Monthly Archives: August 2020
Atman = self not subject to death -SS
Sat = Self, Existence, pure being. You are are existence itself. Krishna says that in the Baghavad Gita, 16th verse. Everything that is not me doesn’t exist. It borrows existence from Atman or Brahman (pure existence). We experience it as not-self. It’s only an appearance. You are eternal and indestructible. The snake is the appearance of the rope. All is Brahman. Chit = awareness. Ananda = Self??? Consciousness??? Consciousness and its objects is all that there is. Chit and Sat = CONSCIOUSNESS AND AWARENESS. AWARENESS DOES NOT CHANGE. You are Sat Chit = pure being and pure awareness.
The Awareness, Atman is also all-pervading. Self-luminous. Rama Krishna is reincarnation of God. Authored Baghavad Gita. Soul = Atman = eternal. This chair, bench, doesn’t exist but I exist. I have intrinsic existence. Karma = cause & effect. Atman, though, is ever free. Know that! With body and mind, đo what must be done. You are the WITNESS. You’ll avoid laws of karma.
- This ATMAN. I am. I am immortal. The subtle body gets embodied with the birth of the physical body. I am not born with the body and I do not die with the body. I am indestructible.
- I am the reality of this universe. Everything apart from me, the Atman, is an appearance.
- The absolute nature of this ATMAN pervades the entire world of appearance just as the dream mind pervades the entirety of your dream world You the consciousness, you pure being, pervade this world = This world borrows its existence from you. You pervade everything and everyone! There’s no one to criticize or to blame.
- The atman is not an object of the senses. It is not a thing out there. It’s not even a thing in your mind. In here and out there Both of them are appearing in you the atman. Atman is not an object so do not objectify it. You are the light. You, shining, all else shines with you. By your light, consciousness, everything is lit up. It’s not poetry it is literal.
- You are free of karma but you have to recognize it. Whatever happens on the screen whatever is in the movie the screen is free of the plot. Not only is the screen free of it but The screen is what enables it to happen. You are the atman. You are free from samsara but you are what is making it happen.
You should take this very seriously this is the essence of all religions in the world. This is the teaching of Vedanta. Each soul is potentially atman. Why potentially? Because we have not manifested or realized it yet. The goal of life Is to realize this divinity in us and to manifest it in our daily life. That means to live it by becoming – without trying – a saint in your life. Our lives will transform very quickly. Great relief will come. Great light ness comes upon us and our fear of death diminishes. OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI SRI RAMA KRISHNA.
The Nature of Consciousness -RSpira
Panpsychism, all is conscious, is an error -RSpira
A step in the right direction because it recognizes the allness of consciousness, but it is an error. Neither the body nor the mind have consciousness. Consciousness is. Consciousness has the body if it once to indulge in manifestation of form but the body does not have consciousness nor does any form of matter from the molecule on up or down. Also solipcism.
Best explanation of seeming evil but perfect God -RSpira
When perfect consciousness chooses to manifest itself it may forget its own innate perfection and assume a localized form. All it needs to remedy any problem is to remember what it really is, that is the ever presence and all this of God, of perfect consciousness.
You are the world – Francis Lucille -FL
Problems aren’t problems anymore -JSG
Mental healing vs spiritual healing -rjs
When one person endeavors to heal another by convincing them that they are perfect and that THEY KNOW IT, this is healing by mental suggestion. The danger in this inferior method is that it’s employing the use of the human mind to contact another human mind to effect a change. Who’s to say the motive is entirely pure here?
There is no battle to be waged between two perceived powers. Spiritual healing is of God alone and entails opening up to His perfect realm of Spirit and realizing that this is the realm of the real.
In other words, it’s not YOUR “GETTING IT” that healed you: it’s still God that did the healing. Your role was merely to apply the principles which included understanding spiritual healing.
Dr. Robin Starbuck 2017
No EVENT whatsoever = No more searching -RSpira
You’re still expecting something to happen, right? You still think enlightenment is some marvelous event. Something! That’s the problem. Enlightenment is not an event. Even calling it a shift is not correct. It is simply not an event of any sort. Watching TV, you’re seeing the same screen whether blank or landscape. Due to our fascination with the world drama we seemed to lose the screen but it’s still there. We think we have to go off looking for it all over the world when it’s right here!