Monthly Archives: August 2020
Don’t do battle, let it hit up against you -JSG
Dissolve appearances
You have got to learn that whether it’s unemployment, or insanity, or cancer, or consumption, don’t treat those as conditions, treat them as appearances, or suggestions, and then let them hit up against your mind that is imbued with truth, and you’ll start to do healing work even before you are reborn. But your rebirth will come about more quickly, and the more you can hold to the truth, and let these appearances hit up against it without doing battle with them. Don’t you do battle with the appearances! You let the appearances hit up against your mind that is imbued with truth; the appearances will dissolve.
Joel S Goldsmith
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D.: What is to be done by us for ameliorating the condition of the world?
M.: If you remain free from pain, there will be no pain anywhere. The trouble now is due to your seeing the world externally and also thinking that there is pain there. But both the world and the pain are within you. If you look within there will be no pain.
D.: God is perfect. Why did He create the world imperfect? The work shares the nature of the author. But here it is not so.
M.: Who is it that raises the question?
D.: I – the individual.
M.: Are you apart from God that you ask this question?
So long as you consider yourself the body you see the world as external. The imperfections appear to you. God is perfection. His work also is perfection. But you see it as imperfection because of your wrong identification.
D.: Why did the Self manifest as this miserable world?
M.: In order that you might seek it. Your eyes cannot see themselves. Place a mirror before them and they see themselves. Similarly with the creation. “See yourself first and then see the whole world as the Self.”
D.: So it amounts to this – that I should always look within.
M.: Yes.
D.: Should I not see the world at all?
M.: You are not instructed to shut your eyes from the world. You are only to “see yourself first and then see the whole world as the Self”. If you consider yourself as the body the world appears to be external. If you are the Self the world appears as Brahman.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, 272.
Man-created God -TNH
It is said that God has created man in his own image. But it may be that humankind has created God in the image of humankind.
Thích Nhất Hạnh

Attainment is easy -GITA
O Arjuna,
the Yogi who is established in Me,
with his mind constantly fixed on Me, continually remembering Me,
can easily attain me.
Bhagvad Gita
Chapter 8, Shloka 14

Disallow your conditioning! -RAdams
You were not born to have bad experiences in your life. You were not born to have negative conditions in your life, so-to-speak. You were born to be happy. Yet you allow the conditionings of the world to affect you. You allow your bodily condition to affect you. What the newspapers tell you, what the TV tells you, you respond to these things.
This is the only reason that you’re not enlightened, so-to-speak. For you have allowed exterior conditions, external conditions to make up your mind how things are. Things are things and that’s it. They’re not good, they’re not bad.
Robert Adams
Quantum Physics at its finest
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In English, which is an atonal language,… different ideograms are written and pronounced the same way. For example, there are over eighty different “Wu”s in Chinese, all of which are spelled and pronounced the same way in English. Al Huang has taken five of these “Wu”s, each of which, when combined with “Li,”produces a different “Wu Li,” each with the same English spelling, and each pronounced (in English) “Woo Lee.” The first Wu Li means “Patterns of Organic Energy.”This is the Chinese way of saying “physics.” (Wu means “matter”or “energy”). The second Wu Li means “My Way.” (Wu means “mine”or “self.”) The third Wu Li means “Nonsense.”(Wu means “void”or “nonbeing.”) The fourth Wu Li means “I Clutch My Ideas.”(Wu means “to make a fist”or “clutch with a closed hand.”) The fifth Wu Li means “Enlightenment.”(Wu means “enlightenment”or “my heart/ my mind.”) If we were to stand behind a master weaver as he begins to work his loom, we would see, at first, not cloth, but a multitude of brightly colored threads from which he picks and chooses with his expert eye, and feeds into the moving shuttle. As we continue to watch, the threads blend one into the other, a fabric appears, and on the fabric, behold! A pattern emerges. In a similar manner, Al Huang has created a beautiful tapestry from his own epistemological loom:PHYSICS = WU LI
Wu Li = Patterns of Organic Energy
Wu Li = My Way
Wu Li = Nonsense
Wu Li = I Clutch My Ideas
Wu Li = Enlightenment
Gary Zukav
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
An Overview of the New Physics
Yoga meditation: The body is a localisation of consciousness -RSpira
Become aware of your body as an infant with no experience, no memory, no thinking whatsoever.
Your true body is this luminous empty awareness.
We’re not manipulating our experience we’re simply contemplating it. Now cease contemplating or visualizing anything and just let experience be as it is.
The emptiness of preferences -Adyashanti
Moment by moment preferences don’t mean anything – No attachment.
Realize the now is not work but play! AW
“This is the real secret of life – to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
~ Alan Watts