Monthly Archives: August 2020

Quantum physics background for Self-enquiry

In Quantum Physics, Even Humans Act As Waves

Ethan SiegelSenior ContributorStarts With A BangContributor GroupScienceThe Universe is out there, waiting for you to discover it.

“Is it a wave or is it a particle?” Never has such a simple question had such a complicated answer as in the quantum realm. The answer, perhaps frighteningly, depends on how you ask the question. Pass a beam of light through two slits, and it acts like a wave. Fire that same beam of light into a conducting plate of metal, and it acts like a particle. Under appropriate conditions, we can measure either wave-like or particle-like behavior for photons — the fundamental quantum of light — confirming the dual, and very weird, nature of reality.

This dual nature of reality isn’t just restricted to light, either, but has been observed to apply to all quantum particles: electrons, protons, neutrons, even significantly large collections of atoms. In fact, if we can define it, we can quantify just how “wave-like” a particle or set of particles is. Even an entire human being, under the right conditions, can act like a quantum wave. (Although, good luck with measuring that.) Here’s the science behind what that all means

The debate over whether light behaves as a wave or a particle goes all the way back to the 17th century, when two titanic figures in physics history took opposite sides on the issue. On the one hand, Isaac Newton put forth a “corpuscular” theory of light, where it behaved the same way that particles did: moving in straight lines (rays) and refracting, reflecting, and carrying momentum just as any other kind of material would. Newton was able to predict many phenomena this way, and could explain how white light was composed of many other colors.

On the other hand, Christiaan Huygens favored the wave theory of light, noting features like interference and diffraction, which are inherently wave-like. Huygens’ work on waves couldn’t explain some of the phenomena that Newton’s corpuscular theory could, and vice versa. Things started to get more interesting in the early 1800s, however, as novel experiments began to truly reveal the ways in which light was intrinsically wave-like.

Is the World an Illusion? -RSpira


Non-existence vs illusion

LUCID WAKING: JOHN SMITH CAN STILL PLAY THE PART OF KING LEAR WHILE KNOWING HE’S REALLY JOIN SMITH. Awareness doesn’t fall asleep anymore. It’s the essence of prayer or self-enquiry. 1. Lost in experience 2. I am John Smith. Inward-facing. 3. John Smith doesn’t forget who he really is anymore. Outward-facing.

Stop using your mind (ego) to control thoughts -RAdams

“When the Sage thinks of something, it is like a fan that has been pulled out of the socket. It’s still turning, but there’s no power. The power is dead. The power has been cut off. In other words, the thoughts of a saint are dead. The thoughts of the Sage have no power, no power whatsoever. This is why it is said, a Sage does not think, a Sage has no thoughts. What it really means is that the sage’s thoughts are dead. When the thoughts are dead, you live in absolute reality. You live in pure awareness. When the thoughts are dead you live in sat-chit-ananda [existence-consciousness-bliss], in nirvana.

So what are you to do to also cease the thinking, so the thoughts can become dead? You simply do not attach yourself to the thoughts. By not attaching yourself to the thoughts, by not reacting to the thoughts, by not responding to the thoughts, they lose their power and begin to fade away. You do not give it any energy. You do not give it any power. Do not say to yourself, ‘I have to stop my thoughts.’ Do nothing like this. Just slow down, slow down, let the thoughts do what they may. Allow the thoughts to go their own way. Do nothing with your thoughts. Do not think about them. Do not fight them. And above all, do not try to stop them.

You may think this is sort of difficult, but it’s not. It’s like when you first wake up, before the thoughts come. You’re still drowsy from sleep. And when the first thoughts come to you, you hardly pay any attention to them. That’s the attitude to have. Do not pay any attention to your thoughts whatsoever. … There are so many practices [used to stop the mind]. You have Vipassana meditation. You have pranayama. You have so many different methods to stop your thoughts. All of these methods are good to an extent. They make you sort of one-pointed, but they will not stop your thoughts.

This is why people who have been practicing pranayamas, breathing exercises, Vipassana meditation, even Zen meditation, and other forms of yoga meditation, have been practicing for years, and years, and years and years. Perhaps they have achieved a semblance of peace, but they have not become liberated, due to the fact that they are using methods, whether it is a koan, or it’s watching your breath or your feelings, or whether it’s changing your thoughts to something positive, whatever you’ve been doing, you’re using your mind to do it. And your mind will always fool you. It will make you believe you’re getting somewhere, you’re becoming something great. But it’s really the ego. It is the ego that is controlling the mind.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Die before you die, get it out of the way. Transition

Eternal unborn

“There is much to be said for dying now and not waiting until the body dies; things might be a little rushed then, and one might find it hard to concentrate. Now, in the midst of what you take to be your life, there can be, if needed, a ‘positive’ practice of building up and strengthening the sense of individual self until it is strong enough to undergo the negative’ process of realizing that it is a sham, unreal after all, never did exist; and then perhaps it can be let go, let die,let fall away.

Then there can be a liberation from that ego that haunted and plagued us all our lives with fears of its own demise, for it turns out not to be anything real, nothing even to struggle against or try to defeat. The ego, and the death it has convinced you is your greatest fear, is only a tired tape recording in an empty room, which from outside you thought was a powerful and fearful enemy; but now the plug is pulled and the voice slurs to a stop.

This is what it is to ‘die before you die;’to step through the gateless gate into Void, and to walk the universe alone.”

~ Perfect Brilliant Stillness.

Rupert & ●healing

Just as nothing happens to the screen when a character in a movie becomes sick, so ●nothing happens to awareness when the body falls ill. It is for this reason that to ●know one’s true nature of pure awareness is the ultimate healing. If one knows oneself as pure awareness, or the simple experience of being aware, one is always in ●perfect health.

Rupert Spira

Being Aware of Being Aware

Work on yourself. Surrender everything -RAdams

“As you continue to work on yourself, … the day comes when all this is gone, and you are gone. You become nothing, a good-for-nothing. You go beyond nothingness, which is ineffable, something that can’t be explained, for there are no words or thoughts to understand this. Yet, you’ve got it all within you. Everything you need is within you. You are the one.

All the tools that you need are within yourself. But you have to make the move to do something. As I said, leave the realization to me. Work on yourself. Get rid of all the stuff that’s kept you bound for so many years. You know what it is, the fears, preconceived ideas, all these things that have kept you in bondage all these years. Let go of them. Give them up. Surrender everything.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Q & A with Rupert -RSpira

Why Think Of Reincarnation
If I know myself as pure Consciousness, formless pure light. Does that mean that when I quit that apparent entity, that personality, that ego, that apparent me will dissolve completely?
Dear Rupert,

I read you every day on your site and I’m so grateful to you for your teaching. I resonate a lot with it and I have a question.

Consciousness is all there is. Consciousness chooses to experiment with a body and a world with free will. I understand that there is no separate entity in the sense that it is impermanent and that all those apparent entities take form in and out of consciousness and so are impersonal.

If I know myself as pure Consciousness, formless pure light. Does that mean that when I quit that apparent entity, that personality, that ego, that apparent me will dissolve completely?

If yes, who are all those dead entities that some people have the ability to see and get in touch with and even help them to transition. This seem to be so real and quite confusing and what about reincarnation?

Thank you for your great generosity.


Dear Denise,

If we truly know that Consciousness is all there is, this question would not arise.

It is more in line with non-duality to be honest about our thoughts and feelings rather than to adopt a new apparently non-dual belief. No belief is non-dual including the belief in non-duality.

It is not that the separate entity is impermanent – it is rather that it is non-existent.

The apparently separate entity is a figment of the imagination whether it appears in the waking state, the dream state or an after death state.

That separate entity does not transition anywhere. How can a non-existent entity transition anywhere?

Why think of reincarnation? You are not even incarnated let alone reincarnated!

Incarnated means ‘born into the body.’ See clearly that the Awareness that you intimately know yourself to be in this very moment is not located in or as the body.

Be knowingly that Awareness and allow all appearances of the apparent entity and all ideas about incarnation and reincarnation to pass through you.

Who is the ‘I,’ the you, that will quit ‘that apparent entity, that personality, that ego?’ That one does not have to quit anything – it is already inherently free of the separate entity.

And who is ‘that apparent entity, that personality, that ego’ that needs to be quit? It dies or disappears every time the thought or feeling about it ceases. In other words, it is constantly dying.

In fact, it was never alive in the first place. As an entity it is just an object, like a table or a chair. However, if we look for that entity, we never find it. We find instead this presence of Awareness, that is, it finds or knows itself. That is what is alive in all seemingly alive things.

That is the light, the aliveness, the ‘experiencing’ in all seeming things and experiences.

Take your stand knowingly as this presence of Awareness and see that it never moves, changes, appears disappears, is born or dies.

With love,

~ Rupert Spira

Another way to awaken -RAdams

Another way to awaken is to trust the power that knows the way. In other words you have to have faith in the goodness of life. You have to have faith in supremacy of goodness. When you have faith in supremacy of goodness you move upward. In other words what I’m saying, when you look at the dastardly things happening in this world and you can look through it and see glory and joy and happiness and peace then you’ve made tremendous progress.
This is why I can only speak of my own experiences and it’s hard for people to understand this. When I give you the illustration of a mirror cannot see itself therefore when I look at the world I’m seeing myself. Now since the Self is consciousness and pure awareness and absolute reality this is the only Self I can see. I cannot see any other Self. This is the reason why I can say these things and tell you that all is well and everything is unfolding as it should. This is the truth. This is what I see, honestly, truly. I see such joy, such love, such harmony, such peace and I see yourself as myself. In other words I do not see anything else that separates yourself from me. The love that I see is you. The absolute reality I see is yourself.
Now I’m a mirror and I cannot see myself so I see myself as the world. You are a mirror also and you cannot see yourself. But what do you see when you look at the world. Your mirror is covered with dust. You see man’s inhumanity to man. You see terrible cataclysms, wars, and you become upset, you become worried, you become frustrated. Not realizing that when you become like this it clouds your mirror even more. …

Robert Adams, satsang

Separate The I From Reality!

3rd September, 1992

The transparency of things -RSpira


Fear comes from the very deep association of consciousness with the body that if this tiny fragment of a vulnerable body disappears then I will disappear. This is the core exclusive association of consciousness with the body. If we don’t avoid that discomfort and cover it over with other activities but rather have the courage to stay at that uncomfortable place and allow the reality of the experience to reveal itself because the reality of the experience is that this knowing presence is not exclusive. This sensation is JUST A SENSATION! Just the fact of witnessing it is the loosening of it – just simply sitting with it and seeing, allowing the bodily sensation to be whatever it is and allowing it to do with absolutely no agenda I mean why have an agenda with a bodily sensation? It’s not necessary to get rid of it because it’s a sensation. It’s not a problem. It’s only a problem when it is half seen, when it’s believed to be what we are and therefore it is felt that when it disappears we’re going to disappear. So it’s only lack of clarity lack, of clear seeing to what is actually a neutral bodily sensation to become an abode of fear.


Meditation is not something we do, it’s letting go of this tightened fist contraction hold over our real identity.

We know with our “mind” consciousness cannot be personal, but we feel that it is, which presents a contradiction… There’s a mixture of consciousness plus a collection of sensations which we call the body. If our eyes are closed our only experience of our body is sensations – either a single sensation or a network, a cluster, of sensations. There’s no distance between the sound and you the perceiving consciousness. Consciousness is impersonal. All there is is what is. Not solepsism, not the same. There is only what is doesn’t refer to objects. Only what is present in deep sleep is real. Ramana Maharshi. Only Consciousness is.

In the silence -SB many

“You are never more essentially, more deeply, yourself than when you are still.
Stillness is the only thing in this world that has no form. But then, it is not really a thing, and it is not of this world.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

“Silence is truth. Silence is bliss. Silence is peace. And hence Silence is the Self.”
~ Ramana Maharshi

“Beyond the mind, there is infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.
In peace and silence, the skin of the ‘I’ dissolves and the inner and the outer become one.”
~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

“When you are willing to stop looking for something in thought, you find everything in silence.”
~ Gangaji

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.”
~ Rumi

“Silence is not the absence of sound. Silence is the absence of you.”
~ Wu Hsin

“The only way you will ever awaken is through silence, not through analyzation of facts.
Everything that you can ever imagine that you want to be, you already are. You are the imperishable Self, beyond birth, beyond death, beyond experiences, beyond doubts, beyond opinions, beyond whatever it is your body is going through. Whatever thoughts your mind thinks, you are beyond that. You are the silence, the silence of the heart.
When you sit in the silence, it will come to you. You will see how the body came to be, and how the body goes, and a new body comes to be, and a new body goes. But you are alive. The real You persists. Nothing can ever destroy it. Water cannot drown it. Fire cannot burn it. Whatever happens to the body in this world cannot eliminate the ‘I am’. It has nothing to do with your age, or whether you’re well or sick, or rich or poor. It is the Self. It has always been and it will always be. It is YOU.
It’s in the silence that your problems just dissolve. Try it. It really works.”
~ Robert Adams

“When you can bear your own silence, you are free.
There is a mystery within all beings bursting to reveal itself, in the ones who become quiet enough to discover it. In this discovery a benevolent force shines spontaneously from your presence towards all beings, and this light cannot help but illuminate the world.”
~ Mooji

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
We’re fascinated by the words – but where we meet is in the silence behind them.”
~ Ram Dass

“Stop the noise in your mind in order for the wondrous sounds of life to be heard.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

“It was long before dawn when the sharp cry of a bird woke up the night for an instant and the light of that cry faded away. And the trees remained dark, motionless, melting into the air; it was a soft quiet night, endlessly alive; it was awake, there was movement; there was a deep stirring with utter silence. Even the village next door, with its many dogs, always barking, was quiet. It was a strange stillness, terribly potent, destructively alive. It was so alive and still that you were afraid to move; so your body froze into immobility and the brain, which had awakened with that sharp cry of the bird, had become still, with heightened sensitivity. It was a brilliant night with the stars in a cloudless sky; they seemed so close and the Southern Cross was just over the trees, sparkling in the warm air. Everything was very quiet.
What was necessary was a very sensitive, alert mind which had stopped entirely, willingly and easily, its chatter. It had become very quiet, seeing and listening without interpreting, without classifying; it was quiet and there was no entity or necessity to make it quiet. The mind was very still and very alive. That immensity filled the night and there was bliss.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti