Monthly Archives: August 2020

Move over Rupert, here’s Papaji’s Awareness -RSpira

Q. What is true awareness?

There is the awareness which is aware of objects like flowers. ●●True Awareness is the awareness which is aware of the awareness of objects. It is the undisturbed simple awareness in which things rise and fall.

There is an Awareness beyond the awareness of objects and events.
●●You are That Awareness in which the awareness of objects stays.

●●This Awareness has no name and when you try to give it a name the trouble arises. You are nameless and formless; you can’t see anything. Know “I am nameless and formless,” and that “I am aware of my own Self.” The ●●pure Consciousness will pull you back, it is not that you will enter into it.
●●When you enter into it, it is ego entering, but when It pulls you It has made the choice to take you Home. This happens somehow and we can’t know why. Very rare beings are picked up by Consciousness. ●●Once drawn in that man’s travels are over!
~ Papaji

●●mine, rjs

Who ya gonna bless? -rjs

Reading lovely words and
Saying “How beautiful!”
Doesn’t put you
Where you need to be.
Viewing your fellow man
As less than you in any way
Sells YOU short!!!

You got a new revelation
And another, and another
Now who are you going to bless?
Not instruct, not correct
Just bless?

Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence -rjs

He, She, It is present
There’s not that particular time
Or place where He is/was not.
He’s within you and
He’s everywhere you go.

Healing happens
As we recognize
God is the only power there is
Right in the face of illusion:
No other power can threaten
Us in any way.

He, She, It knows all there is/was
To know:
I AM =
To the exclusion of all else.

Dr. Robin Starbuck, 2017

Existence-Consciousness-Bliss -RAdams

Spiritual life means a letting go, a giving up, a release of all the things that have turned you on up till now. All the things that seem important to you, good, bad, in-between and mentally letting go. For it doesn’t matter whether you live in a palace or a hut, whether you have a million dollars or five cents, whether you’re dying of cancer or you’re healthy as a horse, it shouldn’t make any difference.

For after all to whom does this happen? Not to you, but to I. It is the I-thought that experiences all these things, you don’t. You are totally free. Yes you are. You are totally free, absolute reality. Your nature is sat-chit-ananda [existence-consciousness-bliss]. You are nirvana the ultimate oneness. There is absolutely nothing you have to do to attain this state. You don’t have to even wake up.

Many times I tell you to wake up because I’m using words. But in reality to wake up means that someone was asleep. Who is there that sleeps? Who is there that is disillusioned, ignorant? Is there one who is [really] ignorant? There is no ignorance.

Robert Adams, American Advaita mystic

Kill not the messenger -rjs


When very much younger
There were some truths knew
Were true as the day is long
However freely chose to
Tell them “Later Baby,
Got some living to do!”

But the notion never occurred
To flat-out deny spiritual Truth
And put those who chose the
Less-traveled-by Road
In a less-than courageous light.

“Knew” that Divine Truth was
A thing of infinitude
Knew approaching powerful Facts
In steps and stages until could
See the tunnel as purely illusory.

Yes part of me always knew
There was so much more
To be gleaned than
What my little mind could absorb.

Very pleased with that conviction
And realization that most probably
When deep scientific and spiritual truths
Come together harmoniously in
Human thought, my own was
Not standing in the way.

Robin Starbuck 8/14/18

Pride is a troublesome word -rjs

is a troublesome word, sometimes good, usually bad. When it’s bad, it’s like a cancer eating up its victim from the inside.
Everything they do is marred by extreme selfishness, gross insecurity and total absence of love. They’re never able to feel satisfied as they’ve signed on to a lifelong quest of proving their superiority and are shattered every time anyone emerges with more talent in any area.
These victims are profoundly lonely and often terrified. They can never find contentment, happiness or abiding companionship. The world calls them winners as they bask in their short-lived hollow victories.
Sometimes such people channel their passions and become world leaders – usually autocrats – while others live a quiet life, much akin to a silent scream. If you or anyone you know is beset with this tormenting malady, there is hope if you want it (most don’t).

Read everything in the literature about the Oneness of God, everything you can get your hands on about “I AM” and of course whatever you can find on the topic of healing. A breathtakingly gorgeous transformation is about to take place.

Dr. Robin Starbuck, 8/7/17

When God falls asleep, She dreams the world into existence -RSpira

As it says in the Bhagavad Gita, ‘That which is day for the many is night for the one, and that which is night for the many is day for the one.’ When mind is awake or active, consciousness is asleep to its own nature, assuming the form of the finite mind in order to manifest a part of its infinite poten­tial, that is, to bring the world into apparent existence. When consciousness wakes up to itself and recognises its own infinite being, the mind dissolves or sleeps’, and as a result, consciousness folds the world up again within it­self. There is consciousness knowing its own infinite being, or consciousness veiling itself with its own creativity and appearing as mind.

It is in this context that the world is said to be ‘the forgetting of the self’ or a dream in God’s mind’. When God falls asleep, She dreams the world into existence.

~ Rupert Spira


page 115

Satsang is being, being with Self -RAdams

Always try to remember that satsang is not a lecture. Satsang is being. Being with
the Self. The reality of all existence. It has absolutely nothing to do with a sermon or a talk.

Just by being you can overcome all your problems and become the real person you are.
Just being.
Not being here, or being there, just being. Being yourself. Satsang is being.

What do you think you are, when I say being?
Do you identify with birth, with existence, going through life, hurrying, scurrying, trying to make things happen, trying to overcome your so called problems, searching for a better life. You’re doing the wrong thing. What you should be doing is letting go of everything you’ve ever believed, perceived, conceptualized. Becoming like a little child. Watching the world and not reacting to it. Observing and inquiring,
“Who is the observer?”
Never coming to any conclusion.
No beginning, no end. Not comparing, not analyzing, not judging, just being.

When you are just being, you are the Self. When you are being this and being that,
you are your humanhood. When you are your humanhood you identify with the world and you go through the vicissitudes of life, having problems, trying to solve them, having opinions, being judgmental, concerning yourself with what others say or what others do.

As long as you’re doing these things you can never really know what spiritual life is.
Spiritual life is being empty, totally empty. No opinions, no beliefs. It is only when
you become empty that you become fulfilled. You’re not trying to add on new knowledge to what you already have. You’re not trying to learn some mystical way of becoming self-realized. You’re not really trying to do anything to find liberation. You’re merely letting go of everything you’ve ever had.

If something is bothering you or annoying you during the day, during the night, no matter how justified you may feel, you have the problem. It makes no difference what anybody else is doing. As long as you feel hurt, as long as you feel slighted, as long as you feel doubtful, apprehensive, you must realize it’s the me, the personal I, that feels this way.

People ask me, “What is the reason, what is the purpose of becoming liberated?
Why can’t I just live a hedonistic existence, enjoying everything on this earth. Why should I become liberated?” That’s an interesting question. There’s really no answer, for you have to feel something in your own heart to cause a change to come upon you. You shouldn’t believe anything I say. I can only confess my own experience. I share my life with you. Yet that’s my experience. What is your experience? What are you going through?

Trying to become something is the first mistake you make.
Trying to overcome your problems is the second mistake you make.
Even trying to understand reality is a mistake.
The only thing left to do is to let go of everything else you’ve got, your fears, your
frustrations, your concepts, your ideas, your ego. Everything must be given up. There is absolutely nothing to gain. There is absolutely nothing to gain due to the fact that you are that already.

Wherever you go in the world, whatever teacher you may fall upon, whatever book you may read, whatever teaching you may discover, is really to no avail, until you
decide to give up everything you’re holding on to, and that hurts. Yet that’s exactly what you have to do. You have to give up your so called pleasures. Say your pleasures are drinking, smoking pot, doing all those good things. All those things are doing for you is making you a little high. And as you know when you come out of it, you feel worse thanyou’ve ever felt.

Now you have to give up also your love for trees, for flowers, for life itself, due to the fact, that whatever you hold onto keeps you earthbound. When you think about liberation, moksha, freedom, bliss, absolute reality, this is your state, beyond your addictions. As long as you’re doing things to make a better life for yourself in the world, you can never know reality.
Yet you may ask, and rightly so, “You mean I shouldn’t care about my job, my family, my love for flowers or for mountains or for rivers? I shouldn’t care for any of these things?” Mentally, you shouldn’t. Your body will continue to do what it does and will feel better doing it. Everything is given up mentally. When everything is given up mentally, your vasanas, your habits, the things that have held onto you for so long, will automatically break loose, and you will find freedom.

~ Robert Adams Satsangs
Transcript 84, Just Being

Don’t listen to any of your thoughts -RAdams

Do not allow your thoughts to become greater than you. No matter what your thoughts tell you, don’t listen. Remember your thoughts are not your friend. Your thoughts try to confound you, confuse you. And they will tell you all kinds of things. Do not listen to your thoughts, even your good thoughts. Transcend everything, go beyond your thoughts to your bliss, to your joy and to your happiness.

Robert Adams