important. They come and go like bubbles in the ocean. New bodies appear every day, old ones fade away, yet the source, beyond everything, is consciousness. The substratum of all existence is consciousness. Consciousness is like the ocean, and all the forms on this earth, in the universe, are superimpositions on consciousness.

In other words, all the forms are like bubbles and waves on the ocean. When you discover who you are, you’re no longer a bubble or a wave. You no longer come and go. You become the ocean. The average person in this world believes they are a bubble or a wave. They identify only with their little self. They’re always thinking about themselves. I need, I want, I hurt, I this, I that, I everything. It’s always I, I, I. This is how the bubble thinks, that it’s separate from the ocean. But the ocean knows it’s not separate.

Robert Adams