Monthly Archives: August 2020

True enLIGHTenment -SB

“I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.”
~ Hafiz

“Within you is the light of a thousand suns. Within you is unimaginable beauty.”
~ Robert Adams

“Our self – luminous, open, empty Awareness – cannot be enlightened. It is already the light that illuminates all experience. Nor can a separate self be enlightened, for when the separate self faces the light of Awareness, it vanishes, just as a shadow does when exposed to the sun.”
~ Rupert Spira

”No matter how long the room has been dark, an hour or a million years, the moment the lamp of awareness is lit, the entire room becomes luminous. You are that luminosity. You are that clear light.”
~ Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

“Instead of fighting the darkness, you bring in the light.
You cannot fight against darkness. The light of consciousness is all that is necessary. You are that light.
You are the consciousness that illuminates the world. Know yourself as that, and that’s freedom, liberation, awakening, the end of suffering and madness.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

“Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the worlds.”
~ Rumi

“The world shines because of my light: without me, nothing is. It is in me that thoughts and feelings rise and set. I am their changeless witness. I am the Light of Consciousness in all thoughts and perceptions and the Light of Love in all feelings.”
~ Atmananda Krishna Menon

“There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the heavens, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart.”
~ Chandogya Upanishad

“Whether you worship Christ, Krishna, Kali or Allah, you actually worship the one light that is also in you, since it pervades all things. Everything originates from light, everything in its essence is light.”
~ Anandamayi Ma

“I am the light of the world.
You are the light of the world.”
~ Jesus

Experiencing is seamless awareness -RSpira

All that is known is experiencing and experiencing is not divided into one part (an inside self) that experiences and another part (an outside object, other or world) that is experienced. Experiencing is seamless and intimate, made of Awareness alone. This intimacy, in which there is no room for selves, objects or others, is love itself. It lies at the heart of all experience, completely available under all circumstances.
Rupert Spira

DROP IT !! -RAdams

Just make the statement “drop it!”
and forget about everything.
Do not think what you are thinking.
Do not allow yourself to have those thoughts.
When the thoughts come, when you feel futile say,
“Drop it!”
If you make the statement as an exclamation, just say,
“Drop it!”
Something will happen to you, you will feel a peace, you will feel radiance.
You will feel free.
But don’t do like a mimsy-wimsy and say,
“Drop it”.
(laughter) Say,
“Drop It!”
That means everything can go to hell.
The whole world, the whole universe, everything.
All my problems.
All my fears.
You have dropped it, it’s finished, it’s gone.
It’s like what I did one Thursday night I said,
“Wake up!”
Same thing.
You are dropping all your theories, all of your knowledge, everything.
You drop it and let it go.
But do not analyze it.
Do not think about it.
Do not put it in certain category.

The Ego Keeps You in Bondage
Robert Adams

Why negative experiences? -RAdams

“The reason why so many people are in negative experiences and not become self-realized is due to the fact that they accept their negative experiences. They accept what the senses show them and tell them. They accept the world as it appears as real. They accept their body, whatever it’s going through to be real. How can you become self-realized if you’re doing this?

It is up to each one of you to drop the world from your mind, mentally. Not to make any changes. Some people still believe that if they make positive changes they will be happier. They’ll have more of an opportunity to study, to meditate, to think. Again ●●remember self-realization has absolutely nothing to do with all of these things. It has nothing to do with meditation, nothing to do with thinking, nothing to do with changing to a positive atmosphere. “

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Self-knowledge is freedom from personal self -NM

The reward of Self Knowledge is freedom from the personal self.

Once you say,
“I want to find Truth,”
all your life will be deeply affected by it.
All your mental and physical habits, feelings and emotions, desires and fears, plans and decisions will undergo a most radical transformation.

If you are earnest, whatever way you choose will take you to your goal. It is the earnestness that is the decisive factor. Earnestness is the homing instinct which makes the bird return to its nest and the
fish to the mountain stream where it was born. The seed returns to the earth when the fruit is ripe.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Silence comes with the absence of desire -JK

Silence is not to be cultivated, it is not to be deliberately brought about; it is not to be sought out, thought of, or meditated upon. The deliberate cultivation of silence is as the enjoyment of some longed for pleasure; the desire to silence the mind is but the pursuit of sensation. Such silence is only a form of resistance, an isolation which leads to decay. Silence that is bought is a thing of the market in which there is the noise of activity. Silence comes with the absence of desire. Desire is swift, cunning and deep. Remembrance shuts off the sweep of silence, and a mind that is caught in experience cannot be silent. Time, the movement of yesterday flowing into today and tomorrow, is not silence. With the cessation of this movement there is silence, and only then can that which is unnameable come into being.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Commentaries on Living, Series II

‘Karma’, Chapter 18

What does it really mean? -rjs

This “universe” is a dream state. But very very few people have the slightest inkling what that means. People who live in the dream experience rainbows and earthquakes, sublime scenery and horrific ones. They are all “I” and will never die. But in their dream state, death, taxes and I guess reincarnation are as real as the sleeping dreams they have every night.

DrRobinStarbuck 2017

The book’s and my purpose -rjs

We try to put our revelations into words which heretofore had been but unspeakably amazing patches of sheer knowingness. We offer them for mortal eyes to see and mortal brains to process, knowing full well that the body’s mind cannot comprehend such indescribable effulgence. We can only hope that one more human mind will discover that it was never born into this world for in fact there exists no such world.

Quantum physics’ claim (pronounced by Max Planck and reiterated by Albert Einstein) – that “matter as such does not exist” – not only proves my point … it IS my point. “SO WHAT?” is what this entire book (and my life as such!) is about.

It is my heartfelt desire to be a catalyst for every reader who still gets jammed up from time to time and earnestly yearns to be set free once and for all. This applies at every ‘level’ and domain.

But, alas, the moment we commit our spiritual awakenings to words they cease being of true celestial nature. How to put together a manuscript whose message is far and above human language … that is the onus upon us.


Stepping out of old thinking -rjs

You cannot force yourself to believe anything that doesn’t make sense. The entire task before us is to learn what we already know thoroughly enough that believing it becomes a moot point. When we know that we know that we know it’s absolutely true then we don’t need to worry about whether or not to believe it anymore and we can concentrate on processing and accepting it down deep within our soul.

There are various levels of spiritual apprehension. Some factors that ‘seem’ to weigh heavily are language proficiency, levels of openness, awareness, receptivity and a genuine desire to experience an entirely new way of Life.

ONE, ALL, ‘All-One’, ‘A-U-M’, I AM.
All Holy books declare that God is Life: Lao-Tzu, Christ, Zen, Koran, Buddha, Talmud, etc.

The word “Christ” doesn’t have to be a problem to you at all. You may be coming from a place of pretty much hating the whole construct and I don’t blame you – that’s what religion has done to it. it’s organized religion as well as taking mysticism literally that is so hideously detrimental. You can substitute other words for Christ but you may start to miss out on the real intended message that cannot – I repeat cannot – be found in any – I repeat any – religion! You could think of CCC when you think of Christ: Corrected Christ Concept. Once you step out of the body-mind, there is no “into.” Step out equals awaken: it’s the same thing. And Christ = the universal begotten Son = all of us, since forever.

SATTORI (Jap) Zen. The Word. The whole secret. Enlightenment. When your human consciousness which wasn’t spiritually enlightened becomes illumined, that’s SATTORI. You always had it but now you are fully aware and free.

When you’ve been engrossed in many issues in the world as we all seem to need to be and you realize you haven’t been thinking in terms of Spirit, Christ, Soul, God, Self, then you do need to step out. Whether the image of ‘stepping out’ is helpful to you or not is entirely up to you. I belabored it for some time and then I realized that “step out” equals “awaken”! – it was just that instantaneous! But when I was swimming in the mesmerism and hypnotism of the world it seemed as though I needed to make a conscious and conscientious effort to step out of all the stuff that I was knee-deep in. The moment I just simply mentally stepped out, I became fully awake!

DrRobinStarbuck 2017

To be self-realized all you have to do is to wake up -RAdams

“You do not have to be with a group of enlightened beings to become self-realized. You do not have to be in a monastery, on a mountain top in a cave or anywhere else to become self-realized. Due to the fact that you’re already self-realized. You are already free. You are already bright and shining. What you do have to do is leave everything alone.

You have to stop being concerned about person, place or thing, about who is right or wrong and what is going on in your life. As far as your life is concerned these things have absolutely nothing to do with it. In other words you may be a thief and be self-realized. It’s a very strange understanding but it’s true. To be self-realized all you have to do is to wake up, no matter what position you’re in.”

Robert Adams