Monthly Archives: August 2020

Become bliss, not body -RAdams

When you ●●realize that you are bliss, you are no longer the body. You ●● become something else completely. People see you as the body but you are not the body, and ●●you know that you are not the body. You ●●feel something so wonderful that in the beginning stages you ●●start crying, you start ●● laughing, all at the same time. Your body does this. It’s an ●●expression of bliss. ●●Every cell of your body becomes bliss. Bliss is your real nature. ●●Consciousness is your real nature. ●●Pure awareness is you. Therefore as you ponder these things something ●●definitely begins to change within you.

●●I am consciousness, total awareness, expressing as bliss. Now what does this do to you as a human being? It ●●transcends your human experience. It ●●lifts you beyond the relative world into ●● reality. There is no explanation. You ●● try to explain this to your friends. You ●●cannot. As a matter of fact, you find that your ●●friends disappear because they think you’re crazy. And you ●●probably never needed those friends to begin with.

●●You begin to identify with the substratum of existence. You are ●● no longer part of the world of effects. As you are aware, this is a ●●world of effects in which we live. There is ●●no permanency in this world. Everything comes and goes. To ●●identify with the world is to suffer. Therefore to ●● find the truth is to experience bliss. ●●No matter what you may acquire in this world you still suffer. As long as you believe you are the ●●body-mind concept this is what causes suffering, if only because of deterioration. As most of you know, as ●●soon as you’re born you start to die. It’s therefore ●●foolish to be satisfied only with a material existence. I realize even as I say this, if I wrote some of you a check for $10,000 I’d probably never see you again, because you would think foolishly you’ve got something special. But that will be gone soon, or you’ll worry about it.

There is nothing in this world that can really bring you true happiness. No, I’m ●●not a prophet of doom. I’m telling you the truth. It is only as you ●●discover your true identity that the real happiness and the real joy begin to be expressed through you. You ●● don’t have to wait until you are self-realized. ●●● Even if you believe that you are the body, still, just by understanding that there’s something greater, something higher, something more beautiful, begins to make you feel good. Or shall I say, as you ●● dis-identify with the world, as you begin to disassociate yourself with identification of the world. I’m not speaking of leaving your job or going away from your family or changing anything at all. I’m speaking mentally. As you ●●disengage your mind from worldly attachments, goodness takes its place, to that extent.

Robert Adams, Excerpt from Satsang 22

(●● mine, rjs)


When you realize that you are bliss, you are no longer the body. You become something else completely. People see you as the body but you are not the body, and you know that you are not the body. You feel something so wonderful that in the beginning stages you start crying, you start laughing, all at the same time. Your body does this. It’s an expression of bliss. Every cell of your body becomes bliss. Bliss is your real nature. Consciousness is your real nature. Pure awareness is you. Therefore as you ponder these things something definitely begins to change within you.

I am consciousness, total awareness, expressing as bliss. Now what does this do to you as a human being? It transcends your human experience. It lifts you beyond the relative world into reality. There is no explanation. You try to explain this to your friends. You cannot. As a matter of fact, you find that your friends disappear because they think you’re crazy. And you probably never needed those friends to begin with.

You begin to identify with the substratum of existence. You are no longer part of the world of effects. As you are aware, this is a world of effects in which we live. There is no permanency in this world. Everything comes and goes. To identify with the world is to suffer. Therefore to find the truth is to experience bliss. No matter what you may acquire in this world you still suffer. As long as you believe you are the body-mind concept this is what causes suffering, if only because of deterioration. As most of you know, as soon as you’re born you start to die. It’s therefore foolish to be satisfied only with a material existence. I realize even as I say this, if I wrote some of you a check for $10,000 I’d probably never see you again, because you would think foolishly you’ve got something special. But that will be gone soon, or you’ll worry about it.

There is nothing in this world that can really bring you true happiness. No, I’m not a prophet of doom. I’m telling you the truth. It is only as you discover your true identity that the real happiness and the real joy begin to be expressed through you. You don’t have to wait until you are self-realized. Even if you believe that you are the body, still, just by understanding that there’s something greater, something higher, something more beautiful, begins to make you feel good. Or shall I say, as you dis-identify with the world, as you begin to disassociate yourself with identification of the world. I’m not speaking of leaving your job or going away from your family or changing anything at all. I’m speaking mentally. As you disengage your mind from worldly attachments, goodness takes its place, to that extent.

Robert Adams, Excerpt from Satsang 22

Self-enquiry MUST go on continually

Question: By constant sadhana, do you mean self-enquiry?

Annamalai Swami: Yes. By strength of practice, by doing this sadhana, this veil will be removed completely. There will be no
further hindrances. You can go to the top of Arunachala, but if you are not alert, if you are not paying attention, you may slip
and end up at Isanya Math [a Hindu institution at the base of the hill].
You have to make an enormous effort to realise the Self. It is very easy to stop on the way and fall back into ignorance. At any moment you can fall back. You have to make a strong determined effort to remain on the peak when you first reach it,
but eventually a time will come when you are fully established in the Self. When that happens, you cannot fall. You have reached your destination and no further efforts are required. Until that moment comes, constant sadhana is required.

Question: Is it important to have a Guru at this stage, this period when constant effort is required?

Annamalai Swami: Yes. The Guru guides you and tells you that what you have done is not enough. If you are filling a bucket with water, you can always add more if there is still space. But when it is completely full, full to overflowing, it is pointless to add even a single drop. You may think that you have done enough, and you may believe that your bucket is full, but the Guru is in a better position to see that there is still a space, and that more water needs to be added.
Don’t rely on your own judgement in this matter. The state you have reached may seem to be complete and final, but if the Guru says, ‘You need more sadhana ,’ trust him and carry on with your efforts.

Bhagavan often used to say, ‘The physical Guru is outside, telling you what to do and pushing you into the Self. The inner
Guru, the Self within, simultaneously pulls you towards itself.’

Once you have become established in the inner Guru, the Self, the distinction between Guru and disciple disappears. In that state you no longer need the help of any Guru. You are That, the Self.
Until the river reaches the ocean, it is obliged to keep on flowing, but when it arrives at the ocean, it becomes ocean and the flow stops. The water of the river originally came from the ocean. As it flows, it is merely making its way back to its source.

When you meditate or do sadhana, you are flowing back to the source from which you came. After you have reached that source,
you discover that everything that exists – world, Guru, mind – is one. No differences or distinctions arise there.

Non-duality is jnana\ duality is samsara. If you can give up duality, Brahman alone remains, and you know yourself to be that Brahman, but to make this discovery continuous meditation is required. Don’t allocate periods of time for this. Don’t regard it as something that you do when you sit with your eyes closed.
This meditation has to be continuous. Do it while you are eating, walking, and even talking. It has to be continued all the time.

Don’t become old or appear to die -RAdams

Pretty soon you become old, and you appear to die. Do you want to believe this lie, that you die, that you get old, that there are problems in this world? This is all a lie. It’s the mortal dream. Do not identify with the mortal dream. Know who you are once and for all. You are that which was never born, which does not prevail, and can never die.

You are that which is beyond all concepts, all reasoning, all thoughts. You are that which has always existed as pure awareness. You are that which is neither female or male, which is neither good nor bad, which is neither right or wrong, which just is. Beauty, joy, love, harmony, peace, bliss, this is your real nature, this is who you are. Why not accept this and become free, right now?

Robert Adams

Some pebbles -rjs

When we think in terms of events developing as time goes by, we are subscribing to a 3D construct of ourselves, like the pilot who gives the control tower her location in terms of distance – not only north and east – of a given point, but also advises them of her altitude. This dynamic, according to Newton, and most Christians I know, moves forward in one direction and in one-dimensional time. We need a Big Apple to fall on our collective head to accept the fact that we live in – at least – a four-dimensional realm, borne out by the special theory of relativity in which things do not move forward but remain static and everything that we, in all our prayers, hope for, already exists. rjs


Whenever you’re in any form of disquiet, i.e., fear, doubt, anxiety, loss, suffering,
it means ur not in your true



We have no right to sickness, poverty, suffering, discord…
Unless of course we invite world mind in, give him a cup of coffee…


If you are looking for me
Me doesn’t live anymore.
I am set
Entirely Free.


That which never was
Has died

And “I” is f-r-e-e


Swami Sarvapriyananda on Conscious Experience -SS


The eye of the eye, the ear of the ear, the speech of the speech: CONSCIOUSNESS IS NOT PART OF THE BODY, NOT PRODUCED BY THE BODY.

Man descending into a field in a hot air balloon asks a farmer on the ground “Where am I?”

“You are in a balloon.”

“Sir, are you a mathematician?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“Your answer was absolutely correct and absolutely useless.” LOL

Anyone searching for CONSCIOUSNESS will never find it because he’s the one who’s looking. He is it.

The very fact of your seeing (experiencing-RS) means you have eyes, consciousness. You’re not being vague paradoxical or tricky. You’re using language in the best way that you possibly can. By YOUR LIGHT your entire body system is lit up and shining. In Vedanta that is exactly what we call God.

Reality is. No expression, thought, feeling. -NM


Neither action, nor feeling, nor thought express reality.
There is no such thing as an expression of reality.
You are introducing a duality where there is none. Only reality is, there is nothing else.
Reality is neither subjective nor objective, neither mind nor matter, neither time nor space.

You cannot speak about it; you can only
lose your self in it. When you deny reality to anything, you come to a residue which cannot be denied.

  • Nisarga Yoga: The Self Knowledge Teaching of Nisargadatta Maharaj