Monthly Archives: September 2020
Rupert admits of beyond awareness -RSpira
There is also a beyond.
There is nothing but this knowing presence.
Anything that appears and disappears must do so in or on something.
Could God ever know anything other than the knowing of its experience?
You are sat-chit-ananda [existence-consciousness-bliss] -RAdams
[Once you awaken], what you call your body will take care of itself. It knows what to do and how to do it. As a matter of fact, if you get yourself out of the way the body will achieve much more freedom, much more happiness then you can ever have while you’re thinking. Do not concern yourself with the body. Leave the body alone.
It’s hard to understand how you can leave the body alone and it will take of itself. All these years you think you’ve been taking care of it. But look at nature. Look at the leaves on the tree, grass, the food that grows; there is a power that takes care of everything in this universe.
The same power that takes care of everything takes care of what you call your body. It will lead you to the right path. It will guide you to the right place you’re supposed to be. It takes care of you. But this only happens when you surrender your body, your ego, everything to the Self. The way you surrender is by not reacting to life. Not reacting to person, place or thing.
When you stop reacting, that is surrender. And the power that knows the way will take care of your body. But you are not your body. You have absolutely nothing to do with your body. You are that consciousness, that joy, that happiness, that peace, that bliss. This is your real nature. You are sat-chit-ananda [existence-consciousness-bliss], Brahman, the absolute reality, this is you.
Robert Adams
Breaking up and out -rjs
Learning to trust that one’s teacher is within oneself brings huge rewards. It implies wherever you are – in any circumstance – you have the best guide, friend and lover ever with you.
Should I read this? watch that? come here? go there? All needed answers tend to arrive before the question is fully formed!
We need to go way, way beyond the fetters of crippling religiosity and our own omnipotent friend is showing us just how to do it: how to let go, surrender, and move on fearlessly. There’s so much more wisdom to awaken to once we’re really willing to break free!
mind ceases its restless movements – Gita
“The light of a lamp does not flicker in a windless place: that is the simile which describes a yogi of one-pointed mind, who meditates upon the Atman. When, through the practice of yoga, the mind ceases its restless movements, and becomes still, he realizes the Atman. It satisfies him entirely. Then he knows that infinite happiness which can be realized by the purified heart but is beyond the grasp of the senses.”
~ Bhagavad Gita
Memes from theRobin -rjs

High state, threshold of liberation -NM
What you need will come to you, if you do not ask for what you do not need. Yet only few people reach this state of complete dispassion and detachment. It is a very high state, the very threshold of liberation.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
20th century Indian Advaita mystic
Quantum singing over creation -rjs
Robin Starbuck, Ph.D.
I earnestly believe that God will sing over His creation until its culmination when there’s no longer a distinction between earth and heaven itself.
We are becoming increasingly more familiar with the construct of types and shadows; but when we extend that awareness first to the subatomic level and then recognize that God – in all His hugeness – reigns in the realm of the smallest neutron, we will better comprehend how His son, Jesus, could perform the mind-boggling miracles that he did with such ease.
Jesus spoke (sang) in human language but it was clearly from the Spirit. Plain and simple, his utterances had their counterpart – their source – in a dimension beyond our own!
Sounds that we hear actually communicate messages from above and give new meaning to the prayer language known as ‘tongues’ – a direct communion with a higher realm. So, when you ‘hear’ the wave of the Holy Spirit in your spirit, it’s time – not to freak out – but to rejoice!
After Kulhman, what? -rjs
S P I R I T U A L . C O M P L A C E N C Y
Some people seem to coast along spiritually – never having any problems they can’t easily handle. They’re not like the rest of us who combat serious issues at every turn. I’ll return to this dichotomy in a little while, but first I’d like to revisit a rather flamboyant – and powerfully effective healer.
Kathryn Kuhlman was an amazing speaker, teacher and healer who kept her huge audiences spellbound as she floated across the stage in gorgeous evening gowns! She healed thousands (millions in total) of people in very advanced stages of crippling diseases every night of her stay all over the country.
I totally ‘get’ why she dressed so theatrically: it was a persona that she was slipping into and helped her immensely in keeping her focus. People were rightfully ecstatic when they saw their loved ones healed. Who wouldn’t be?
But, alas, the story goes, a large percentage of the healings soon reversed. I was not the least bit surprised with that crushing development: the newly-healed people needed to do their part AFTER THE FACT. They needed a spiritual mentality that was on the same level as they had risen to.
People seeking healing from Kathryn Kuhlman were entirely focused on their desperate physical need with precious little concern for the sudden shift in their entire life situation. They simply couldn’t maintain their healings. Their god was physicality from start to finish.
The complacency issue alluded to above ran unchecked with Kuhlman’s followers as it does with people who never seem to have much of a problem these days. They never want to upset the apple-cart and go on to a higher level of living. As I ponder this mesmeric situation, I’m tempted to feel more grateful than ever before that I have had unspeakably trying problems which – when healed – catapulted me to a level I had never anticipated before but for which I had been very well prepared.